Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 11, 2003, Page 7, Image 7

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continued from page 6
real taste of wildlife when I encoun
tered Canadian Geese and a smat
tering of ducks. Signs reading “Sen
sitive Wildlife Nesting Area” were
posted. Plants strategically adorn
the pond bank in order to keep the
hill from eroding.
Standing over the small foot
bridge, I spotted litter in the sanctu
ary and pondered crossing the line
to remove it. Two elderly folks rec
ommended otherwise, saying the
action might be construed as some
thing other than humanitarian.
Bullard stated that in addition to
the aforementioned wildlife, other
nesting birds, such as osprey, can
be spotted at times.
All and all, my friend and I ended
up riding about 13 miles by the time
we reached his house on the out
skirts of campus. My only regret was
not having more time to stop and
experience everything I saw.
Contact the Pulse reporter
at aaronshakra@dailyemerald.com.
continued from page 5
of their interest in learning to fly.
This lesson includes a brief ground
school lesson and a review of the
flight controls while in the cockpit.
According to Preziose, the student
will then start the engine, taxi to
the runway, take off, fly around
the area and land under an in
structor’s supervision.
The rates for About Time Avia
tion range anywhere from #39 for
the discovery flight to an estimated
#6000 for full private pilot training
certification — this includes virtu
ally every facet of the program such
as aircraft rental and textbooks.
Lane Community College also of
fers private and professional pilot
training. Students can even earn
an Associate of Science degree
through the school’s Flight Tech
nology program.
The school prides itself on the
program’s safety record. According
to the LGG Web site, in June of
1998, the school received an
award from the Federal Aviation
Administration for completing
200,000 consecutive hours and 25
million miles of professional flight
training since 1967 without a sin
gle injury accident.
The estimated cost of completion
of private pilot lessons at LGG is
around $4000.
When all the more practical bases
are covered, perhaps a little more
flashy flight training is desired. For
this, Wingover Aerobatics — satis
fying the aviation-as-entertainment
aspect of flying — may provide the
needed rush. This establishment,
located at Greswell Airport, offers
aerobatic rides and instructions.
From the easy-going relaxation of
the ultralight to the hard-core
adrenaline rush of aerobatics, flight
training in Eugene is more accessi
ble than some might think. And
once the novice has been bitten by
the bug, there may be no end to the
adventure. Perhaps Randy Vyff put
it best: “Once they do it once, most
people are hooked.”
Contact the senior pulse reporter
at ryanbornheimer@dailyemerald.com
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