Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 2003, Page 4, Image 16

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    Candidate Statements
Note: This is not the order that candidates will appear on the ballot
President and
Vice President
The President may run with a designated Vice
President, or may run alone. S/he is elected for
a one-year temi from the student body at large.
The President’s current stipend is $700/month
or work-study; the Vice President’s current
stipend is $700/month or work-study. Both
work at least 30 hours per week for 12 months.
The ASUO Executive is the recognized voice of
IJO students, and administers over 115 funded
ASUO programs. The ASUO President is the
chief officer of the Executive, which includes a
Vice President and the offices of Fundraising,
Programs, Elections, Finance, Multicultural
Affairs, International Affairs, Non-Traditional
Student Affairs, University Affairs, Federal
Affairs, State Affairs, Greek Affairs, Community
Affairs, Publicity, and Comptrollers. Staff
members are hired by the President’s hiring
committee after s/he is elected. The Executive
may undertake many projects according to the
President’s wishes. These projects may include
symposiums, street fairs, forums and debates,
political fairs, voter registration drives, work
with the Oregon Student Association and the
United States Student Association, and much
Maddy Melton and
Eddy Morales
It’s all about ME working 4
We’re Maddy and Eddy and
we’re the current Multicultural
Advocates in the ASUO.
It’s all about OUR PLAT
FORM working 4 you!
Student Empowerment—
Placing students in decision
making bodies.
Fair Housing Contract—
Creating better and safer living
options for students support
International Student Issues
Fostering a campus climate that
addresses International Student
Law and Graduate Student
Advocacy—Forming stronger
ties with post-undergraduate
It’s all about EXPERIENCE
working 4 you!
M’s experience: Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, Queer
Alliance Co-Director, OSSERA
Board Chair, Working Class Vice
Chair, United State Students
Association, National Youth Vote
Intern, Electoral Action Trainer,
United States Students
Association, Multicultural
Center Board
E’s experience: Co-Director
of MEChA, Multicultural Center
Staff, Programs Finance
Committee Senate Seat #3,
Oregon Students of Color
Coalition, Multicultural Center
It’s all about YOU getting ME
Don’t forget to vote Maddy
and Eddy for ASUO Executive
Emperor Jones, Leader
of Destiny, Hope for
You people, the students of
this university, are some of the
most worthless, stinking scum
that has ever befouled the
earth...it’s not all your, fault.
Frankly, your parents have to
assume some responsibility for
allowing you to live past infan
cy. What we need is a leader, not
another over-rated figurehead
to pretend to be in control, but
a real leader; someone who has
the power to restore the
University of Oregon to its for
mer glory. Someone who is
not afraid to completely control
the lives of everyone for their
own good. We need Emperor
Jeremy L. Jones: Leader of
Destiny, Hope for Mankind.
Under the glorious reign of
Emperor Jones, we can reclaim
the lost glory of the University
of Oregon. We will start with
the reacquisition of Oregon
State University. Historically,
OSU is a part of the U of O, and
was taken from us. It is time
that OSU return to its rightful
owners, the students of the U of
O. We will reclaim our lost
glory at home by limiting the
pesky free speech and free
expression that caused us to
lose what our glory. Trust me,
it’s better if you don’t think for
Some may claim that
Emperor Jones is trying to cre
ate an evil totalitarian regime
bent on world domination. This
is true, but it is the evil totalitar
ian regime of the future!
Vote Emperor Jeremy Jones:
Leader of Destiny, Hope for
Mankind for ASUO president.
For more information go to
http ://gladstone. uoregon. edu/~ j
Jarrett White and
Gregory McNeill
The University of Oregon
cannot progress without the
election of Jarrett and Greg. It
will only stagnate. In previous
years, the ASUO has been con
trolled by the same people who
are insiders. This is very detri
mental to the students of this
institution. This has allowed
bias and corruption to be the
cornerstone of our government.
Jarrett and Greg represent a
new age in ASUO government.
We will not allow groups to
exploit students through our
incidental fee. OSPIRG is a
prime example of this. By tak
ing our money off campus, they
are not representing students.
Their budget is vague, and unac
countable. As executives, we
will do everything in our power
to ensure accountable and hon
est funding to OSPIRG, and all
student groups.
Historically, ASUO candidates
have proclaimed diversity
through increase minority rep
resentation. While we feel that
is important, it does not go far
enough. We propose a stu
dents’ bill of rights.This has
been adopted at other universi
ties around the country and
protects all groups and all stu
dents’ rights. Why shouldn’t the
U of O have it too?
