Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 2003, Page 16, Image 16

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MOIM-SAT 9-8 • SUN 10-5
125 West 11th Avenue • DOWNTOWN EUGENE • 342-8666
Campus buzz
Outdoor school orientation (meeting),
3-5 p.m., 240A McKenzie, free.
CCTTS Conference (conference), 9 a.m.
6:30 p.m., Gerlinger Lounge, free.
"A Little Knight Music Concert Series:
The Cascade ReedTrio" (concert), 4:30
6:30 p.m., Knight Library Browsing
Room, free, 346-1930.
"Chicano Explosion" (performance), 6
11 p.m., EMU Fir Room, free.
Oregon Ballroom Dance (dress-up or
casual dance), 7:30-11:30 p.m., 220 Ger
linger Hall, $5 general public, $4 stu
dents and University faculty, 346-6025.
Flutist Laura Barron (guest artist recital),
8 p.m., Beall Hall, $7 general public, $4
students and senior citizens, 346-5678.
continued from page 1
“Mary was a really positive, en
joyable person. She was very in
telligent. She loved sunflowers
and fruit smoothies,” Clasen
Gopely said.
Schieffer was an active tennis
player and a member of the Unit
ed States Tennis Association. Af
ter enrolling in a tennis course
during the spring of 2002, she be
gan experiencing upper leg pain
from what she believed to be a
sport-related injury. During the
summer, doctors discovered the
tumor had returned. Schieffer
went into treatment and was un
able to return to the University for
fall term. Kelly Ochoco, a gradu
ate teaching fellow who taught
Schieffer’s Writing 121 class, said
this was frustrating for Schieffer.
“She wanted to go to college so
much and it was hard for her to ac
cept not being able to go,” said
Ochoco. “It was important for her
to come back.”
Glasen-Gopely remembered
Schieffer as being interested in his
tory and talking about one day be
coming a history professor. One of
the things Glasen-Gopely recalls
most about
Schieffer is her
passion for all
things athletic.
“She was a
real lover of all
sports — a
real Duck
fan,” Clasen
Gopely said.
was able to re
turn to the
University for winter term for four
weeks, but her illness forced her to
drop out.
Schieffer’s last weeks were made
brighter by a visit from former
Duck quarterback and Detroit Li
ons quarterback Joey Harrington.
“She was really nervous but she
had the biggest smile,” said Sharon
Schieffer. “It really made her day.”
Sharon Schieffer also said a focal
point in her daughter’s life was her
love of animals. Her two closest and
most beloved siblings were her two
large cats, Cody and William. She
added her daughter requested any
donations in her name be made to
the Greenhill Humane Society.
Contact the reporter
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