Implications of sex can be less than casual Many risks surround the thrills of a casual sexual escapade that some students prefer over an intimate relationship Caron Alarab Safety/Crime/Transportation Reporter The jungle juice drool of a snooz ing stranger oozes onto your sheets. Your pounding hangover explains the ripped condom package on the bedside table and the slimy love glove stuck to headboard. You mar vel at the magic of beer goggles as you show your not-so-pretty bed mate to the door, hoping this one won’t hold on for dear life. No name, no number, no attachment, no prob lem — for those who thrive on the temporary thrills of the infamous one-night stand. But reality hits, and those with a vice for short-lived sex are usually hiding from something—intimacy. “Eventually, they build a wall around their emotions to the point where it doesn’t matter who any more,” University Health Educator Ramah Leith said. Considering the risks associated with one-night stands — every thing from increased risk of con tracting infections to emotional guilt — Leith said sex should not be taken lightly. “Good communication about past sexual histories, contraceptive methods and the relationship in gen eral are very important to have a ful filling and safe sex life,” Leith said. “As a health educator, I find it hard to find positive reasons for any per son to have a one-night stand.” Yet, many students do partake in a little “wham-bam-thank-you ma’am” — or sir. “I don’t know a girl who hasn’t had a one-night stand,” said Rachel, a junior at the University. Rachel said she’s kept such good tabs on her sex ual partner pool that one time, she decided to inform No. 24 of his sta tus on her list — immediately after committing the act. Leith said partner-counting is def initely more of an intimacy issue than a hobby, even if the partici pants are in denial. She added that a majority of individuals who count are male. She noted that the partying and living situations in college offer more opportunities for unplanned sex, but individual maturity levels sometimes helps those with a vice for one-night stands to eventually wise up. When it comes to freshmen girls, University senior Brian, who wished to be identified only by his first name, said one-night stands for men of his stature are like shooting fish in a barrel. Of the 30 one-night experi ences he has had over the past three years, Brian said probably 23 of them would ignore him in public. Casual sex with no attachment can be a thrill, but it doesn't come without some risks. Photo illustration by Jeremy Forrest Emerald And although he thinks one-night stand seduction is a two-way street, he said females get obsessed and at tached while men ask themselves, “If she’s ready and willing, where has she been?” Joey, a junior, said his definition of a one-night stand doesn’t neces sarily involve sex, and even “heavy petting” could leave someone feeling ashamed and regretful in the morning. Freshman Rick said he once took a girl out to breakfast after a one night stand that didn’t go further than oral sex. However, his gracious ness backfired when she assumed the meal meant they were “togeth er” and when she decided to have sex with him a week later, he broke up with her. “I was just trying to be nice,” he said. “I didn’t want a relationship.” After her first one-night stand dur ing her freshman year, Haley, now a junior, said she expected “couple dom” the next morning, only to get a cold response from her hangover bedmate. Turn to Casual, page 4B Enjoy casual sex; or any casual needs — just be honest Love is a good thing. Society tells itself all sorts of fantasy stories about love — about the real thing, Mr. or Ms. Right, the one and only. These stories tell us how amazing it is to find that perfect mate. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about, at least not directly. I’m here in defense of casual sex, and this is n’t a casual argument. My argument isn’t borne of loneliness or the desire to rationalize cheap hedonism. It comes from experience. A lot of people in our culture deni grate casual sex. If you need proof, take a look at the covers of countless magazines, all of which trumpet bet ter ways to find that perfect person. They say casu al sex is unful filling and can only cause problems for those who en gage in it. The reason people have such a problem with casual sex, though, is that they were told a fiction that goes some thing like this: The only real happi Michael J. Kleckner The editor's office ness comes from finding that one person who can fulfill all your needs. Now, having one person to fulfill all my physical and emotional needs sounds great on paper, and I’m look ing forward to the time when that happens. But real life is more com plicated than this picture. Most people have a variety of dif ferent needs: romantic, domestic, friendly and sexual, to name just a few. And it can be difficult to fulfill all those needs in one person — that can be asking a lot of one fallible hu man being. So until the time comes when this one utterly fantastic person comes along with the magical ability to do everything, I have enough respect for myself and enough personal in tegrity to recognize that I do have these various needs. I have enough sense to realize that with a little care, I can have these needs fulfilled from a variety of people — and that in so doing, I might become a better rounded individual who will be more attractive to that one special person. The key, though, and the only thing that can make casual sex work — or casual romantic fulfillment, or any other need fulfillment — is hon esty. You need to be honest with yourself, to know what you really want from the other person, and you need to be honest with that person, to tell them what you really want and what you’re willing to give. My experience shows that hon esty works. I’ve had roommates that fulfilled the domestic needs, and dates that fulfilled the romantic needs, and “friends with benefits” that fulfilled the sexual needs. I’ve had relationships where more than one type of need was fulfilled at a time by the same person, and those were great. But honesty was neces sary in all these cases so that no one Turn to Kleckner, page 4B SUNDAY NIGHTS SIN IS IN Sunday night is S.I.N. night (service industry night) • Show Food Handlers or OLCC card and get in free. • Specials all night • 2nd and 4th Sunday Every month HOT OIL WRESTLING MONDAY "STUDENT BODY NIGHT" • Show your student ID to get in FREE \ • Amateur Dance Contest. $ 100 Cash prize. Nudity optional. ';5 2 165 W. 1 1th Avenue • Eugene • 683-602 1 Monday - Friday 12-2 Saturday & Sunday 2-2 K Better Ingredients. WB Better Pizza. South Eugene and u of 0 484-PAPA (7272) Springfield, Duck's village, Chase village and University commons 746-PAPA (7272) Bethel/Danebo Santa Clara/River Road 461-PAPA (7272) Free Cheesestick ■ buv a Large 1-Topping | pizza for only $£|99 and receive an order of cheesestlcks Available in Original or Thin Crust. Not valid with any other offer or special. Limited delivery areas. $1 charge on delivered orders. Expires 3/30/03 i