Beginning Ceramics Ralph Wilson An introduction to wheel throwing, handbuilding, sc glazing techniques will be covered, with an emphasis on individual instruction for all levels of experience. Clay (25#'s) sc glazes provided. 18 hours of instruction. Term pass required. FRI, APR 11 -MAY 16 10:1 SAM-1:15PM $62 PLU#6004 Ceramic Sculpture Terrence Heldreth Explore your imagination through clay. Leam methods of clay construction such as coil, slab building, carving, sc more. Clay (25#'s) SC glazes provided. 18 hours of instruction. Term pass required. TUES, APR 8-MAY 13 6:30-9:30 PM $62 PLU#6008 Relief Sculpture ]ason Johnston The history of sculpture began with relief. Create, as you explore composition, sculpt ing sc mold-making. We will press relief tiles out of water clay, fire them sc finish them with an assortment of simple surface treat ments. 12 hours of instruction. THUR, APR 24-MAY 15 6:30-9:30 PM $40w/term pass PLU#6098 $45 w/out term pass PLU#6099 Figure Studies Jason Johnston From gesture drawing to modeling clay into figurative sculpture, we'll cover the basics of anatomy, focusing on expressive qualities, energy SC form of the human figure. We'll work from models, memory, SC drawings. Materials included. 21 hrs. of instruction. WED, APR 16-MAY 28 6:30-9:30 PM $65 w/term pass PLU#6089 $70 w/out term pass PLU#6090 Beg. Photography Samantha Stengle-Gdetz Composition, camera use, darkroom devel oping sc printing techniques will be covered. Bring an empty 35mm camera to class. Film, chemicals sc paper provided. 18 hrs. of instruction. Term pass required. MON, APR 14-MAY 19 3:00-6:00 PM $62 PLU#6061 Handcoloring Photos Jeri Mrazek Enhance your black 6t white photographs by handcoloring them. We'll make prints specifically for handcoloring, tone them St then apply a variety of finishes to the prints. Darkroom experience is required. Please bring black St white negatives to first class. 9 hrs. of instruction. Term pass required. WED, APR 30-MAY 14 6:00-9:00 PM $36 PLU#6066 Alternative Process Jeri Mrazek Improve your skills St experiment with different techniques st ideas. We'll investi gate alternatives to black st white printing with photography's oldest processes Cyanotype St Van Dyke brown. Make light sensitive emulsions, hand coat papers, st enlarge negatives. Darkroom experience required. Bring an assortment of B St W negatives to the first class. 12 hours of instruction. Term pass required. SUN, APR 27-MAY 11 12:00-4:00PM $49 PLU#6069 Beginning Jewelry Peter Evonuk and Jai Williams These beginning classes explore techniques to complete several jewelry pieces. Wed. evening section will focus on casting, using wax work, investing and model burnout. Tues. section will focus on fabrication, including design cutting, filing and solder ing. 21 hours of instruction. Term pass required. 2 sections: WED, APR16-MAY28 6:30-9:30 PM $62 Williams(casting) PLU#6034 TUE, APR15-MAY 27 6:30-9:30 PM $62 Evonuk(fabrication) PLU#6035 Repousse st Chasing Peter Evonuk Repousse St chasing are ancient methods of shaping sheet metal with punches St ham mers to form relief. Repousse' creates form, and then chasing defines the form. While learning these techniques, students will create a small pendant or brooch. Some materials provided. 12 hours of instruction. Term pass required. MON, APR 28-MAY 19 6:30-9:30 PM $40 PLU#6040 Enameling Jai Williams Traditional glass enameling techniques can be applied to copper or silver. Several small sample pieces may be completed during class time. Some materials provided. 9 hours of instruction. Term pass required. SAT, MAY 3-17 10:30AM-1:30PM $40 PLU#6041 CRAFT Registration for Winter Term Workshops & Classes happening now! Jewelry & Metalwork Bicycle Maintenance Paper.Paint.Pens Woodworking Photography Ceramics Fiber Arts Glass & More! Devore Scarves Sarah Evonuk Explore devort burnout, an etching method of velvet nap removal which creates depth and layers in the fabric. Cost includes materials to make one 9"x54" velvet/silk scarf. Extra scarves available for purchase. 6 hours of instruction. SAT, MAY 3 SC 10 12:30-3:30 PM $34 w/term pass PLU#6133 $39 w/out term pass PLU06134 Re-Threads Susan Ogawa Old textiles become new again! This demo-only class presents simple processes for creating hats, bags, placemats, st cloth ing from old wool sweaters St other re cycled clothing. 