Crime watch Theft and Recoveries DPS reported four bikes stolen from Bean Complex, Lawrence Hall, Moss Street and other off-campus locations. DPS also received six recovered/found property reports. Friday* Jan. 24, 7sS4 DPS received a report of a stolen backpack from the Knight Library. Disorderly conduct DPS received 10 criminal mischief reports, five loud rmisic/noise reports and four reports of trespassing subjects. Tuesday, Jan. 21,8:11 p.m,: DPS received a report of an assault near Millrace Studio No. 1. Tuesday, Jan. 21,9:45 p.m.: DPS received a report of harassment at Bean. Sunday, Jan. 26, 11:31 a.m.: DPS received a report of a male suspect threatening a female subject with a gun at the closed portion of East 13 th Avenue. Alcohol and drugs DPS received reports of four MIP citations. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 10:16 p.m.: DPS received a report of subjects smoking marijuana at Hayward Field. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 10:32 p.m.: DPS received a report of male subjects smoking and drinking in Barnhart Hall stairwell. Thursday, Jan. 23, 12:59 p.m.: DPS received a report of a burnt spoon near Walton Complex. Friday, Jan. 24, 7:54 p.m.: DPS received a report of a suspect in possession of less than an ounce of marijuana at Hamilton. Sunday, Jan. 26, 1:06 a.m.: DPS received a report of a subject smoking marijuana at Hamilton. Other DPS received seven towing/park'mg-related reports. Tuesday, Jan, 21,1:36 a.m.: DPS received a report of a suspect sleeping at Condon Hall. Today's crossword solution DUCKS! News brief Bloodmobile comes to EMU The Lane Memorial Blood Bank will hold a blood drive from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the EMU. Registration is being held in Tay lor Lounge, and the blood is drawn inside the Bloodmobile, parked out side the EMU on University Street. LMBB is looking for A positive and O positive blood in particular, but is accepting others as well. “We never say ‘no’ to any blood type,” LMBB spokeswoman Chris Stockdale said. To be eligible, donors must weigh at least 110 pounds and be 16 years of age or older. Participants need to eat a meal within two hours of having blood drawn and should be in good health. There are also other restrictions; for instance, donors cannot be homosex ual males, intravenous drug users or have traveled to certain countries. Everyone will be asked about their health history, and first-time donors need to bring a picture ID card. The LMBB is a not-for-profit or ganization and collects 30 percent of its blood units with the Bloodmobile. —Roman Gokhman Mark McCambridge Emerald The Oregon server (center) is being retired to make way for a more technologically advanced system. E-mail continued from page 1 2004, any e-mail being sent to Oregon automatically will be redi rected to Darkwing. “In most cases, users will already have a Darkwing or Gladstone ac count since those are the primary sys tems we’ve been generating accounts on for new users,” St Sauver said. Computing Center documents li brarian Vickie Nelson said that she’s not worried about the changes. “I think it will work smoothly,” she said. “I think there is enough lead time to get the changes made.” BERG’S SKI BUS to Willamette Pass, Mt. Bachelor & Hoodoo! Sign up at Berg’s! Call For Details, Reservations & Information. Berg’//hi/hop 13th & Lawrence • 683-1300 In related news, Darkwing users now have the option to condense their e-mail addresses from “some” to “somebody@uoregon. edu. ” St Sauver said the changes were implemented to allow faculty and staff to have a shorter e-mail address that may convey a more profession al or official appearance. All e-mail sent outbound will still have the “darkwing” prefix, however, unless users manually change the e-mail address in their user preferences. Contact the reporter at RENTALS! Downhill (new shaped skis).$12 Cross Country..$10 Snowboard & Boots.$25 Back Country & Tele Pkgs..$20 Snow Shoes..$7 BergV /hi f hop I3th & Lawrence • f>83-1300 • ODE itorie* are archived on-line at CAREER WEDNESDAY JANUARY 29 10AM-3 PM EMU BALLROOM Career Center o