Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 2003, Page 7, Image 7

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To place an ad, call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union
E-mail: classads@dailyemerald.com Online Edition: www.dailyemerald.com
Room 300, Erb Memorial Union, PO. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403
At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD
SCHOOL APPROVED. 30-year the
sis/dissertation background. Term
papers. Full resume service. Editing.
Laser pr. ON CAMPUS!
White Water Guiding & River Res
cue School, March 23-28, learn
from experienced professionals
how-to-run class l-V white water riv
ers, safely & responsibly. This
course will give you the solid, educa
tional foundation that is critical with
the unforgiving river environment.
The course will be held on OR & CA
rivers, covering; leadership & guid
ing philosophies, wilderness first
aide for the river, basic river rescue
& more... Contact us at 1-888-461
Certification is provided, class size is
limited. Will also assist those inter
ested in finding work as river guides
for the upcoming season.
Wednesday is New Comic Day
at Emerald City Comics.
770 E. 13th. 345-2568.
20” TV A/C R $99.99, 3’ tall refrigera
tor $75., full size futon w/mattress
$200, all obo (650) 245-3035
‘91 Honda Civic, 180K mi, good
condition, 4 dr, 5 speed, 2 owners,
$2,000. 683-2969
Buy the Emerald’s photo equipment!
Canon A2 w/70-20mm AF f2.8 for
$700. 346-5511
Possible river guide positions
our spring break guide school is a
great first step towards exceptional
summer employment. Destination
wilderness. (800) 423-8868.
Interested in a loan? We can help
consolidate all your bills. Call at 1
866-210-6801, good or bad credit
Movie Extras -Models Needed
No exp. necessary. Earn up to $150
$450/day. 1-888-820-0164 ext. 1146
ODE Classifieds.
Don’t Duck Around!
Run for ASUO
Many Positions Avaliable
Filing deadline
March 11th, 5
For more information, contact
ASUO Elections Board, suite 4,
obmm mwam
The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no
liability for ad content or response. Ads are
screened for illegal content and mail order
ads must provide a sample of item for sale.
Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be
true, probably are.
Respond at your own risk.
Wanted: Entrepreneurial Japanese
student to build own business in Ja
pan with our help. Call Les and
Sharon 484-9809.
Have a nose for business? Need
money? Work your own business.
We train. Free booklet 888-816
6406, www.successlifestyle4u.com
Assemble crafts, wood items. No
exp. needed.Materials provided.
$480+/wk. Free info, (801)428-4701.
500 Summer camp positions. NY,
PA, New England; teach tennis,
LAX, baseball, basketball, soccer,
swimming, nature, arts & crafts,
gymnastics, www.summercampem
ployment.com 1 -800-443-6428.
Activity Leader
Teen Programs
Monitor and supervise middle
school-aged youth in a variety of
recreation activities. $7.39-$9.85/hr.
Hours will vary as needed. Required
job applications and detailed job de
scriptions are available at the Me
morial Building Community Center,
765 A St., Springfield, OR 97477.
Applications accepted until position
filled. Drug-free workplace. EOE.
Opinion Columnist Wanted
The Oregon Daily Emerald seeks an
opinionated student interested in
joining its paid staff as a columnist
for Spring term.
Qualified applicants will be: cur
rently enrolled University students,
available to write one to two col
umns every two weeks. Writing and
grammar skills are essential; previ
ous column writing experience and
familiarity with AP style preferred.
Applications can be picked up at
the Emerald office, EMU, suite 300.
Include a resume and five examples
of your writing, applications are due
by 5 p.m. Friday, March 7.
The Oregon Daily Emerald is an
equal opportunity employer commit
ted to a culturally diverse workplace.
take a break
at the break
12 pool tables video arcade
table tennis
air hockey big screen tv
emu ground floor
Horoscope by Linda C. Black
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (March 5). Put your
dreams into words this year. That's the first
step. After that, draw up lists and work up
your budget. Let others know what they can
do to help. Let your inner vision lead you.
