Pet sitters provide care during holidays For students traveling with pets or leaving them in Eugene, local businesses offer numerous services Danielle Gillespie Safety/Crime/Transportation Reporter Frankie, a 14-year-old former al ley cat, now resides in the home o graduate student Georgia Bellings ley, and for winter break she wil be heading with Bellingsley t( Sacramento, Calif., to visit family. But Frankie doesn’t like to travel “She is very vocally expressive that she’s ticked off,” Bellingsle> said. “She meows loudly, scratch es on her carrier cage and give; me dirty looks.” Bellingsley visited with her loca veterinarian and has decided t( give Frankie a sedative to make the seven-hour drive easier on her “It doesn’t put her to sleep; i just mellows her,” she said. Many University students wil have to decide whether to trave with their pets for the holidays o: find someone to care for then while they’re away. Eugene Animal Hospital Veteri narian Assistant Dave Rataj saic some animals don’t mind confinec spaces, while it makes others ac neurotic. Rataj suggested that stu dents give their dogs and cats i sedative called Acepromazine be fore taking them in an automobih or airplane. Acepromazine relaxe: pets for about six to eight hours The sedative can be picked up at most veterinarian clinics, he said. If students plan to take their pets in an automobile, Rataj said they should also stop frequently at rest areas and let their pet out to walk around. And if they are plan ning to take their pet on an air plane, they should make sure to [ give their pet plenty of blankets because they are often stored in [ the cargo area. > “A lot of animals have separa tion anxiety and might need to be relaxed,” he said. ; Students should also check r with the airline to make sure the animal has all of the necessary i vaccinations to make the trip, Rataj added. [ For those students who decide » not to travel with their pets, the : Eugene area has several pet-sitting businesses. The sitters will come ; into the owner’s home and care for their pets while they’re away. [ “This way, the pets get to stay in [ their own homes, and it’s not so unnerving for them,” The Critter i Care Company owner Carla Cochrane said. “It’s hard enough for them when their owners are I gone.” I The Critter Care Company : looks after many types of pets, in cluding snakes, lizards, hedgehogs, i chickens, cats and dogs. Sitters’ responsibilities can include any ; thing from changing litter boxes to i bringing in the mail, taking out the trash and giving animals their jeremy Forrest Emerald Kennels and pet-sitters are two ways to take care of pets over the holidays. BIRKENSTOCK GIFT PACKS » * f’t"« * • >»'♦■■» *•*»} .* « « « 4 * ^ • ' « » « « « « *■*»■< . M ♦ » ’> r » ♦ f ♦ 4 4‘W«4 ♦ \ * » ‘ * < * - * ) i * * • * , \ * *** ■■ Need a gift for family or friends? We can help with Birkenstock holiday gift packs. foomisE THE BIRKENSTOCK STORE 181 E Broadway • Downtown Eugene • 342-6107 0-6 & Sun 11-5* Gift Certificates available medications, Cochrane said. The price range varies depending on how many animals and the loca tion of the owner’s home, Cochrane said. Prices can be anywhere be tween $12 and $15 per day. “Students should call as soon as possible,” Cochrane said. “It’s a very busy time of year, and proba bly most of the kennels are already booked.” Cochrane also advised that stu dents leave their heat on at least 65 degrees while they are away be r nl OFF 1 Any Yogurt* (♦Except small cones and tinies Expires 12/22/02) Campus f SUBSHOP Not valid with any other discounts or coupons. One coupon per customer. 1 HOMEY HILL FARMS Lk JJ r cause animals can get cold during the winter months. “They have a fur coat, but they still get cold,” she said. Chambers Pet Sitting also takes care of a variety of animals, in cluding hamsters, fish, birds, cats and dogs, Chambers Pet Sitting owner Debi Chambers said. The sitter will visit the home for about 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the number of pets. The company does a lot of the same services as The Critter Care Company, including watering the plants and giving animals walks, food and medicine. The price range varies per ani mal. For a dog requiring three dai ly visits, it costs $30 per day, and for a cat needing one daily visit, it costs $12.50 per day. “We are booking up really fast for winter break, so if students want a spot, they should call soon,” Chambers said. Contact the reporter buy your books It doesnTt take an economics major to know thatTs smart money. Now there’s a better way to buy and sell textbooks - To sell your textbook, simply post it on our site and set your price. To buy a book, browse for the book you need - at the price you want! 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