BUY USED TEXTS a proud member of Unique Eugene r Student Groups Advertise your events in the Oregon Daily Emerald. We have special university rates. Call 346-37 SARS prompts vigilance SARS, a pneumonia-like condition, has doctors on the lookout for symptoms Lindsay Sauve Family/Health/Education Reporter Recent reports of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome have doc tors and health officials paying particular attention to individuals with flu-like symptoms, but Lane County Public Health Department officials said the disease has not been discovered locally. Though there have been rumors about a possible case of SARS in Lane County, Public Health official Betsy Meredith said SARS is not a threat to the local community, and the hearsay about community members contracting the disease are completely false. However, she said local health officials are still diligently checking for SARS in respiratory cases. Anne Mattson, a registered nurse at the University Health Center, said SARS is a respiratory illness of unknown cause, similar to pneumonia that spreads through bodily secretions and ex haled droplets. She added SARS is not considered to be passed through casual contact, but through continuous contact with an infected individual, and a ma jority of cases have occurred in hospital workers or family mem bers of patients with SARS. SARS has commanded the at tention of health care providers and the media in recent weeks be cause not much is known about the disease, and there have al basic stet> int. sten body seultrfc kic kbox aerobics 1 PUNCH S PUNCH 10 PUNCH 23 PUNCH UNLIMITED $3 $13 $20 $30 $40 Registration starts Monday, March 31, 8:00aro - 5:00pm in 102 Esslinger. Classes run from April 7 to May 30 (nine weeks). Workout sessions are held in SRC Room 41. Call 346-4113 for more information and class schedule. <\ Reported Cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) ’Probable cause not reported by United States SOURCE: World Health Organization Emerald Reported deaths caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) SOURCE: World Health Organization Emerald ready been 58 reported deaths tied to SARS since it was first discov ered in late February. According to the World Health Organization, the first case of SARS was report VU UiX 1 VU. C* \J 111 Hanoi, Vietnam. - Although there have been no SARS-associated deaths in the United States, there have been 59 reported cas es of SARS across the coun try, and there have been 1,622 cases of SARS reported world wide. WHO has established an inter national research project, consist ing of 11 laboratories in nine countries, to work toward identify ing the disease. “There is lots of anxiety in the world today for many reasons,” Meredith said. “SARS is a real dis ease, and health professionals are keeping track of it.” Symptoms associated with SARS include a fever higher than 100.4 F, coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and x-ray findings of pneumonia, hy poxia, or respiratory distress. Ac r cording to the Center for Disease Control Web site, people who have had a history of travel to Hong Kong or Guangdong Province in China or Hanoi, Vietnam, run a "There is lots of anxiety in the world today for many reasons. SARS is a real disease, and health professionals are keeping track of it." Betsy Meredith Lane County Public Health official nigner risK or catching the disease. Mattson said preven tion is a key factor in pro tecting oneself from SARS. “Like with any other dis ease, we should all be practicing prevention metnoas such as washing hands and covering mouths while coughing,” says Mattson. Individuals who have questions about SARS are advised to visit the GDC Web site or they can contact the health center at 346-2770. Those exhibiting symptoms of SARS within seven days of travel to the above-mentioned countries should contact the health center or their primary care provider. Contact the reporter 0128581 USE WISELY® Every Watt Counts . _ _ Wear Sweaters TURN OFF Space heaters Sponsored by the UO Campus Environmental Issues Committee Oregon Daily Emerald P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald is pub lished daily Monday through Friday dur ing the school year by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. 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