cpfiore- uTliracle Become Mgg Vonor Oo I he Fertility Center of Oregon has J helped many couples achieve pregnancy since 1978. We are in need of Egg Donors to help infertile women. Procedures are done in a pleasant local environment over a period of only six weeks, and donors are compensated $2500 for their time. If you are a healthy woman age 21-31 and are interested, call 683-1559 or visit our website at www.WomensCare.com. Tlfp/ia JCappa Tlfp/ia Sorority? SJnc. presents... “A PORTRAIT TJJ^U^tl TimP’ &LACI4 itfclTAqiL fA^Ul^N 5lMV 3UNPAY. F^>RUARY 23. 2(9(93 3=(98 PM fE.ATUI2.lhk; UO/OiXl MftDQLS. MU6IC. PAhJcX, AnID 5TEP PLRf^2MAhJCE. | FRILL! e.mu '&bL.\JZ.oo^, u of o fgUP Online exclusives News Conservative political commentator David Horowitz will speak for free on campus today, following last year’s controversial ad campaign arguing against slavery reparations... Japanese American storyteller Megumi’s one-woman show comes to Eugene on Saturday, honoring Japanese American internees from World War II... Alpha Kappa Alpha hosts the I Oth annual Black Heritage Fashion Show at the EMU Ballroom on Sunday, honoring Black History Month with a look at black culture through time... The Eugene Police Department’s Volunteers in Policing program, which includes University student volunteers, was selected nationwide to serve as a model for other departments... The PFC recall graphic is online Read these stories at www.dailyemerald.com... Go to "Special Editions" and then "ONLINE EXCLUSIVES" Angelou continued from page 1 “Out of all the people we brought this year, this is the person who has generated the most response,” said Cultural Forum Program Director Justina Parsons-Berstein. Coleman agreed, adding that stu dents should take advantage of the opportunity to hear a poet of An gelou’s caliber. “She’s a multi-talented, multi-di mensional talent of the best kind,” he said. “This is a rare opportunity for Eugene and the University.” Contact the reporter at romangokhman@dailyemerald.com. OREGON DUCKS CONNECTING WITH OREGON PROFESSIONALS Thursday, February 27 EMU Ballroom 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. Looking for internship opportu nities? Wondering if your work experience will be relevant in the real world? The Student Alumni Relations Board presents CONNECT THE DUCKS, your opportunity to meet professionals in your area of interest, make possible internship or career connections, and discover what it takes to be a head above the rest. Qfes?' Talk and connect with Oregon alumni professionals in your area of interest. This is a FREE, informal event. Featuring professional panels for students pursuing a career in business, environmental studies, law or if you're looking to pursue graduate school. Questions? Call the Student Alumni Relations Board at 346-2107 or e-mail Erin Rowland at ERowland@gladstone.uoregon.edu. Sponsored by the University of Oregon Career Center and the Student Alumni Relations Board 000671/ — poppiV— _y4n&4oli& "The Land East" Traditional Greek & Indian Food Ctp Lunch Monday through Saturday Dinner 7 Nights a Week 992 Willamette Eugene, Or 97401 343-9661 J Where oh where has mylttledoggone? Find him with an ad in the ODE classifieds • 346-4343 Virtual Office Systems, inc. omputers In Partnership with UO Bookstore! AMD£I *FREE* CD Burner or DVD player upgrade with purchase of any VOS Computer. Valid only at Bookstore! AMD Athlon™1700. "Power Player H" $799.99 • Aluminum Clear Side Case • Gigabyte GA-7VKML Board • 20 GB 5400 RPM Drive • 128 MB DDR Memory • 17”.27SVGA Monitor System includes A TX case, 360 Watt power supply, Windows XP Home, 52X CD, 56K V. 90 modem, floppy, mouse, keyboard, sound, and stereo speakers DUCK ■MB tisivl **> i OttOOM tOOWKM* Support Women’s Basketball February 22nd for the Washington game. First 1000 people through the doors will receive a cool Microsoft T-Shirt from Virtual Office Systems! Visit www.voscomputers.com -Microsoft_ OHM System< Builder Gold Member 2002 3131 West 11th. Ave. Call us at 343-8633 Open Mon-Sat 10-6 vailuhlc at the l () Bookstore. I'i Oregon festival of american music now hear this series