The stakes are high. Do we
want to continue with the same
old thing? What has ASUO done
for you the students? Don’t let
ASUO insiders continue the
same tactics of taking your
money and giving nothing
back. Stop ASUO corruption
and start a new era of trust and
accountability. All it takes is
your vote for Jarrett and Greg.
Christa Shively and
Greg Min Bae
Christa Shively
Year: Senior
Majors: History, Women &
Gender Studies
Hometown: Beaverton, OR
Experience :ASUO Community
Outreach Director, ASPAC, EMU
Board Chair (3 yrs.)
Greg Bae
Year: Senior
Majors: Political Science,
Mathematics, Ecomonics
Hometown: Beaverton, OR
Experience: Programs Director,
Multicultural Center; Treasurer,
Delta Sigma Phi and APASU;
Board member, OSPIRG
We have had a very positive
experience at the University of
Oregon, both scholastically and
in our extracurricular activities.
After four years of involvement
in a variety of areas, we want to
give back to the University
which has given us so much.
We recognize the importance
and responsibility of represent
ing the voices of all students
and would be honored to do
Based on our broad perspec
tive and background, we intend
to pursue the following initia
Maintaining access to higher
• Continuing to lobby for stu
dents at the state and federal
level to replenish need-based
• Partnering with University
administration to make tuition
and fee increases reasonable
and more understandable to
Fostering better communication
and collaboration amongst stu
• Establishing a new position to
assist student groups in event
planning and promotion
• Continuing to promote the
Leadership Development
Improving Campus Life
• Working to implement a uni
versal food point system
between Housing and the
• Continuing to push for a
housing code
• Helping to ensure the security
and fair treatment of interna
tional students and faculty
We will work to maintain the
excellence of the UO.
John Drake and
Joe Boyd
The role of ASUO Executive
is to be the voice of the stu
dents. Hearing your wishes and
projecting them as your repre
sentatives will be our primary
focus. Working directly with
students and student govern
ment will accomplish the goals
of the student body.
Administering more than 115
ASUO programs, we will strive
to manage these effectively and
creatively. Knowing the needs
of each group are constantly
changing, we will be the medi
um of reason and compromise
to ensure that each group is sat
If elected as your President
and Vice President, we will
work alongside the ASUO
Senate and student groups to
convey your message and make
this a successful office. We will
come into our position with
fresh ideas and interests to
make a change. We are driven,
dedicated, and enthusiastic to
fulfill our role. Vote for John
Drake and Joe Boyd.
Pierre Spence and
Jack Mantel
No Statement
PFC seat 1
The ASUO Programs Finance Committee is
composed of seven members including two
Finance Senators serving two year terms, two
members elected at-large for two year terms,
one Finance Senator serving a one year term,
one member appointed by the ASUO President
for a one year term, and one appointed by the
ASUO Programs Council for a one year term.
The chair of the ASUO Programs Finance
Committee is chosen from its elected members.
From about January through March, this com
mittee meets 2-3 times per week. Members
work 15-20 hours per week during this time
and at least 10 hours per week the remainder of
the school year. Senate members of this com
mittee receive a stipend of $ 175/month for five
months in addition to their senate stipend. The
stipend for the at-large positions is also
$ 175/month. The ASUO Programs Finance
Committee hears line item budgets from over
119 ASUO programs (e.g. MEChA, Legal
Services, etc) and recommends a lump sum
budget to the Student Senate for their approval.
Damion Meany
There are many issues affect
ing the quality of education and
student life at the University of
Oregon. These issues deserve
the consideration of the admin
istration, and you, the student,
need a vessel to deliver your
concerns. Personally, I am con
cerned that this institution is
becoming more a sports and
research business than an insti
tute of learning. It is a student
senator’s duty to convey a bru
tally honest picture of student
life to the administration, and if
elected I intend to do just that.
I encourage any and all mem
bers of the student body to con
tact me and tell me the impor
tant issues concerning your
educational experience.
As for my goals for the
Programs Finance Committee, I
believe we should invest stu
dent monies in programs that
directly benefit the student
body. After researching PFC
records, I have uncovered a dis
turbing pattern. Relatively low
budget student organizations
that offer students direct sup
port in their daily lives do not
receive the cooperation and
assistance I think they deserve.
Interestingly, programs that
drain a much larger proportion
of student monies and offer less
immediate benefit to the stu
dents are treated differently.
I intend to support the clubs
Vote by DUCKWEB duckweb.uoregon.edu * Vote by DUCKWEB duckweb.uoregon.edu
paid for by ASUO Elections