Commentary Bush military endeavors prompt prayer Guest commentary The drums of war have ceased and the sounds of fury are being un leashed as Iraq’s population of 24 mil lion braces for the bombs and bullets, the strikes of light seen in the dark sky igniting the immediate fears and future hopes of a people well accus tomed to suffering and pain. We’ve spent the past few months reading hundreds of articles and stud ies filled with cogent arguments against this war, against the “Bush Doctrine,” and we, like millions of Americans, remain adamantly op posed to this war. The administration can abrogate multilateral treaties, con spire to take away the “relevance” of the United Nations and pursue a mad dening policy of pre-emption, but it cannot escape its own arrogance and injustice. Facing the realization of the administration’s decision, our argu ments now turn to prayer: We pray that as President George W. Bush offers his own prayers he is able to discern his own feelings and emotions from the voice, direction and love that God gives to all who call upon his name. We pray that our leaders will no longer arm with weapons of mass de struction and lend legitimacy to per nicious dictators such as Saddam Hussein in the name of fighting any war, whether it is against “Commu nism” or “terrorism.” We pray that in this war, unlike the past Gulf War, our military leaders will ensure the safety of our troops as they go into the theater of battle, rather than wantonly expose them to harmful substances only to deny their syndrome upon their return. We pray that out of this contempt for humanity and out of the deaths of civil ians in Iraqi cities will come peace and an escape from the legacy of an initial U.S.-sponsored dictatorship and even tual sanctioning of an entire people. We pray that our leaders will not forget the disorder leading to two deadly world wars and will return to supporting a truly collective security to ensure the maintenance of peace. We pray that America uses its overwhelming military power to pur sue just interventions where human ity has failed to stop the scourge of hate and violence, rather than pre emptive unilateral aggression. Lastly, we pray for comfort and peace for the relatives and casualties from both sides of this conflict. Kathryn Kinports and Jessica Lurie are University students. Mikael Lurie lives in Eugene. Fresh outlook eases Republican woes Guest commentary Dear conservatives, Stop shooting yourselves in the foot. A majority of the heartburn ex perienced amongst our ranks is be cause of our own political perspec tive. I suggest that we attempt to gain a different outlook on certain issues in order to ease our suffering, as it were, and possibly promote some sort of harmony between us and “them.” To assist your understand ing of what I mean, here are two ex amples of how you can turn the issue to your favor. Abortion Here’s a hot political topic, and I’d venture to say most conservatives take a fairly strong stance against abortion. My friends, this needn’t be the case. All you need to do is look at abortion in a different light, and I am confident you may learn to accept, even advocate it. To begin with, abortion helps slow, if only slightly, an out-of-control population explo sion. That can’t be a bad thing. Sec ond, abortion saves us money. That’s right, money that we might other wise be forced to give up to promis cuous and irresponsible single moms through some kind of welfare pro gram. And speaking of promiscuous, irresponsible moms, do we really want them reproducing? I don’t! Why take the chance that they might pass on their loose morals to another generation? Let’s help nip this problem in the bud. So, to all you pro-abortion liberals out there: I’m behind you 100 percent, and I’d be happy to march with you any day of the week. And to all you ladies, I say, “Abort away!” Tree-hugging hippies I don’t know how many times I've cursed my television for broadcast ing news about tree-sitters and their attempts to stop people from cutting down trees — their own trees! How arrogant and stupid these hippies are to think that they have a right to trespass on someone else’s land in an effort to “save” a single tree from be coming a textbook. Anyhow, I should have said that this used to anger me, but not anymore. Why? Well, I’ll tell you. It occurred to me that every time another hippie had planted him or herself in a tree, it meant that there was one less patchouli-wearing pot-smoker in town, and folks, that’s a good thing. The fewer of these people I have to encounter on a daily basis, the bet ter. Also, if said hippie is sitting in a tree, that means he or she is not in volved in another dope-smoking march to City Hall. Hell, we could put an end to these marches today if only more tree-huggers were truly dedicated to the cause. So, I encour age each and every tree-hugging, dirt-munching pixie out there to find a tree, get in it and stick with that bad boy. For years, if necessary! You must be vigilant and dedicated, and you have my full support! There you have it, friends. By now I’m sure you’re catching on and have figured out how easy it is to become heartburn-free. A little shift in our perspectives will yield great results. We conservatives need not battle the liberals, we must support them and their self-destructive ways. Start lay ing the foundation for a Republican future today, one in which you and yours will be the sole beneficiaries of your hard work. Josef Dieckman is a junior history major. ^tesbess * Most adyancod haspital sterilization methods used Knawtadgaatie staff who work with you from start to finish hy sizing jewelry and dataing aftercare Consultations aroiridad tor minors and first nnrcims iD$(i7t6 Std^: « Jilt to attend the Classified Staff Appreciation Brunch * Tuesday, April 8,2003 10:00 am -11:30 am, EMU Ballroln DailFrohnmayer, the 00 Vice-Presidents § and Chris Lonigan will be present ** for a lively Q & A session. to (hyce 6-6001 Sir vM tewed. Jtwc "uMic luTttea (fad. jk ClassifietAaff Training 0 ^ - Department Advisory Committee UNIVTOStTY OF OREGON Ip Upp/ "Convenience with Style" 609 E. 13th • (2 blocks from UO) • 484-3143 • Hrs: M-F 9-8/Sat. 9-7 I 'M'S" -- * f 0/ Vft ' ssSfVfirSsfS O ' 7,'VV -ys/r Precision Cuts gggpi Of IANNINQ haircut 609 E. 13th • (2 blocks from UO) • 484-3143 Hrs: M-F 9-8/Sat. 9-7 The HotBody Club is putting on a show for the Ladies... An Exotic