A unified purpose Above: An estimated45,000 people rallied in Portland's Waterfront Park Satu rday afternoon to prepare for a march through downtown. Erik Bishoff Emerald Right: Over 5,000 war protesters marched together down East 11th Avenue Saturday, some raising signs with messages such as What would Jesus bomb?' Caleb Fung for the Emerald Caleb Fung for the Emerald War protesters gathered at the Federal Building in Eugene Saturday to listen to speeches on the USA PATRIOT Act and U.S. miliatry intervention in Vietnam. u n i ve rs i ty COMMONS apaRTmenTS 90 CoMmoNs DRive 338-4000 Patrick and have a great spring break! 38.4000 Now renting for next fall. Open Monday - Saturday Models open Mon-Sat 2£09t0 • Close to campus • On bus route • Electronic alarm systems • Decked-out kitchen leases • Computer lab, copier and fax availability • Resort-like swimming pool • Basketball and volleyball courts • Superior workout facilities • Starting at $335 • Roommate matching service. • 10 & 12 month leases 90 Commons Drive Furnished 1, 2 & 4 Bedroom Apartments with Washer & Dryer www.universitycommons.com