You're on the right track.
To get the advantage, check the day's rating:
10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) _ Today is a 7 _
Don't get impatient. You're still in a formative
phase. It's natural for you to have a few wor
ries or make a few mistakes. The more you
practice, the stronger you'll become.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) _ Today is a 6 _
You're the one who comes up with the great
idea this time, maybe under pressure. It's a
way to get something you want for your
home at an affordable price.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21) _ Today is a 7 _
You've learned a lot with books and tapes,
but that's not the only way. You'll learn more
now by watching and listening to the person
in charge. Meanwhile, let someone else fight
your battles.
CANCER (June 22-July 22) _ Today is a 6 _
You'd like to get away, but obligations make
it tough. Would a long phone call to a distant
loved one help? It's cheaper than going
there, and no luggage!
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) _ Today is a 9 _ You're
more into action than talk, which is fine.
You've had long enough to make plans. But,
just to be sure you stay on track, don't forget
to listen.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) _ Today is a 6 _ A
shopping expedition could lead to some mar
velous bargains. Find what you want for your
home, or find the home itself _ cheap. It just
needs a little fixing up.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) _ Today is an 8 _
Tired of the same old same routine? Ready
for adventure? You're surrounded by oppor
tunities. Stretch your mind and body. Take
somebody up on their offer.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) _ Today is a 6 _
You actually have lots of energy, but it's more
of a buzz than the roar of a well-tuned engine.
For maximum effectiveness, keep stimulants
and irritants to a minimum.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) _ Today is a
7 _ Don't stay up half the night talking. It's
fun, and maybe even psychologically valu
able, but many important things must be
done without verbalization.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) _ Today is a 7
_ You're getting more curious, and that's
wonderful. It's how you'll manage to get the
perfect new item for your home _ within your
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) _ Today is an 8
_ During the upcoming phase, you'll think in
more businesslike terms. You can get into it.
At first, it may just seem that you don't get to
do what you want. Persevere.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) _ Today is a 7 _
As a little more money comes in, your wor
ries will begin to fade. You're getting more
imaginative, too. Trust your creativity.
Camp Counselors Top overnight
Camps in Pocono Mtns. Over 40 ac
tivities- seeking counselors! Apply
online at www.pineforestcamp.com.
Educated Mind. Empty Wallet?
Southwestern Internship offers avg.
of $8,400/summer, college credit,
travel & great resume builder. For
more info call Tye Thompson 1 -800
2 Work Study Students Needed:
1. Database Maintenance, must
have Excel experience & data entry
skills. $7.80 per/hr
2. General Office Assistant, $7.05
Both jobs: preference given to stu
dents returning in fall, 5-8 hrs per
week beginning spring term. Re
sume/cover letter deadline March
7th to Gilbert Hall 309. 346-1589
Wildland Firefighters Exciting Out
door Summer Job. Apply before end
of term to schedule class: 1322 N.
30th St., Springfield, 10am-4pm.
746-7528. No experience needed
training provided.
Professional property management
company seeks p/t winter, f/t sum
mer leasing agent/property assistant
in Eugene. Competitive compensa
tion. Fax resume to 503-767-3890
Member Service Rep $10.23/hr
(P/T) Pentagon Federal Credit Un
ion is a $5 billion worldwide finan
cial institution with a call center in
Eugene since 1996. We offer fully
paid in-house training and career
growth opportunity. Benefits in
clude tuition reimbursement and
401 (k) with employer match.
Duties: provide prompt and effi
cient handling of incoming tele
phone inquiries from members.
Document all contacts, actions
and responses in customer data
base. Calls include questions on
savings and loans, request for
product information, problem reso
lution and sales of value-added
Qualifications: Customer service,
computer skills (Windows, email,
internet), excellent written and oral
communication skills and basic
math proficiency. Banking and/or
sales experience a plus.
Hours: Minimum of 18 hours per
week, to include one Saturday or
Sunday shift 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm,
remainder of your hours to be
scheduled evenings Mon-Fri.
