Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 2003, Page 4, Image 4

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    School Counselors Care!
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Title IX
continued from page 1
more college level athletics. Smith
then introduced herself and gave
several examples and personal ac
counts — as a University alumna —
over the course of the evening. Sis
ley — the woman who implement
ed the title at the University in
1975 — introduced herself second
ly and headed the majority of the
forum discussion. She also ex
pressed an interest in attendees’
reasons for coming to the forum.
“Education leads to support,”
she said.
Law student Tracee Passeggi, the
third panel member introduced,
defined the three prongs of Title IX
compliance: financial aid and
scholarship assistance, equality in
services available to athletes — a
so-called “laundry-list” of benefits
— and proportionality in equal op
portunity and historical accommo
dation. Passeggi also assisted in an
swering clarification questions
regarding the legal history of Title
IX over the past two decades.
Student senator Mike Linman —
the only male in attendance — vo
calized his concerns at several
points and asked for clarification on
certain aspects of Title IX, including
how universities count athletes and
scholarships. Sisley responded in
"Education leads
to support"
Bev Smith
Oregon basketball coach
stating that all universities use dif
ferent methods to gauge equity.
The University, for instance, offers
full scholarships to all of its ath
letes, allowing it to easily comply
with the first prong of Title IX.
“The UO figured it out,” Passeg
gi said.
The last 30 minutes focused on
concerns with present nationwide
support of Title IX — or lack there
of. While a YWCA representative
said she gave the majority of flyers
regarding the forum to male stu
dents, the low attendance of both
sexes gave participants a somewhat
depressing impression. Sisley and
Smith discussed the importance of
supporting women’s athletics as a
means of inspiring young girls to
get involved early.
Handouts included information
regarding the availability of a Uni
versity course based on women’s
rights in college athletics and a
more recent history of Title IX
gains and developments.
Contact the reporter
at caronalarab@dailyemerald.com.
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Oregon My Emerald
P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403
The Oregon Daily Emerald is pub
lished daily Monday through Friday dur
ing the school year by the Oregon Daily
Emerald Publishing Co. Inc., at the Uni
versity of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.The
Emerald operates independently of the
University with offices in Suite 300 of the
Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is pri
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