Nation & world briefing News briefs France, Germany offer disarmament plan WASHINGTON — United Na tions weapons inspectors on Sun day said Iraqi officials appear to be taking disarmament talks more se riously and have handed over new documents on anthrax, nerve gas and missile development. But President Bush kept up the pressure on the United Nations. In a speech before a Republican policy conference in White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., Bush said the international body faces a “a moment of truth.” “The United Nations gets to de cide shortly whether or not it is go ing to be relevant in terms of keep ing the peace — whether or not its words mean anything,” Bush said. France and Germany have pro posed to beef up inspectors and add U.N. forces. The German mag azine Der Spiegel reported details of a plan by the two countries, say ing U.N. peacekeepers would be de ployed, U.N. weapons inspections would be tripled and all Iraqi flights would be banned. German Defense Minister Peter Struck confirmed a plan was being discussed but would not give de tails. He said German forces “could well take part” in any peacekeeping in Iraq. Secretary of State Colin Powell, pushing the administration’s case on the Sunday morning television news shows, rejected the French-German proposal. Powell called it “a diver sion, not a solution.” Also Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin after a meeting with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in Berlin said he sup ported a peaceful disarmament and saw no reason for using military force against Iraq. — Shannon McCaffrey, Daniel Rubin and Diego Ibarguen, Knight Ridder Newspapers (KRT) Israel, U.S. plan to oust Arafat, newspaper says JERUSALEM — Israel and Wash ington have reached a secret agree ment on conditions for ousting Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat after the U.S. topples Saddam Hussein in Iraq, a leading Israeli newspaper re ported Sunday. Reached by Knight Ridder News papers, spokesmen for both Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv declined to ei ther confirm or deny the report car ried in the tabloid Yediot Aharanot under the headline, “After Saddam: It is Going to be Arafat’s Turn.” But Palestinian Authority regime change has been a long-standing goal of Sharon, whose Likud Party recently swept national elections and who has rejected Arafat as a suitable negotiat ing peace partner. Sharon has dis patched trusted aide Dov Weisglass to Washington several times in recent months and, according to the newspa per report, the U.S. and Israel now have a secret agreement—in writing. It did not report the terms. But Weisglass told state-run Israel Radio over the weekend that, rather than exile the Palestinian leader, or kill him, Israel wants the Palestini ans to create the position of a pow erful prime minister, leaving Arafat in a ceremonial role as president. Is rael has such a system. If Arafat refuses the transfer of power, “We’ll kick him out of here with American authorization,” ac cording to an unnamed “high-rank ing Israeli official” quoted in the arti cle. “In the White House’s eyes, Arafat is no different from Saddam Hussein,” the official told the paper. — Carol Rosenberg, Knight Ridder Newspapers (KRT) Author Alan Siporin University of Oregon Knight Library Browsing Room Tuesday, February 11*7 p.m. • Free “Fire’s Edge” Local award winning writer and public radio commentator, Siporin incorporates years of reporting on hate crimes into his first novel. A free Readin’ in the Rain event. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE Information on Alan Siporin and other author events online at IT'S COMING! National Condom Day February 14th Find out about free contraception services throush FPEP and your Health Center. Pick up a sweet sex treat for your valentine. Let the Peer Health Educators answer your questions about safer sex and other intimate matters. Find them at these Condom Week events: • Student Rec. Center Condom Fair - Wednesday 3-5 p.m. • UO Bookstore Condom Fair - Friday 12-2 p.m. • Vasina Monologues - Thursday-Saturday 7:30 p.m. in the EMU ballroom. • Peer Health Education Office at the UO Health Center during regular business hours. For more information or to schedule a speaker on related health topics, contact Peer Health Education Coordinator Ramah Leith at 346-0562 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON HEALTH CENTER