Training: We offer 8 weeks fully
paid training starting Spring Break.
Mail, email or fax your resume to:
Pentagon Federal Credit Union
P.O. Box 70046
Eugene, OR 97401
Fax (541) 345-0512
Email jobs@eugene.penfed.org
We are an equal opportunity em
ployer: M/F/V/D
Bartender Positions
Make up to $300/shift. No exp. re
quired. 800-806-0085 ext. 1250.
Now accepting applications for Peer
Health Education interns through the
UO Health Center. This small semi
nar class meets T/R 10-11:50 am,
and accepts 12 new students/ term,
for upper division credit. For info go
to http://healthed.uoregon.edu and
fill out the application, or call Ramah
Leith 346-0562.
Female and male counselors need
ed for a top summer camp in Maine.
Top salary, room, board, laundry,
clothing and travel provided. Must
love working with young people and
have skills in one or more of the fol
lowing activities: archery, art (ceram
ics, stained glass, jewelry), basket
ball, child care specialist, canoeing,
kayaking, rowing (crew), dance (tap,
pointe, jazz), field hockey, golf, gym
nastics, figure skating, ice-hockey,
horse backriding/English hunt, la
crosse, digital photography, videog
rapher, piano accompanist, pioneer
ing/camp crafts, rope/climbing chal
lenge course, sailing, soccer, soft
ball, tennis, theater (technicians, set
design, costumer), volleyball, water
skiing, WSI/swim instructors, also
opportunities for nurses and secreta
ries. Camp Vega For Girls! Come
see us at www.campvega.com AP
the on-line application or call us for
more info @ 1-800-993-VEGA. We
will be on the UO campus on March
10th in the EMU, Rogue Room for
information and interview from 10
a.m., no appointment neces
sary. Come see us and find out
more about Vega.
Copy Editor Wanted
The Oregon Daily Emerald seeks a
detail-oriented wordsmith interested
in joining its paid staff as a copy edi
tor for spring term.
Qualified applicants will be; cur
rently enrolled University students,
available to work up to 3 night shifts
per week. Shifts average 5 hrs. Ex
perience with AP style, grammar
and spelling required. Knowledge of
NewsEditPro & QuarkXPress help
Applications can be picked up at
the Emerald office, EMU, Suite 300.
Include a resume and examples of
your editing and/or headline writing.
Applications due by 5 p.m. Tues.,
March 11.
The Oregon Daily Emerald is an
equal opportunity employer commit
ted to a culturally diverse workplace.
Cute 2 bdrm cottage, across alley
from Craft World on W. 6th, $595.
343-6000 CampusRental.com
3 bdrm, yard, fp, new paint. A block
from UO. 1557 Hilyard. $750. Chi
nook Properties 484-0493.
4 BDRM, 2 bath house near
campus. New gas fp & hardwood
firs. 510-0277 or 554-1883.
3 bdrm 1 & 1/2 mi. from UO. Cute
and funky. 25 E. 32nd. $790 Chi
nook Properties 484-0493.
5 bdrm, 3 ba, studio, w/d and back
yard. Close to UO. $1500 + util.
First, last and deposit. 345-2326.
LookinG foR a HoMe?
• Washer/dryer
• Close to campus
• On bus route
■ Electronic alarms
• Private bedrooms/
individual leases
• Computer lab, copier,
and fax available
• Decked out kitchen
• Swimming pool
• Basketball/volleyball
• Workout facilities
• Starting at $335
• Roommate matching
• 10 & 12 mo. leases
g 90 Commons Drive • 338-4000
=2 www.universitycommons.com
Almost new 1 & 2 bdrm. Close to
campus. 510-0277 or 554-1883.
1 week free rent
Campus Twins
735 E. 14th
Studio, private bath
Share kitchen/ all util. pd.
