Today's crossword solution Premier Travel • Airfare Specials!!! • Orlando - $198.00* New Orleans - $198.00* Providence - $198.00* Cancun - $388.00* t;i\ nol incluilcil. iV'li iclinn> may apply. Siihjctl lochange \\ ilhotil nolicc, Euraii Passes issued on-site!!! E-mail: fares@ 1011 Harlow 1747-0909^^* |Student Travel Expos' The Pizza Research Institute serves up quality pizza and a complete avant-garde dining experience. Danielle Hickey Emerald PARIS Pop $486 EURAIL PASSES Prom $249 HIP HOTELS Prom $18 (domestic and international) explore north o USA ■ CANADA ■ HAWAII backpacking, cruises, tours and more Fare is round trip from Eugene. Subject to change and availability TftY not inrliiriari RoctriVtionc onrl KlarLnnte annlw onune >> on the PHone »» on cnmpu/ »> on the /treet pick up your complimentary, premiere issue oP magazine at your local sta travel branch. ISfC STA TRAVEL 0160531 Bali is the most popular tourist attraction in Indonesia. This year, the Indonesian Student Association is going to bring the culture and lifestyle of Bali to the community. Indonesian dinner & performances including dances, gamelan musicians, fashion show, and gallery. Sunday, April 6th EMU Ballroom Erb Memorial Union, UO Dinner starts at 530 pm Performances start at 630 pm Student $5.00, Public $6.00 (includes dinner!) Student $3.00, Public $4.00 (performances only) “Our Mistake, YOUR PRICE BREAK!” WE ARE TWIN MATTS £ $49 $65 TWIN SET $69 FULL SET $109 QUEEN SET KING KOIL FIRM SUPPORT TWIN SET $169°° FULL SET $19900 QUEEN SET $259°° 10-Year Warranty KING KOIL SUPER PLUSH TWIN SET $239°° FULL SET $28900 QUEEN SET $359°° KING SET $45900 10-Year Warranty KING KOIL PILLOW TOP TWIN SET $299°° FULL SET $359°° QUEEN SET $399°° KING SET $599°° 10-Year Warranty Bring in this ad for FREE DELIVERY Mon - Sat 9-6, Sun 11-5 $179 KING SETS 4075 W. 11th AMERICAN J*** MATTRESS MANUFACTURING ■ 343-2690 Institute serves organic slices at moderate prices Restaurant review Aaron Shakra Pulse Reporter I spent my Saturday evening din ing at the Pizza Research Institute, located at 1328 Lawrence St. Read ers may have noticed lately that I’ve been writing about pizza places around the community; along with Gozmic Pizza and Bene!, this pretty much covers the gourmet pizza loca tions around Eugene. The Pizza Research Institute restaurant itself is quite small. But with spring finally here, a number of tables sit outside, so people can eat in warm weather and open air. In side, the ambiance is playful and friendly, even slightly hip. Numerous power boxes stylishly painted black decorate the far wall, and the stereo system (playing reggae during my visit) is hooked up to an old-school oscilloscope so customers can see the sound waves of the music. Origa mi, crayons, books and games adorn the shelves. Live flowers are set on the tightly-spaced tables, and a sign above where we sat read, “Tomor row’s Pizza Today.” I ordered a medium Chefs Choice pizza, which the menu ambiguously describes as “always elaborate, changes based on the availability of the freshest ingredients.” It’s also available in a vegan variant, but I went for the cheese. When it came time to pay, I made the mistake of coming without cash in my wallet. The place doesn’t ac cept credit or debit cards of any type, so I ended up having to ride to the bank to pay for the meal. There was about a half-hour wait for our food, and the restaurant steadily filled with hungry cus tomers. I drank a homemade honey lemonade soda, and my friend and I were able to get in a game of mancala while we waited. Then the pizza arrived. I was com pletely unprepared for the wealth of ingredients — artichoke hearts, as paragus, baby com, broccoli, olives, peaches, portobello mushrooms and ricotta cheese. I was hesitant to eat because the meal was clearly so art fully prepared. However, my stomach quickly spoke louder than my eyes. Because there were so many ingredi ents covering the dough, there was not much additional crust. A medium piz za gives you six large slices — more than enough for two people. In fact, we couldn’t finish, and ended up giving our last slice to the people sitting next to us. The homemade sodas continued to intrigue me, so I ended up having an other —at first, I wanted a hemp cola, but they were all out. I ended up with a homemade root beer, which was a lit tle on the flat side, but mosdy good. The total price of our meal, includ ing tip, was around $20. The food is a little spendier than typical pizza fare, but entirely reasonable — especially when considering the size of the piz za, and the quality of ingredients, which are mostly organic, or as I was told “as organic as possible,” accord ing to the season. And of course, you can eat without having to go all out: The restaurant offers soups, salads and pizza by the slice. The Pizza Research Institute is open 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. seven days a week. Contact the Pulse reporter at Ask Nat continued from page 5 statement, “in case something bad happens between Benny and me.” Maybe you should work on stabilizing things with Benny, not Evan, because the tone of your love relationship sounds insecure. You are afraid of be ing alone if Benny leaves you, which worries me about your emotional sta bility. It’s important to have friends and family as a support system, but don’t put all the pressure on Evan. Work on gaining support from other friends and family and being independent so you can rely on yourself as well as a slew of supporters—not just Benny or Evan. If you and Benny do break up, I’m sure Evan or any other friend would be there with a shoulder to cry on. But it is best to be strong enough to stand on your own two feet first so you won’t col lapse if others decide to bail on you. Contact the columnist at Her views do not necessarily represent those of the Emerald. Send questions to