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Ave. Call us at 343-8633 Open Mon-Sat 10-6 VOS Inc. Systems are also available at (he 1)0 Bookstore. Prices good through 1/17/01 Trademarks property of their respective companies. Prices .subject to change. Dl2£JbAOl2f Q.EHEA&QAL Tuesday, January 21, C:00pm—?:30pm FAZHiOtiSHOM Wednesday, January 22, ll^Oam-l-OOpm Qoesf ions? o>f acf ©ill ©ankhead at 34£>“?034 or bankhead@oregon.uoregon.edu by Wednesday, January 15. Career Center 220 Hendricks Hall* (541)346-3235* httpj/uocareer.uoregon.edu you will also need to visit the retailer by January I9 -for a brie-F -Fitting session. News brief OSA to discuss recall on Saturday The Oregon Student Association Board of Directors will discuss recall ing chairwoman Rachel Pilliod from her leadership position at their monthly meeting Saturday, but ques tions still remain unanswered. Pilliod, who is also the ASUO Presi dent, came under fire this week when Oregon State University student body president and board member Bridget Burns accused her of break ing OSA bylaws and acting in an “in credibly partisan manner.” Many of the OSA’s 16 members said they’re not sure what to do with the charges or whether Pilliod is likely to be re moved from her seat. The group meets Saturday at South ern Oregon University for a public meeting to discuss a number of issues, and Bums is expected to bring the re call issue to the floor. For a recall to take place, every' board member, in cluding Pilliod, must be notified in writing. The issue would then be brought to a vote one month later, and it would take two-thirds of the board members to remove Pilliod. However, almost anything could happen Saturday. The board is likely to go into executive session, a private meeting which allows public bodies to discuss personnel issues as long as no votes are taken and no decisions are made. Several members have also heard rumors that certain parties may push for Pilliod’s complete ouster from the board in the form of an impeach ment, or suspend the OSA’s bylaws and demand an immediate vote on the chairwoman’s recall. It’s also possible that board mem bers will levy additional charges against Pilliod on Saturday, but rep resentatives remain silent on the matter — at least publicly. Finally, if Pilliod were recalled, there remains no clear leader who would step up and take her place. And al though Burns has spearheaded the re call effort so far, she said she has no ambitions for Pilliod’s job. Further more, she cannot take the job because the OSA board vice chairman, Andy Saultz, is also from Oregon State. OSA rules prevent any one school from oc cupying the top two positions. Pilliod said no matter what hap pens Saturday, she’ll continue to fight hard for Oregon. “It doesn’t take a title to lobby for students,” she said. — Brook Reinhard Womenspace continued from page 1 message, and it would be nice if it came more often from men.” Man-power aside, senior Sayaka Mimura has contributed plenty of woman-power to the organization through hard work and a love of working with people. Considering her interest in working within the Youth Outreach Program this year, that goes for little people, too. “I’ve gained a lot of practical, real world experience at Womenspace,” she said. “It’s a great opportunity.” Mimura attended a three-day training with the organization dur ing spring term. After learning more about domestic violence dynamics, definitions of gender and support skills for working with traumatized survivors, Mimura went on to partic ipate in support services and even spent some time helping at the Ad vocacy Center later last year. The feeling of being able to change someone else’s life for the better is what makes it all worth while for Schaefer. “It makes me see that dominance and terror aren’t the only pathways gaining around the world,” she said. For those interested students and community members who are unable to attend the trainings this month, an average of three volunteer trainings are held each year, Schaefer said, so there usually isn’t too long to wait. People who are “itching to help” or who do not prefer direct service work can always volunteer in the business office without attending the volunteer training, she said. Womenspace is in urgent need of people who speak Spanish and who can maintain their volunteer com mitment during the summer months. For registration informa tion, call Nancy Hafner at 485-7262 or visitenddomesticviolence.com. Contact the reporter at caronalarab@dailyemerald.com. planning an event on campus? UO Scheduling & Event Services is offering 3 interactive workshops to walk you through the scheduling process. Topics to be covered include: ■ EVENT PLANNING • DOWNLOADING FORMS, RATES AND POLICIES • ROOM AND SETUP OPTIONS ■ RESERVING OUTDOOR SPACES • EQUIPMENT, SOUND AND LIGHTING OPTIONS ■ SUBMITTING ON-LINE REQUESTS ■ FUNDRAISING AND TICKET INFORMATION monday ■ jan. 13th 6:30-7:30pm tuesday • jan. 14th 3:30-5:00pm Wednesday ■ jan. 15th 4:00-5:30pm location: alsea/coquille rooms LIMITED TO 30 PARTICIPANTS ■ REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED ATTEND A WORKSHOP AND BECOME ELIGIBLE TO WIN A $30.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM THE UO BOOKSTORE For more information, call 346-6062. o UNIVERSITY OF OREGON