Taurus: What are you doing this weekend? Check your PULS0 The local jazz musician and graduate student recorded his first solo album, a somber winter soundtrack CD review Aaron Shakra Pulse Reporter Unless you’re a student in the University’s School of Music, it’s unlikely the name Dave Gamwell will ring a bell. However, the local jazz musician and graduate stu dent has put out his own solo disc, “Flip Side of the Coin.” Camwell recorded the album during his master’s degree work at the University of Northern Colorado. He spent about 50 hours in the studio, although the record ing and mixing process took about a year. He discussed details about TRANSVJORL UNOfcCL ' TH\- 1I'ANjV\/[jU_D UNQbLLARfcP FILM TOUP IS A ran- nn i\/nW\\.f^ FILM FROM THE BEST SNOWBOARD £ no S THAT WILL LINE YOUR POCKETS WITH S m 2,n r r vn THE CHANCE TO WIN A SPUING SPEAK GE7AWAV * COLdRADO »« «<* SC^EEMIficSr UMtBl“os MONDAY FEBRUARY 3 PLC180 9:00 PM BROUGH I TO YOU BY THE U OF 0 SNOWBOARD TEAM NF'TeP BUP*4eP @ viiLi) i)i(cK bpev/ePv_ SPRING BREAK IN COLORADO! HOOK YOURSELF UP S CALL 8B0.32B.BB77 AND SAVE S50/PEH PERSON ON A I RIP. _ MENTION FREEZEDEAL AND CST * 2009218-20 CAectf ©ut > > ^^.oh JecLApeDfiLr^’Tou^.^o^1 Windows* you ?e fAe fci?eet©?! t.©/ouPPowep.con soffit you? fesf Vi»eo Cut if you