2 hours of instruction SUN, APR 27 12:30-2:30 PM $ 10 w/term pass PLU#6019 $ 15 w/out term pass PLU#6020 Felted Creatures Lana Rogers Make an plush animal from colored fleece while learning a simple dry felting tech nique. Your creature can resemble a favorite pet or a mythical being. Materials for one creature included. 3 hours of instruction. SAT, MAY 3 1:30-4:30 PM $22 w/term pass PLU#6114 $27 w/out term pass PLU#6115 Fly Tying Chris Culver Enhance your enjoyment of fly fishing by becoming a tier. This class includes an introduction to tying equipment, materials St techniques. Learn to tie a dozen patterns and gain the skills to tie many more. Emphasis will be on fun sc fishability! 10 hours of instruction. WED, MAY 7-28 6:30-9:00 PM $ 3 7 w/term pass PLU#6119 $42 w/out term pass PLU#6120 Ukrainian Eggs Laura Gerards Create intricate designs using the tradi tional Ukrainian wax-resist method of dye ing eggs. Folklore, patterns, St color com binations will be discussed. Take home kit provided, St all materials are included. 3 hours of instruction. THUR, APR 1 7 6:00-9:00 PM $22 w/term pass PLU#6027 $27 w/out term pass PLU#6028 Stained Glass Mindy Valpey Design and fabricate a stained glass panel in the Tiffany copper foil method. Demon strations stress proper use of tools and safety precautions. Allow extra money for purchasing your own glass. 18 hours of instruction. Term pass required. SUN, APR 6-MAY 18 5:00-8:00 PM $54 (no class May 11) PLU#6092 Footstool Seat Weaving Art Graves Experience the folk art technique of weav ing a seat for a fireside footstool. We'll concentrate on elementary weaving styles using fiber rush, or seagrass. One hard wood stool St seat material will be pro vided. 4 hours of instruction. SUN, MAY 18 12:30-4:30 PM $31 w/term pass PLU#6129 $36 w/out term pass PLU#6130 Tapestry Basket Shannon Weber Coiling is an ancient basketry technique, compatable with an unlimited range of materials. Horsetail, birch, yucca St an assortment of natural materials will be incorporated into a beautiful basket. 4 hours of instruction. SUN, APR 27 12:30-4:30 PM $25 w/term pass PLU#6024 $30 w/out term pass PLU#6025 Random Weave Basket Shannon Weber Discover the endless possibilities with this most sculptural of weaving forms. Random weave is fast, easy, St fun. Instruction will cover material, methods St tips. Materials included. 4 hours of instruction. SAT, APR 26 10:30-2:30 PM $27 w/term pass PLU#6022 $32 w/out term pass PLU#6023 Embroidery Trina Duhaime Embroidery is a wonderful way to decorate and customize garments and other sewing projects. Learn several hand stitches, de sign and finishing. Bring an item or fabric to embroider to the first class. Some materials provided. 6 hours of instruction. THUR, MAY 8 St 15 6:00-9:00 PM $24 w/term pass PLU#6131 $29 w/out term pass PLU#6132 Spinning Barb Singer We'll cover properties of wool, including types, cleaning and carding. Starting with a traditional drop spindle then moving on to the spinning wheel. We'll create visual and tactile sensations in natural St synthetic dyed wool and other fibers. Some materi als provided. 7.5 hours of instruction. WED, APR 30-MAY 14 6:00-8:30 PM $30 w/term pass PLU#6017 $35 w/out term pass PLU#6018 Papermaking Denise Gosar Here is a hands-in-the-pulp survey of pa permaking using recycled papers, plant pulps, blossoms SC more. We'll learn styles of papermaking from Eastern st Western traditions. Materials provided. 8 hours of instruction. Term pass required. WED, APR 30-MAY 21 6:30-8:30 PM $26 PLU#6046 Whole Bike Health David Roth Overhaul bearing sets, adjust gears St brakes, sc true wheels. Bring bicycle sc wear grubby clothes to each class. Please allow $5 for replacement cables or bear ings. 15 hours of instruction. TUES, APR15-MAY 20 6:30-9:00PM $46 w/term pass PLU#6086 $51 w/out term pass PLU#6087 Beginning Wood Terrence Heldreth Build something for your home or a friend while learning power tool use sc safety. Instruction includes project design, wood properties, power sc hand tool use, joinery, and finishing. Allow for extra shop time sc materials cost. 21 hours of instruc tion. Term pass required. MON, APR 7-MAY 19 3:00-6:00PM $62 PLU#6072 Wood Lathe Peter Evonuk This class will introduce you to the basics of lathe turning which include: chucking tech niques, wood selection, tool sharpening, and finishing. With these new skills you should be able to produce small wooden bowls or plates. 