Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 04, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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    Place your heart in
the Oregon Daily
Ik Emerald. Jj
Remember when love was simple?
Valentine messages will publish
in the Oregon Dally Emerald on
Friday, February 14th
Bring your heart in by
February 12th
Write the most
creative message and
win a dinner for
two at The Old
State Department, becoming the first
black to hold a desk-level position. In
the late 1940s, he helped write the
United Nations charter, and he was
appointed to serve on die U.N. Spe
cial Committee on Palestine in 1947,
which recommended separate Jew
ish and Arab states.
War broke out when Arabs re
fused to accept die plan, and in
1948, Bunohe became the U.N. chief
mediator between the two sides. In
1949, his negotiations led to an
armistice, and he was awarded with
the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize — the
first black to be given the honor.
Bunche worked with the United
Nations the rest of his life, and
President John F. Kennedy award
ed him the Medal of Freedom in
1963. Bunche died Dec. 9,1971.
mH W.I Michael J. Kleckner
continued from page 1
said small items, such as make-up
products, remain the No. 1 theft tar
gets. When actively watching for
theft, Hirons said he apprehends one
person every day. Currently, Hirons
said traditional penalties for shoplift
ing are “adequate,” but not ideal.
“Every shoplifter should have to
stand outside the store that they
shoplifted in with a sandwich board
that reads, ‘I am a convicted
shoplifter,”’ he said of a possible
prevention method. “This would
send a message to people that if
they shoplift merchandise, they
risk public embarrassment.”
In theory, if a defendant chose
that option over a fine, the city pros
ecutor said the sandwich board al
ternative would be allowable. But
such alternative punishments could
not be considered until vendors ap
proach the courts or the Legislature
with their ideas, Richardson said.
To send an intolerant message to
shoplifters, the University Book
store prosecutes to the full extent of
the law and uses a unique method
of prevention besides camera sur
veillance — “plain clothes” loss
prevention officers.
“Potential shoplifters just don’t
know who is and who isn’t watch
ing them,” Humphrey said of the
undercover tactic used by the
bookstore staff.
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Photo illustration by Mark McCambridge Emerald
Steve Hirons, manager of Hirons Drug Store, wants shoplifters to carry the burden of
their crime on their shoulders in the form of sandwich boards.
As another prevention method,
costume jewelry was removed from
stock because it was almost “too at
tractive” for shoppers not to steal,
bookstore manager James Williams
said. An annual estimate of $150,000
to $200,000 in revenue is lost at the
bookstore due to shoplifting and
fraud cases — including bad checks
— and more than 100 individuals are
prosecuted every year, he said. Con
sidering the store is partly-owned by
University students and faculty, how
ever, he said shoplifters are often
stealing from themselves.
Locally-owned Little’s Market, lo
cated at 544 East 13th Ave., uses its
“Wall of Shame” to deter and punish
local thieves. After a shoplifter is
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captured on video surveillance, pho
to stills of the culprits are displayed
on a post by the cash register.
“At least people know who their
neighborhood petty thieves are,”
manager Pete Enfield said, adding
that the majority of cases involve
small items people don’t really need.
Little’s also prosecutes shoplifters
to the full extent to maintain a
tough local reputation. But despite
cameras, photos and word on the
street, Enfield said shoplifting will
continue to be a problem. “No mat
ter what you do, people will always
be stealing,” he said.
Contact the reporter
at caronalarab@dailyemerald.com.
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OPE Classifieds
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