$395 call Nat 434-9044
I860 Alder
2 bedroom - $650
Studio - $450
Call Carl 686-0743
Ferry Street Quads
1728 Ferry
$295 all utilities paid
Call Linda 343-8911
Von Klein Property Mgmt., LLC
1301 Ferry St. #2 • 485-7776
Studio, micro/dishes/TV/VCR etc. 10
min. by bus to UO/LCC $400. includ
ing util. & garbage. 345-9321
Oak Creek Apts. 4 bdrm townhous
es, Excellent Move-In Special/ Free
rent! Call Willis 344-6540.
2 bdrm. near Autzen. Vaulted celing,
w/d, dw, fp, club house, ammenities.
New carpet. $690/ mo. Move in end
of March. Call Darren @ 520-0847.
Call for appt. to view #465-3825
2 bdrm apt, 598 E. 12th.
$600/mo. + dep.
W/D, new lights, floor & paint,
WSG, parking
Brand new 2 bdrm townhouse
545 East 17th, avail. 3/1,
$800/mo. + dep.
On site laundry,parking,
micro/disposal/dw, gas fireplace,
Spring Ridge Village
South Hills Village
1411 A Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Sorry No Pets
Only 2.5 miles from UO
On bus line
Bedroom Units
Call TODAY for Special!
Rivertowne Apartments
Garden Style • Courtyard Views
2 bdrm townhouses
• Near Oakway & VRC • On bus line
• On-site laundry
Mon.-Fri. 1:30-4:30
Saturday showings by appt.
597 Country Club Rd. • 485-1422
135 E. 19th #1
Spacious 2 bdrm, 2 bath, patio.
Laundry, free parking. Close to UO
& Safeway. No pets/smkg. Quiet
policy. $650.
Shannon’s Place Apts. 585 E. 19th
Ave. 345-6475. 2 bdrm $575. Very
spacious and clean, close to cam
pus, laundry rooms. No pets.
Centre Court Village
3667 Main Street
Springfield, OR 97478
Sorry No Pets
Bedroom Apt. Homes
All w/ dw & disposals
Free Expanded TV Cable
Two bedroom • $585
On campus.
Call 344-2657. Talray Holdings
535 E. 14th #3 & #4
2 bedroom units. Range & refrigera
tor. Water/sewer/garbage paid.
$450 + deposits. Lease.
2 weeks free rent.
CALL 688-2060
1 & 2 bdrm: $495 and $545
Owner managed. Very large, quiet,
clean. Great location, campus 10
blks, near Safeway. No smoking.
Pet? 2045 Willamette. 606-7942.
2 bdrm apt. 1 block from campus
on 14th. $585/mo. Call Shane or
Kelsie @ 541-912-5381.
Spacious 1 bdrm close to campus.
Take over lease ‘til Aug. 1st. in
mid March $450.242-1062
Patterson Tower
Elegant High Rise
Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom
• Close to the University
• Laundry room on each floor
• Cable included
Mon.-Fri. 9:00-12:00
Saturday showings by appt.
1080 Patterson « 687-8155
1965 Patterson St,
Greenwood Apartments
1- Bedroom, $555.00
On-site laundry, Near Campus, Free
Parking, Newly Renovated Interiors.
Contact Noel 501-7319 / 683-4219
Or Jeff 342-2183.
2 floor, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, dw, 2 blks to
UO, available spring break.
$750/mo. 485-8210
Two and three bdrm apartments
avail. Many amenities plus private
decks, views, pool, tennis court,
playground and more. 1710 North
view Blvd. (right past 25th and
1 week free rent
Patterson Manor
1085 Patterson
1 bedroom - $485
Campus Plaza
750 E. 18th -$650
Call Eric 485-7208
Von Klein Property Mgmt., LLC
1301 Ferry St. #2 • 485-7776
West Hills Village
1459 City View
Eugene, OR 97402
Sorry No Pets
Bedroom Units
Guaranteed Rents
w/o Lease 1 yr.
Check us out.
