Nation & world briefing U.S. sits at crossroads of war, history Michael Tackett Chicago Tribune (KRT) WASHINGTON — As an anxious world awaits a report Friday from U.N. weapons inspectors, the Unit ed States finds itself at a thorny crossroads, and the path that it chooses could define its role in the world as profoundly as any event since World War II. America hasn’t often been in this place. On the cusp of war, historic al liances are frayed and fragile. Institu tions that the United States helped create and nurture, the United Na tions and NATO, could lose their rele vance and effectiveness. Domestically, officials are warn ing of an impending terrorist at tack and imploring people not to take up arms but rather to take up rolls of duct tape and plastic sheet ing to protect against a chemical or biological attack. The economy is sputtering, and conflict, at home or aboard, will only make it worse. A series of complicating and con founding events has created this moment. And the stakes are much greater than the narrow confines of the report that the weapons inspec tors will present Friday in New York. President Bush’s newly mint ed doctrine of pre-emptive warfare seems close to its first test case, with or without the assent of the U.N. Security Council. “How the U.S. acts in the days ahead will have profound conse quences for the future,” Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien told a dinner gathering of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations Thursday night. A near-term military victory in Iraq could still yield long-term diplomatic problems throughout Europe and beyond. If the United States does not find common ground with China, Germany, France and Russia — countries that have sharply challenged the Bush administration on Iraq — each individual alliance will be strained. The relationship with China, for one, could have dramat ic implications for how the United States handles the emerging nu clear threat in North Korea. If the U.N. report leads to in transigence in NATO regarding military support for Turkey, the U.S. could simply defy- the al liance, which has been a corner stone of international security for more than half a century. President Bush is on footing fun damentally different from that of his predecessors who have consid ered war. The U.S. became in volved in World War I and World War II haltingly at first. Indeed, Woodrow Wilson ran for re-elec tion in 1916 on the slogan, “He Kept Us Out of War.” In other conflicts, U.S. involve ment was guided by the principle of containment to halt the spread of communism and the expansion of the Soviet Union. Still other wars were the product of provoca tive, hostile acts that directly af fected national security and eco nomic well-being. None of those urgent factors ap ply to Iraq. And that is in part why Friday’s report and how the United States chooses to respond to it will have such long-term repercussions. “I view this decision as a fateful decision for America’s future place in the world,” said William Gal ston, a former senior official in the Clinton administration and policy analyst at the University of Mary land. “It will redefine our relation ship with every alliance that we are a member of, every institution that we are a member of, and every re gion and every country with which we have diplomatic, economic and military relationships.” For Bush, how the U.S. proceeds will no doubt shape the 2004 pres idential campaign, and, should he win, his second term. On Thurs day, Bush restated his underlying reason for changing from the durable policy of containment to one of pro-active invasion: “The world changed on September the 11th. 2001.” "If you propel the world into war on somewhat of a unilateral basis with some allies that we have essentially bludgeoned and coerced into it, then what do you have when it is over?" Chuck Hagel senator, R-Neh. In a speech to sailors in Jack sonville, Fla., Bush moved quickly to Iraq and challenged the United Nations with sharp words, “Now the world’s most important multi lateral body faces a decision. The decision is this for the United Na tions: 'When you say something, does it mean anything?”’ He added that he did not think that the U.N. would fade into an “in effective, irrelevant debating society.” By pointedly challenging the credibility of the U.N., Bush is sure to provoke criticism in some capi tals of Europe but almost equally certain to be praised in his Repub lican Party, where skepticism of the U.N. has deep roots. Even some in his own party, however, thought he should lower the temperature of his words. “I’m sorry the president has chosen those words, because I do not think those words enhance America’s relationships with the allies. We need to deal not just with North Korea and Iraq but Afghanistan and the Middle East and beyond,” said Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. “Sure, if we want to bolt from the U.N. structure and attack Iraq, there is little question that we would win. But at what cost?” Others worried about the prece dent that the United States might set. “It seems to me that if we can disarm Saddam through collective international action, engineered by the United States, we will have scored a great victory. But more important, we will have set a precedent for constructive leader ship to deal with similar problems elsewhere,” said Zbigniew Brzezin ski, who was national security ad viser to President Jimmy Carter. “If, on the other hand, we rush to war oil our own for the sake of re moving Saddam from power and not for the sake of disarmament, we will find ourselves much more iso lated,” Brzezinski said. “The after math of the war will be exclusively our burden, and no constructive precedents for dealing” with such situations will have been set. But Bush also gained adherents to his view that containment is a Cold War relic. In an unusual move, the White House steered reporters to a speech given Thursday by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., often an adminis tration critic, in which McCain fully endorsed the Bush view. “Proponents of containment claim that Iraq is in a box,” Mc Cain said. “But it is a box with no lid, no bottom, and whose sides are falling out. ... Containment failed yesterday in Iraq. Contain ment fails today. And containment will fail tomorrow. We would be placing hope before experience to think otherwise.” Yet there are those who do still think otherwise. “You don’t have to know a lot about diplomatic and military his tory to know that the rise of pre eminent power tends to lead to the rise of new powers to try to re strain the activities of hegemonic powers,” Galston said. “And we are now that power. I think a lot of what is going on in Europe has less to do in particular with Iraq policy and more to do with the much more general sense of what Rumsfeld called ‘Old Europe’ — that the United States cannot be permitted to have complete free dom of action.” If that comes to pass, it would be a new role for the United States, and it would come at a time of increased globalization and economic interdependence. That is one reason, Hagel said, that he believes it would be a mis take to not work within the U N. structure. “If you propel the world into war on somewhat of a unilateral basis with some allies that we have es sentially bludgeoned and coerced into it, then what do you have when it is over?” Hagel said. Few doubt that the United States would prevail militarily in Iraq. But how the U.S. exercises its power to get to that end, some said, is at least as important as the end itself. “Right now there is nobody in a position to act against us,” Brzezinski said. “Therefore we are the ones who have to exercise the best judgment.” © 2003, Chicago Tribune. Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services. Get Lucky on Valentine’s Day. Win Dinner for two, Movie and a Hot Tub. LUCKY WINNER WILL ENJOY: • Theater passes to the Bijou • Dinner for two at Ambrosia • 1-hour hot tub rental at Onsen No purchase necessary. Entry box on main floor. Winner will be announced Monday, February 17th. Lots happening at the Bookstore. Cards, gifts, chocolate and more! UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE r \ A Higher Education Teachers set high standards for us all . . . 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