Locales offer romance From Hawaii to Canada to the Oregon Coast, couples have many options when choosing a romantic getaway Helen Schumacher Pulse Reporter Most students’ shoestring budg ets don’t allow for them to whisk their valentines away to exotic lo cations. However, fantasies of windswept beaches and snowy mountain tops can always substi tute for the real thing. And it’s nev er too early to start planning for the post-college reality, when the mon ey is more than just a dream. According to several travel agents, warm locales such as Mexico and Hawaii are the most popular places this time of year. Sunrise Travel owner Karen Stahlberg recommends Hawaii be cause of its romantic sunrises and sunsets. She also said the Caribbean and Jamaica have several “couples only” resorts, which are perfect for dreamy getaways. Tami Besemann, who also works at Sunrise Travel, is helping one man plot a week in Cabo San Lu cas, Mexico, where he plans to pro pose to his girlfriend. Besemann’s client has secretly arranged time off from work for his soon-to-be fi ancee and will even pack her bags for her to keep the scheme under wraps until they board the plane. Besemann has booked a private sunset cruise, massages and Emerald Couples who like long walks on the beach should take a trip to the coast. arranged a beach-side dinner. “The night of the proposal, we’re going to have the concierge decorate the room with flower petals,” Bese mann said. “There are a lot of things the concierge can do for (travelers). They do a lot more than getting taxis. They can get special tickets for concerts and operas.” Couples can also plan great trips to locations inside the country. Travel agents mentioned San Diego, Palm Springs, Las Vegas and San Francisco as possibilities. Bonaventure Travel owner Bonnie Solari said Scottsdale, Ariz., is a popular destination. “They have some top-notch spas and resorts,” Solari said. “Four and five star accommodations, Jacuzzis in the room, champagne and robes — they go all out for the February crowd that goes down there.” Travel agents list Jacuzzis, cham pagne and fireplaces as extras that can make a stay special. A warm and sunny location isn’t requisite for romance. Couples can get steamy at ski resorts such as Vail and Whistler. Stahlberg also recom mends the Oregon locations Sun River and Black Butte. Oregon’s coast can also make for a great weekend. “Romance is associated with the crash of the waves on the beach,” Solari said. “The coast seems to beckon people.” Coastal locations recommended by travel agents are Newport and Yachats. But whether it’s the ski slopes of Canada or the sandy beaches of Mexico, it is up to the couple to make the trip memorable — on Valentine’s Day or otherwise. Contact the Pulse reporter at helenschumacher@dailyemerald.com. What men want personality, religion and Independence top the list of important traits when finding the right woman Amanda Lee Freelance Reporter Finding the right person for a rela tionship may be difficult. What does one seek out in a partner? Some men tell all when it comes to what they want in a woman. Men say they look for different things Freshman Anthony Hart wants a woman who smells good, isn’t lazy, too controlling or money hungry and is open to different possibilities. “I want someone who is my best friend and my lover all in one,” Hart said. “Someone who I will never get tired of and she will never get tired of me.” Independence is also something important for men when choosing the partner. Freshman Ben Cannon said he wants a woman who is fully capable of taking care of herself. “If anything should happen to me, I would want her to be able to take care of our family as well as herself,” Cannon said. “I want someone who is opinionated and will hold true to her values.” Cannon said he would also like a woman who is physically fit. “She needs to be in shape, some one who is active, so I can take her climbing or hiking,” he said. “Some one adventurous.” For some, a strong religious back ground is also a deciding factor. Uni versity senior Kevin Kim is looking for a strong Korean American Christ ian woman — someone who would be a good wife and mother. “I know my future wife is out there and I know that whomever I end up marrying, together we will make a strong team for Christ,” Kim said. “I am looking for someone who is humble and one whom my parents will love. ” Some men say having precon ceived ideas of what they want may be restrictive. “Sometimes none of that really ^matters; everyone whq l h^ye, ippt , #####*# ########«*# Wendy Kieffer for the Emerald Clockwise from bottom, Ben Canon, David McLean, Anthony Hart and Kevin Kim explain the traits they think are important in a future mate. does not fit into the same mold,” jun ior Brendan Morley said. “When I go into a relationship or meet someone new, I don’t have this preconceived notion beforehand.” Still, Morley said he likes women with great personalities and intel lectual competence and who are skilled in playing Street Fighter EX on Play Station. Freshman David McLean agrees that a pleasant personality as well a great smile may be the way to his heart. McLean said he is looking for a woman who respects him and the ,tjme he spends with his friends, and M I M # f M / M f M M M ^ f / f who is goal-oriented and confident. “I am looking for someone who I am comfortable with no matter where we are, what we talk about or who we also may be with,” McLean said. All five students said physical at traction is an important aspect when first meeting women, but with time, one’s inner beauty will shine beyond the physical appearance. “Physical attraction will bring you to that person, but personality will make you stay,” McLean said. Amanda Lee is a freelance writer for the Emerald. “BEAT THE CLOCK” The time you call is the price you pay! (Mon & Tue 6 - 9 pm) South Eugene and u of 0 484-PAPA (7272) Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. 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