Commentary Emerald misinterprets affirmative action speaker Guest commentary I am writing in response to “Panel mulls race issue,” (ODE, Mar. 6) the coverage of the panel discussion on the University of Michigan’s affirmative action cas es. As a panelist, I am pleased that the Emerald saw fit to report on the event. I feel the need, however, to express my frustration with re porter Roman Gokhman’s inabili ty to accurately summarize views expressed during the discussion. I refer specifically to the following excerpt from the article: “Tomas Nullick (sic) Baiza ... said the Uni versity of Michigan’s defense of af firmative action is nothing more than a symbolic gesture because the university is close to a large black population. ‘It goes a long way to recruit 90-95 percent of African Americans,’ he said.” This is not at all what I said. To set the record straight, I was commenting on the symbolic importance of affir mative action policies and what they meant in the Michigan context. Gokhman’s misguided version of my comments seems to send the message that the University of Michigan — and, indeed, the rest of us who work to expand educa tional opportunities for low-access students — are acting in an insin cere manner. The misquotation also implies that 90 to 95 percent of African Americans benefit from affir mative action. I did not say this, and nothing could be further from the truth. What Gokhman must remem ber is that he has a professional re sponsibility as a future reporter to ac curately quote his sources. Whether they warrant it or not, me dia correspondents are given an inor dinate amount of influence when they attempt to transmit information, and if that information is incorrect or sloppi ly reported, both their readers and their sources suffer. I am confident that the people in attendance at the panel discussion understood what I said concerning affirmative action. It is unfortunate, however, that Gokhman’s readers must rely on his fast and loose handling of the discus sion to leam more about an issue that is already so badly misunderstood. Tomas Hulick Baiza is the assistant director of admissions and coordinator for multicultural recruitment in the office of admissions. Lars Larson s commentary pushes viewer away from KVAL Guest commentary At a time when schools are being closed, school years are being shortened and our school systems are bleeding teachers to states that respect the need for education and are willing to pay for it with tax dol lars; at a time when we are paying to train law enforcement officers and forcing them to take the train ing we paid for to other states; at a time when the support systems that defend the old, the needy and those least able to defend them selves are being shut down, Lars Larson’s 80s claptrap goes beyond meanspirited to monstrous. Larson’s commentary on KVAL TV indicates to me that KVAL “news” is no longer reliable because it reflects a bias on the part of KVAL management, and that the KVAL “news” team is now the KVAL prop aganda team. For this reason, I no longer view KVAL news. Because I believe that the problem is with the meanspirit ed, out-of-touch management of KVAL, it will take more than remov ing Larson from the air to get me back. While I no longer consider KVAL a “news leader” or follower, I understand that KVAL has the right to air (within the FGG rules) what pleases it. On the other hand, because I have been viewing KVAL for more than 20 years, my decision to exercise rny right to discontinue the practice of viewing KVAL “news” saddens me. KVAL management has the right to air what it pleases, and I have the right to watch what I please and share my opinions with friends and business associates. Therefore, I plan to tell those I know and adver tisers of my decision to exclude KVAL “news” from my TV viewing schedule, and that advertising with KVAL reflects poorly on them, and Letters to the editor Wyden must end support of filibuster A question for Sen. Wyden: Why * are you supporting the only fili buster of a federal circuit court judge in U.S. history? By filibuster ing Miguel Estrada, you are denying the Senate the opportunity to sim ply vote on this man’s nomination. If you do not approve of him, then vote no. Estrada has bipartisan support. Four democratic Senators support his nomination. Estrada has the support of many, if not most, Hispanic organizations across the country, including The Hispanic Bar Association, The His panic Chamber of Commerce, and LULAC — the largest, mainstream, bipartisan Hispanic organization. Estrada was ranked “well quali fied,” the highest distinction, by unanimous vote of a bipartisan ABA panel. Estrada presents the highest rec ommendations from a broad range of legal professionals; both Republi cans and Democrats from the Jus tice Department recommend him in the most glowing terms. Sen. Wyden, you claim to “not know enough about his judicial views and philosophy” on the one hand, and then claim that his views are “out of touch with mainstream Americans.” These are contradicto ry views; you cannot hold both. At his judiciary committee hear ing last fall, Estrada answered more than 100 questions. President Clin ton’s three previous nominations to the same court answered less than half that many combined. Sen. Wyden, you are not repre senting my views in your support of this filibuster. Furthermore, you are failing the Hispanic communi ty by applying a double standard to Miguel Estrada. End your support of the filibuster. He has earned that courtesy and we, your constituents, deserve it! Dennis Paul Salem Soldiers don’t make decision of war or peace As a fellow ROTG cadet and proud member of the Oregon Army Nation al Guard, I would like to express my thanks to Zachary White for “Citi zens should be grateful of military’s protections” (ODE, Mar 11). Like White, I too have been the victim of slanderous comments while wearing my uniform around campus. At first, these comments came as a surprise to me, but now I have grown to ex pect them — which I find disap pointing. On a campus infamous for advocating free speech and open mindedness, I would expect my pro military views to be respected. How ever, as I and so many other military-affiliated students have un doubtedly learned, this is too much to ask. In closing, allow me to remind the gentleman who insulted White, and others like him, that no one joins the military to kill innocent men, women and children. We join to defend the freedoms of our country, and do our part in protect ing its citizens. While I do not ask anyone to thank me for being in the military, I do ask for a degree of respect from them. With that, next time you feel the need to make insulting remarks to someone dressed in uniform re mind yourself of two things: First, the decision to go to war is not that of any one individual solider. And second, keep in mind that soldiers such as myself only have to do our jobs when politicians fail to do theirs in keeping the peace. Paul Sherwin freshman journalism that their association with KVAL will adversely affect my shopping relationship with them. While Larson’s commentary dis gusts me, he is not the reason I will no longer watch KVAL news. It is the lack of balance in KVAL pro gramming, and the lack of trust I have for those who manage the di rection KVAL “(propaganda) news” is taking. A. Max Opus lives in Cottage Grove. Sfr CmAMt !n the Pulse Entertainment Calendar, the phone number for the Fifth Street Public Market should have been listed as 484-0383111 |upC suspends from Ws lumpy flashes the metal artistry that is his flesh, pierced by Lisa. " March 14-16 Gome visit the IRS at Light’s Music Center. Storewide discounts, write-offs, and deductions x- vi&y'' ''' Mon-Sat 10-7 Sunday 12-5 680-4270 ^ | Delta Hwy.fc In Partnership with UO Bookstore! AMDEI Extreme Performance For Windows®XP! “Ultimate"AMD Athlon-UP1800+ $849.99 • MSI KT4 MotherBoard • 32 MB GeForce 2 MX • 40 GB 7200 RPM Drive • 256 MB DDR 266 MHz • 17”.27SVGA Monitor We at VOS Computers are always looking for ways to improve your computing experience, and one of the ways we do this is by writing helpful tips and tricks for your use. 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