Enjoy the break! This is the last issue of winter term. The Emerald will resume publication March 31. Monday, March 17,2003 Since 1900 University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon Volume 104, Issue 120 ASUO candidate finds her home vandalized Presidential candidate Maddy Melton says her apartment may have been vandalized because of her sexual orientation and recent political activity Brook Reinhard News Editor An ASUO Executive candidate’s room was ransacked sometime Thursday afternoon in a crime that may have been politically motivated. Maddy Melton, a contender for ASUO pres ident in the April primary election, returned to her apartment near 29th Avenue and Willamette Street at about 7 p.m. to find her room vandalized. “Every drawer was dumped out and turned over,” she said, adding that pillows were ripped open and her clothing was scattered. “Just any thing and everything was messed up.” Melton, who is an out lesbian and is cur rently an ASUO multicultural advocate, was co-director of the LGBTQA nearly nine months ago when one morning she unlocked the office to find that a hole had been punched in the wall and a poster was burned. Melton said she believes Thursday’s crime may have occurred because of her sexual orientation or because of her in creased political activity. “It could be both,” she said. “It’s a defi nite possibility.” Turn to Candidate, page 9A Adam Amato Emerald Precautions can make vacations go smoothly Whether planning a road trip or traveling abroad, a few cautionary measures can protea one’s well-being while away from home Ayisha Yahya Freelance Editor With spring break in sight, thoughts on challenging projects and exams intermingle with sweet ruminations of the relief a vaca tion will bring. During the break, many stu dents may travel. To make sure the break is not only fun but safe, there are a few tips to keep in mind. Home and personal safety Before students leave for paradise, they must secure their homes, according to De partment of Public Safety Associate Director Tom Hicks. Hicks said burglaries are likely in the dorms and off-campus if people ob serve the occupants are away for a long time. He said students should re move valuables like lap tops from easily accessi ble areas. “Close and lock all windows,” he said. “Don’t leave any message on your phone in dicating that you’ll be away for a long time.” Hicks said it’s important for students to in form someone that they are going to be away. Turn to Safety, page 14A INSIDE Take a break at the beach PACE12A ‘No war’ Thousands of people took to the streets in Eugene and Portland on Saturday to express their feelings and show sup port for peace. Page 3A Bounce and kick Giaint trampolines C and ‘ex treme’ kicks, redefine tra ditional mar tial arts by allowing for aerial ma neuvers Page 7 A Champs The Ducks head to the NCAA Tour nament in Nashville af ter winning the Pac-10 Tournament title Satur day in Los Angeles Special section