Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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UO Bookstore Board of Directors
Wednesday, April 16
3:30 p.m. EMU Fir Room
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Candidates seek
EMU Board seat
Candidates cite budget
allocation as an important
part of the contested position
John B. Dudrey
Freelance Reporter
The EMU Board is a 15-member
committee comprised of students,
faculty and EMU staff. The board is
responsible for allocating $5 million
to student programs and service ar
eas, as well as managing the 200,000
square feet of the EMU.
EMU Board representatives are
elected to two-year terms. When a
representative leaves office early
(often because of graduation), a fill
in is elected to serve out the re
mainder of the term. Students have
three choices to fill the two-year
midterm EMU position — the only
other open position is uncontested.
Candidates for the midterm fill-in
position are Omid Kianersi, Slade
Leeson and Josh Rapp.
The Emerald
asked each can
didate two gen
eral questions
about his
prospective of
fice: What does
the EMU Board
do and why is it
what is the
most important
issue facing
EMU programs
and the EMU itself?
Kianersi is junior psychology
major from Agoura Hills, Calif. He
is a member of the Sigma Chi fra
ternity and serves as the chapter’s
risk manager.
Q: What does the EMU Board do
and why is it important?
Kianersi: I’m not too familiar
with the position, the details of the
position, but from what I under
stand it’s important in regulating
the administrative aspects of the
EMU. I believe there’s a finance
committee, and they just work
hand in hand to ensure the smooth
operation of the EMU.
Q: What is the most important is
sue facing EMU programs and the
EMU itself?
Kianersi: I don’t see that there is a
tremendous issue at hand immedi
ately, but there’s always room for im
provement. I’m a firm believer in ef
ficiently organizing any sort of
administrative (activity). There’s
nothing in a state of disrepair or any
thing like that. There’s obviously
room for improvement, but I don’t
see any one key issue that looms
larger than the rest.
Leeson, 19, is a freshman from
Portland. He is currently undeclared.
Q: What does the EMU Board do
and why is it important?
Leeson: They oversee how the
EMU operates, but I think the most
important thing they do is assign all
the student fees. Really, I think
they’ve done a pretty good job of it.
The biggest problem is there’s less
money to go around now, and so
they have to assign it in a way that
helps all the students. I guess I’m
not so much concerned with keep
ing student fees small as I am with
making sure they maintain all the
services people want. If we have to
have more student fees, then OK, I
guess that’s what you’ve got to do.
Q: What is the most important is
sue facing EMU programs and the
EMU itself?
Leeson: I would have to say it’s
what we talked about — making
sure the money is distributed even
ly. I think we also ought to pursue
outside revenue-generating possi
bilities, like — it was talked about
a while back —
rental should
be expanded to
include the
general public.
Rapp is a jun
ior studying po
litical science.
The Medford
native is also
active with the
ROTC program
on campus.
Q: What does
the EMU board do and why is it im
Rapp: The EMU Board, what it
does is, it makes decisions regarding
general policy and long-term plans
for the EMU and allocates funds from
a multimillion dollar budget and
does things like designating office
space to various student groups on
Q: What is the most important
issue facing EMU programs and the
EMU itself?
Rapp: One problem, for example,
that I see, is that there’s a significant
number of stu
dent groups
who would like
to have office
space in the
EMU, and that
space is just not
available, so it’s
pretty competi
tive and a lot of
groups are kept
out and kind of
put at a disad
vantage be
cause that space is not available for
them to have an office in the EMU.
John B. Dudrey is a freelance writer
for the Emerald.
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