Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 09, 2002, Page 11B, Image 30

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    Boo-ya!And now back to Bristol for a Quick update
Bud-a-dum. Bud-a-dum.
Chris: Hello and welcome to a
very special edition of Sportscen
ter. I’m Chris Berman, that’s Stuart
Scott, and we’re about to take you
through Alice’s rabbit hole on a sur
real ride through Oregon’s 2002
fall season.
Stuart: Boo-ya!
Chris: Well put, Stu. We’ll start
where everything starts. On ... the
... grid ... iron (cue Onterrio
Smith/Jason Fife highlight reel
from Mississippi State and Idaho
games with NFL Films music). The
Ducks opened the season flying
higher than a Mandrake. They
passed all over Mississippi State
and ran across Idaho and Portland
State. They blocked. They kicked.
They did everything,' in short, that
they needed to do. They even de
ja’d the vu with close wins over
Fresno State and UCLA. They
started the season 6-0 and shot to
No. 6 in The Associated Press poll
(cue graphics box with statistics
from first six games. Cut back
to anchors).
Stuart: Boo-ya!
Chris: Again, I couldn’t have said
it better. But like all fairy tales, there
was a big, bad wolf laying in wait just
around the cor
ner (cue An
d r e w
Anderson slow
motion mon
tage with
musio). Pac-10
Can’t live with
’em, can’t live
without... oh,
never mind. Anyway, the Ducks re
ally couldn’t live with ’em, as they
gave up records amounts of yards
each week. They tumbled out of the
Rose Bowl picture, out of the nation
al rankings and out of favor (cue
graphics box with statistics from
past six games compared with first
six. Cut back to anchors).
Two minutes for
Stuart: Boo-ya!
Chris: No, Stu, not Boo-ya. Just
boo. But luckily for the Ducks, there
was hope ... on ... the ... hard ...
wood (cue Luke Ridnour/Luke Jack
son highlight reel from Kansas game
with “Gladiator” music). The Ducks
opened the season with a flourish,
rising to No. 7 and then beating a
top-25 team (cut back to anchors).
The last time Oregon even played a
top-25 team in the preseason, Stu’s
mom was just going to her high
school prom!
Stuart: Boo-ya!
Chris: Right. Indeed, it seems
good times and much hoop-la lay
ahead for the men. Now, the
women’s team also had success re
cently against a top-25 team. And it’s
all because of their star — no matter
how far she’s fallen. Shaquala
Williams was suspended from the
team and they suddenly bonded,
coming back in epic fashion Satur
day to strike fear in their opponents’
hearts that yes... they can win.
Without big Shaq. But she’s actually
pretty small.
Stuart: Boo-ya!
Chris: OK, Stuart, it’s getting an
noying. Moving along, the Ducks
had many other teams in action
this fall, starting and certainly not
ending with the cross country
squads (cue Jason Hartmann/Ryan
Andrus slow-motion highlight reel,
with “Chariots of Fire” theme mu
sic). Yes, I said cross country.
That’s where they run. Quite far.
And these Ducks ran well, along
with far. The men finished fifth at
the national meet. The women did
n’t make it there, but had one girl
(cue Carrie Zografos highlight reel)
make it there, ending Tom
Heinonen’s cross country coaching
career on a high note (cut back
to anchors).
Stuart: Boo-ya!
Chris: Stuart, I swear to God, if
you do it one more time, I will kill
you. We’re getting to the Cheshire
Cat now. Oregon volleyball and soc
cer had mediocre seasons but looked
good doing it! Each squad had what
we in the media love to call “moral
victories” (cue Sydney Chute/Lind
continued from page 1B I
Valley Classic will feature Fresno '
State and Georgia Tech. '
“We felt all along that if we had a ■
chance, that Seattle was in the best
interest of the team, the program 1
and our fans,” Moos said at a press 1
conference Sunday.
Moos said he hopes to attract !
15,000 to 20,000 Duck fans to the ;
$435 million, 67,000-seat Seahawks
Stadium. Oregon was required to i
purchase 12,500 seats at $53 each. ,
Seattle Bowl officials missed at i
least two deadlines to provide the
NCAA with letters of credit which
would prove the bowl could give
participating teams the required $1
million payoffs. But Terry Daw, prin
cipal owner of Aloha Sports Inc.,
which owns the Seattle Bowl, said
the financial situation has been
cleared by the NCAA.
As for the game itself, the Ducks
said they will start preparing for
Wake Forest on Tuesday when they
can start studying film.
“I don’t know much about them,”
said Oregon redshirt freshman
Kellen Clemens, who should see
time at quarterback along with Ja
son Fife in the bowl game. “All I
know is that they have a hell of a
basketball program.”
Indeed, the Oregon basketball
team defeated Wake Forest in the
Adam Amato Emerald
Junior wide receiver Samie Parker led the Ducks with 46 receptions this season, including seven touchdowns.
second round of the NCAA Tourna
nent last March. The only time the
ootball teams met was 10 years ago
n Shreveport, La., for the Indepen
lence Bowl, a game the Demon
beacons won 39-35.
“We had a good season, and
ve’re tickled to death it’s not over
vith,” said Wake Forest head coach
fim Grobe, whose notable wins this
season were against Georgia Tech
md Purdue.
The Ducks are tickled to have
heir star player back for the bowl
;ame. After having surgery Nov. 18
:o repair tom cartilage in his right
mee, Onterrio Smith is “completely
sey Peterson/Sarah Peters highlight
reel). Volleyball’s moral victory was
a Pacific-10 Conference win, and the
soccer team held Final Four team
North Carolina and eventual nation
al champion Portland to a combined
six goals (cut back to anchors).
Moral victories, Stuart, you gotta
love ’em (pause). Don’t even say it. I
swear (another pause, as the an
chors glare at each other).
Stuart: Boo.
Chris: Stuart...
Stuart: Boo.
Chris: OK. Enough. That’s all
we’ve got.
Stuart: Boo.
Chris: Until next time, I’m Chris
Berman. That’s hardly Stuart Scott.
You’ll see us again in five.
Good night.
Stuart: Boo-ya!
Bud-a-dum. Bud-a-dum.
Contact the sports editor
at peterhockaday@dailyemerald.com.
His views do not necessarily represent
those of the Emerald.
healthy,” Bellotti said. The junior
running back, who may forgo his
senior season and opt for the NFL,
has been going through light work
outs in the last week and will play
against Wake Forest.
The Ducks will head to Seattle on
Dee. 26, which allows them to
spend Christmas with their families.
Bellotti said the team has several
choices for practice facilities, in
cluding the Huskies’ new indoor fa
cility or the Seattle Seahawks train
ing center in Kirkland, though he
has not made a decision.
Contact the senior sports reporter
at adamjude@dailyemerald.com.
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