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Whether it’s an evening of salsa lessons at the Rum ba Room or a free-for-all at Diablo’s Downtown Lounge, there is no shortage of places to catch that Sat urday night fever. Dancing is an age-old pastime that crosses cultural boundaries and al most always delivers a remedy for the daily pressures of life. But the ac tivity serves purposes far beyond simple stress relief. According to Eugene Swing Club board member Greg Shaver, dance is perfect exercise for those who can’t Wondering what the economy will be like when yon graduate? Worried the search for your dream lob will be a nightmare? Then let us help you ACCiliRATi YOUR UK! We can place you in challenging and prestigious career programs such as Naval Flight Officer, Nuclear Power, Civil Engineering, and Logistics (Supply Corps) up to 24 months before graduation. We offer full-ride scholarships for Medical and Dental school and tuition assistance for other advanced-degree programs. Our pay is competitive and our benefits—including health coverage, worldwide travel, and unique training programs are unbeatable. If you want to spend the rest of your college time on your education (and not on your job search), contact us about a Navy commissioning program today. Call us toll-free at I 800-914-8498 or e-mail us at lpt_port@cnrc.navy.mil. Jeremy Forrest Emerald Maileah Jones, left, learns howto salsa from Jose Crez, center, as Richard McPherson watches. Crez has been teaching salsa in various places throughout Eugene for about five years. McPherson and Jones are both newto salsa dancing. muster the motivation to hit the gym. “Sometimes it’s difficult to make exercise a priority,” Shaver said. “But if I can fool myself into exercis ing on a dance floor, it’s wonderful.” The Swing Dance Club meets every Monday with concurrent les sons for dancers of all skill levels. The club specializes in West Coast Swing, a style that gained huge popu larity in California over the past sev en years. Shaver said this genre is a little slower than East Coast Swing and translates to a wide variety of music that includes everything from rhythm and blues classics to modem pop radio standards. Shaver said he loves the challenge of West Coast Swing, and there’s al ways room for improvement. “I’m so much better now than I was a year ago, and a year ago, I was much better than I had been a year before that,” Shaver said. An open dance session follows the lesson. Dancing has also become a classic ice-breaker for singles. Though plen ty of couples take part in the Swing Club, Shaver said he knows at least three people who met their signifi cant others while swing dancing. And the club rotates partners fre quently, ensuring a social atmos phere where everyone gets to know one another. Shaver also said he believes in the healing power of dance. He fell off a roof while painting almost a year and a half ago, and he has used the club Turn to Dancing, page 5 Last chance to prep for the April MCAH A high MCAT score is critical to admissions success. Take Kaplan and get a higher score. MCAT classes start Thursday, January 9 at Oregon State University! Call 1-800-KAP-TEST or visit kaptest.com to enroll today! Test prep, admissions and guidance. For life. I s % I j Ore P.O. The Oregon Daily Emerald is pub lished daily Monday through Friday dur ing the school year by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. Inc., at the Uni versity of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.The Emerald operates independently of the University with offices in Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is pri vate property. The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law. ;on My Emerald fox 3159, Eugene OR 97403 NEWSROOM — (541)346-5511 Editor in chief: Michael J. 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