Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 12, 2003, Page 4, Image 4

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PFC hearing results, Feb. 10
Old budget New budget
Model United Nations
Philosophy Club
Sexual Assault Support Services
Singapore Students Association
Spencer View Tenants Council
Student Insurgent
Student Senate
University Theatre
$1,620 $0
$1,518 $1,359
$50,348 $49,705
$3,142 $496
$2,137 $2,832
$14,039 $16,347
$20,778 $25,736
$27,375 $29,600
$120,957 $126,075
32 52%
SSA funding decreases
The Singapore Students
Association asked that PFC
pull its funding from next
year's programming budget
Jennifer Bear
Campus/Federal Politics Reporter
In a rare self-induced funding cut,
the Singapore Students Association
requested the ASUO Programs Fi
nance Committee pull all funding
out of the group’s programming
budget at Monday night’s string of
back-to-back hearings.
A representative for the group said
SSA decided it would not put on a cul
tural show next year, though the group
has done so in the past and usually re
ceived more than #2,000 in student in
cidental fees to fund its event.
PFC Chairwoman Kate Shull said
she did not feel comfortable zero-fund
ing the group’s programming budget.
The committee decided to give SSA
#50 to co-sponsor an event or organ
ize a coffee hour next year, as well as to
grant them several hundred dollars for
office supplies and operating costs.
“I think it’s dangerous just to
leave a group with administrative
expenses and no programming,”
Shull explained.
PFC allocated #496 to SSA for
2003-04, an 84.21 percent decrease.
On the flip side of the coin, the Phi
losophy Club petitioned committee
members to boost their program
ming budget and cut their adminis
trative budget.
A representative for Philosophy
Club said the group’s primary pur
pose is to bring in speakers, typically
two or three a year. The group over
hauled its budget because it was not
spending enough on administrative
line items such as postage, long dis
tance, and printing and duplication,
and members thought they could im
prove their organization by focusing
on programming.
The committee heeded the Philos
ophy Club’s request and gave the
group an overall budget of #1,359 for
2003-04, a 10.47 percent decrease.
PFC broke precedent at Monday
night’s meeting and allocated signifi
cant funding to two new line items in
the Student Insurgent’s budget: travel
and conferences. Committee mem
bers said they felt justified in starting
off funding for these two expenses at
$250 and $2,000 respectively, because
representatives for the Insurgent have
consistently requested money from
Student Senate for these expenses
over the last few years.
The committee gave the Insurgent
a budget of $16,347 for 2003-04, a
16.44 percent increase.
Sexual Assault Support Services
received a diminutive budget cut
when PFG gave the group $49,705 for
2003-04, a decrease of 1.28 percent.
The committee heard the Univer
sity Theatre’s budget proposal and al
located $100 for the group’s new
summer theater line item. The group
received a total budget of $29,600, a
8.13 percent increase.
PFG agreed to hear the Spencer
View Tenants Council’s budget pro
posal, despite the fact that PFG zero
funded the group when its represen
tative showed up late for the original
hearing. The committee agreed with
the ASUO Executive Recommenda
tion and gave the group $2,832, a
32.52 percent increase.
After noticing a payroll discrepan
cy, PFG voted to recall the Student
Senate’s budget. The administrative
assistant position had been funded at a
different rate than the same position
at other programs. The committee vot
ed to fund the position at $900, chang
ing the senate’s overall budget to
$25,736 for 2003-04, a 23.86 percent
increase from the 2002-03 school year.
Committee members voted to table
the Multicultural Center’s budget and
reschedule it for Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
PFG zero-funded Model United Na
tions for failing to submit a budget for
Contact the senior news reporter
Matthew Dennis
University of Oregon Bookstore
895 E. 13th Avenue, Eugene
Thursday, February 13
7 p.m. • Free
“Red, White, and
I Blue Letter Days: An
1 American Calendar"
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the Emerald
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Oregon Daily Emerald,
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