7 hours of instruction. Term pass required. SAT, APR 19 SC 26 10:30AM-12:30 PM SAT, MAY 17 10:30AM-1:30 PM $32 PLU#6078 Adirondak Chair Garner Britt Learn basic woodworking sc build a chair. This is a classic, comfortable outdoor chair that works as well indoors. Wood proper ties, safe hand 6t power tool use, joinery sc finishing will be covered. Cost includes materials for one chair. Outside shop time may be necessary. 18 hours of instruction. Term pass required. TUE, APR 8-MAY 13 3:00-6:00 PM $72 PLU#6075 Stretcher Frames Logan Farrell This workshop provides an introduction to our woodshop sc provides the skills to build painting stretcher frames. Hand made stretcher frames are nicer sc less expensive than those commonly available. 6 hrs. of instruction. Term pass required. FRI, MAY 2 SC 9 10:30 AM-12:30 PM $35 PLU#6083 Mike Lawrence Drawing can be fun! Expand your aware ness and visual understanding of the world through drawing. We'll explore traditional methods and materials while enhancing self expression. Materials provided. 15 hours of instruction. MON, APR 14-MAY 19 6:00-8:30 PM $45 w/term pass PLU#6044 $50 w/out term pass PLU#6045 Acrylic Painting Gretchen Raisch Capture and manipulate light with bold, colorful still lifes. Create unusual patterns, unique textures, explore layering and underpainting techniques to add richness to your work. Some materials provided. 15 hours of instruction. SUN, APR 13-MAY 11 5:00-8:00PM $56 w/ term pass PLU#6049 $61 w/out term pass PLU#6050 Silkscreen Kathy Sohlman Learn basic silkscreen printmaking, from cut paper stenciling to photo emulsion techniques. Continuing or advanced stu dents may wish to pursue multiple registra tion of screens. Add $ 19.50 if you want a new screen. Some materials provided. 18 hrs. of instruction. Term pass required. TUES, APR 22-MAY 27 6:30-9:30PM $64 PLU#6048 Image Transfers Gretchen Raisch Transfer photocopied images onto a vari ety of materials including paper, canvas, metal, clayboard and more. Incorporate images, color and patterns into your mixed media painting and collage. Most materi als provided. 4 hours of instruction. SUN, MAY 11 12:30-4:30 PM $25 w/term pass PLU#6058 $30 w/out term pass PLU#6059 Photolift Marko Mikulich Learn to make extremely accurate ink drawings from photographs. This simple process has endless applications for artists, scientists,architects, archeaoiogists, and anyone who makes detailed line drawings of complex images. Materials included. 3 hours of instruction. SAT, APR 19 10:30 AM-1:30 PM $25 w/term pass PLU#6042 $30 w/out term pass PLU#6043 Hard Bound Album Jill Cardinal Here is everything you need to know to put together a hard cover, side bound book that will make an excellent photo album, scrap book or portfolio. Some materials provided. 6 hours of instruction. WED, APR 23 SC 30 3:00-6:00 PM $ 30 w/term pass PLU#612 3 $35 w/out term pass PLU#6124 Accordian Books Jill Cardinal Learn basic bookbinding skiiis that you'll need to craft exquisite, one-of-a-kind, hand bound books. We will explore several accordian based bookbinding techniques, including circle accordian, and hardbound albums. Some materials included 12 hours of instruction. SAT, APR 12-MAY 3 1:30-4:30PM $44 w/term pass PLU#6051 $49 w/out term pass PLU#6052 Fast Folded Books Jill Cardinal Learn several styles of making artist's books for yourself or as lovely handmade gifts. We'll also add hard covers to these books to add permanence sc a professional ap pearance. Some materials provided 3 hours of instruction. WED, MAY 7 3:00-6:00PM $24 w/term pass PLU#6135 $29 w/out term pass PLU#6136 Calligraphy Gretchen Raisch Study "Copperplate" calligraphy, using a flexible nib pen to achieve a varied stroke letter. We'll add swirls SC flourishes to upper case letters. This expressive hand is used for envelopes, cards, SC quotes. Ma terials provided. 12 hours of instruction. SUN, APR 13-MAY 4 1:30-4:30PM $35 w/term pass PLU#6055 $40 w/out term pass PLU#6056 emu Craft Center 1228 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 541 “346-4361 O UNIVERSITY OF OREGON