Today's crossword solution Senate OKs student fee budget The Senate approved a $3 million incidental fee budget and tackled special requests Wednesday Jennifer Bear Campus/Federal Politics Reporter The Student Senate approved the EMU Board of Directors’ student inci dental fee budget proposal Wednesday Working for the world. Making a difference. Career Center Wednesday, FebruaS^t 2003 Mu -Ballroom Career Expo Event Monday, February 24, 2003 Social Service Job Applications • 3:00-4:00pm • Room 12 Hendricks Hall Application forms, particularly for government jobs, can be complicated, long, and highly detailed. Leam some tricks and key words to make sure your application rises to the top! Two representatives from the Oregon Department of Human Services will provide insight into the hiring process from the initial application and r&um£ up through the interview process. r night at #3,245,160 for the 2003-04 school year, a 7 percent increase. Chairwoman Christa Shively pre sented the board’s budget proposal and said that increases in the pro grams’ budgets were focused in salaries, other payroll expenses and the inclusion of a new budget for Equipment Reserve. Seven budgets were funded to maintain current service levels — University Scheduling, the EMU Ticket Office, EMU Event Services, the Craft Center, the Child Care and Development Center, Club Sports and the Outdoor Program. Four EMU program budgets were given line item modifications to allow the board to fund growth for a staff po sition in the Cultural Forum — EMU Administration, EMU Facilities, the EMU Board and the Cultural Forum. The Community Internship Pro gram brought a grievance before the senate, but ombudsman Andy Elliott said the complaint lays outside the senate’s jurisdiction. A representa tive for GIP brought to light the fact that two people from the program’s office were not receiving stipends because of an accounting error made by last year’s ASUO Programs Fi nance Committee. Senate members said they were concerned about GIP’s grievance, but Elliott said they did not have the authority to act on the complaint. Instead, the senate recommended that GIP speak with ASUO Accounting Coordinator Jen nifer Creighton. The senate voted on five special requests Wednesday night. PFG received its request of $69 to cover deficits in the committee’s long distance and printing and dupli cation line items. The senate voted to give the Women’s Center a loan of $6,000 to help the group fund Lesbopalooza, with up to $1,500 of that loan being forgivable. Representatives from the group said they engaged in several fundraising events to help fund Les bopalooza before going to senate. Representatives for the group also said they expect to make at least #4,800 from ticket sales for Les bopalooza, and they were confident they will be able to pay back the #6,000 loan by April 15. The African Student Association ap peared before the senate to ask for sev eral hundred dollars to help finance a dance party they were planning. How ever, ASA was zero-funded for the cur rent school year, and the senate had al ready given the group #300 to help members get the program back on its feet. In addition, more than #200 re mained in the group’s fundraising ac count, so the senate voted to only transfer #50 to ASA’s printing and du plication line item. In the final special request of the evening, senate voted to transfer #350 from an October conference account to a March conference ac count for the Oregon Law Students Public Interest Fund. Contact the senior news reporter MIUSA continued from page 1 in learning about disabled rights in clude “Global Perspectives on Dis ability,” a class offered this spring that will focus on the policies, cul ture and images of the disabled population. The class is available through both international studies and special education depart ments. MIUSA also offers an intern ship for students interested in help ing coordinate upcoming leadership exchange programs. For more information, contact MIUSA at 343-1284, or e-mail at ex Wendy Ardolino is a freelance writer for the Emerald. i r Friday, Feb. 21 & 28! 8PM - 180 PLC - U0 14th & Kincaid/346-0007 I Community Internship Program • Get Involved • Gain Experience • Earn Credit To learn more about how you can earn credit for activities you already participate in stop by our office under the EMU Breezeway or call us at 346-4351. 015400 Auto Repairs and Convenience Store Call 338-4641 and make an appointment today! 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