TSarence Willi Wake Forest Oregon looks to snap a three-game losing skid with a win over Wake Forest in the Dec. 30 Seattle Bowl Adam Jude Sonioi spoiK Kcporfi i . Attorn dismal end ton senson flint I>'o• ynn with si> i m loll |)i( mi iso, < )iyt*< ni In >pos to botiin i ho 2<)(>2 sousem with n promising oiul to2002. "W'o io happy just to <*ot tho oppm (uni ty to.ciid tho son-son with n win,’’ < hogon soiiii n linol>;token' I >nvid Miirorti snid at tor to a No. 2 ranking last year after .1 w in over Colorado.in the -Fiesta 1 !o.u |. said lie is excited about making a sixth'straight' bowl appearance and the extra lew weeks of practice that conics w ith it. ' '"This is to reward the seniors for their work over the past four years. and a spring board to the Mtd season. 1 iellotti said. Despite such a drop-off in bowl prestige this year, the'..1 Kicks say thc\ re preparing jiiKt as hard for the .M•< )-mile trip ti > Se.ittle "We want t« > get t lie (Civ il War loss out of ou(r minds, Oregon senior wide receiver Keenan How ry said. '-‘We want to get rid ofthat taste ■” With Washington State securing a trip to the Hose i>(>vvl with a win over ' T .'LA on Saturday. ()fegoh was slated !• a a Dept A i visit to San .Ipse. ( Li lit’.. tor the Silicon Val ley Classic;-which is given to'the Pac-lOs sixth hots 1-eliyihle team Hut < )tes>t>n.Athletic Ittrector i'.iH M<>os hail independent discussions with Seattle Howl president .lint [faugh to keep the 1 Hicks iti the Northwest ami . t> reached wi th (he San Josu l it ni l ' o swap i iregou anil (let >rgia Tech Tint's the sijic< >u lurn to Seattle.paged'! B KICKOFF AT 2:30 P.M. ■ SEAHAWKS STADIUM ■ MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2002 ■ TV: ESPN Out of the Forest Things were looking bleak for the Deacons after a loss to Maryland, but now Wake Forest is ready for Seattle. Page3B Eeeee-gor Igor Olshansky has turned into a star this season through hard work, quick learning and help from fans. fctge4B