Across st. from campus
Cute 1bdrm. $395, Ig. 2 bdrm $495,
G/W/S included, 1831 Kincaid, 343
600 CampusRental.com
Campus Apartments
2 bdrm units available now $550
Office: 325 E. 18th, #6. 343-8545.
Newer quads across the st. from
campus. 1827 Harris St. $225/lease.
$295 month-to-month. GWSE
incl.CampusRental.com 606-0413.
QUADS 159 E. 15th. New carpet,
fresh paint, private entry, sink &
refrigerator in each unit. Shared
kitchen & bath. $270. Call 334
4625 or 915-3101
Quads Available Now! $275, GWSE
included. Call Chuck for a showing
TODAY, 915-3354.
Female student looking for 2 room
mates to share 3 bdrm house. W/D,
large fenced yard. Pets? On UO &
LCC bus line. $270 + util. 415 E.
33rd Ave. 345-3747.
UO 3 blocks; on busline to LCC.
Lots of light. $300 includes utilities
and kitchen use . Laundry. Sorry, no
smoking or pets. Bell Real Estate
Room and board from $590 per
month. The SunSpot, a private resi
dence for women. 554-7371.
South Eugene newly remodeled 3
bdrm, 2 bath W/D, no pets/smok
ing. Direct bus to UO. $895/mo.
3995 E. Amazon. 953-7336.
Large very nice 4 bdrm duplex, 2
baths, living room, family room, ga
rage, lawn maintained, no
dogs/smoking, 1815 Norkenzie Rd.
$1,200/mo + deposit. 342-7747.
Lg. 1 bdrm condo $595. South hills,
2 decks, great view, furnished. Avail
able through 6/15. (503) 317-6402
Roommate wanted in 5 bdrm house,
off River Rd. $300+ utils. (503)804
5404 and 607-6934.
Female roommate responsible,
clean, no pets for 3 bdrm house
close to campus. $330/month + util.
Johnna 913-9751.
Room available in nice house, w/d,
fp, bus line, satellite, quiet, clean,
$325 + 1/3 utilities, 683-7932
Roommate wanted ASAP. $297./mo
All ammenities. 10 min. from UO
Three female students seeking a
fourth female roommate ASAP.
Share a furnished 4 bdrm 2 ba
apt., W/D incl. $365/mo. + 1/4 util.
On direct UO busline near Auzten
stadium. For winter and spring.
Please no pets or drugs. Contact
344-8417 or 915-8462 if interested
Room in nice apartment $325 +
Large room, high ceiling, built-in
closets. 17th & Patterson. 342-1273
Roommate needed ASAP. House
w/skylights, WD, off Coburg, on bus
line. $315+ utilities 345-9174
Co-op houses seeking roommates
for yummy organic food & meals
(serving all diets), stimulating con
versation and a friendly social at
mosphere. Please call 683-1112 and
come by for a tour and dinner.
Female roommate wanted, own
bdrm/bath, $400/mo + utilities, move
in April 1st, near Autzen, 683-5372
2 UO students seeking to share
2100sqft. 3 bdrm house with anoth
er. Private room & bath. W/D, Close
to UO, $400 +1/3 utils. + security.
No pets/smoking. Call Gary 349
0981 evenings.
Female roommate needed! $300/
mo. + util. 18th & University. 3
bdrm, 2 ba. Call 686-1595
Fraternities • Sororities
Clubs • Student Groups
Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester
with a proven CampusFundraiser 3
hour fundraising event. Our pro
grams make fundraising easy
with no risks. Fundraising dates
are filling quickly, so get with the
program! It works. Contact Cam
pusFundraiser at (888) 923-3238, or
visit wyyyy.pampysfMndraiser.com
Witnesses needed. To an alterca
tion that occurred 2/23/03 @ 1:20
a.m.- 3 or more Eugene Police near
13th-14th & Mill. Call 510-0300 with
any info you might have.
UO Crisis Center
24 - hr. Student Help Line
‘All calls are confidential.
24-hour support for survivors & their
friends. Sexual Assault Support
Services, 343-SASS.