The New york Cimcs l Jump start everyday with a New York Times subscription. New York Times College Readership Subscription Program Sign-up for Winter Term Monday, December 2nd through Friday, December 6th Take advantage of special educational rates for UO students, faculty and staff. Inquire at the Main Floor Information counter at the UO Bookstore! UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE Reading & Book Signing Room 100, Willamette Hall University of Oregon Wednesday, December 4 7:00 p.m. • Free UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE FIND THINGS IN ODE CLASSIFIEDS (BICYCLES, PETS, CARS, JOBS, ROOMMATES, APARTMENTS, CONCERT TICKETS, PLANE TICKETS, STUFF YOU LOST, TYPING SERVICES, ON-CAMPUS OPPORTUNITIES) Crime watch Theft and recoveries j Monday, Nov. 25,1:57 p.m.: Bike reported stolen from | Allen Hall. i Monday, Nov. 25, 3:02 p.m.: | Bike reported stolen from [ Hamilton Complex. | Monday* Nov. 25,7:26 pan.: j Bike reported stolen from | Straub Hall. | Monday, Nov. 25,8:30 p.m.: Wallet found near Agate Street and East 13th Avenue. Monday, Nov. 25,8:46 p.m.: | Bike reported stolen from ! Knight Library. Tuesday, Nov. 26,4:09 p.m.: Bike reported stolen from Knight Library. Friday, Nov. 22,12:58 p.m.: Bike reported stolen from Bean Complex. Sunday, Dec. 1,12:01 p.m.: Bike reported stolen from Walton Complex. Disorderly conduct Monday, Nov. 25,12:45 p.m.: Department of Public ! Safety received a report of graffiti at Bean. Tuesday, Nov. 26,1:32 a.m.: DPS received a report of subjects lighting fireworks near Agate Street. Tuesday, Nov. 26,3:23 a.m.: DPS received a report of noise at Hamilton. Alcohol and drugs Tuesday, Nov. 26,8:42 p.m.: DPS received a report of subjects with drugs at Hamilton. ! Wednesday, Nov. 2 7, 11:08 p.m.: DPS received a report of a subject smoking from a pipe near Bean. Other Monday, Nov. 25,3:05 DPS received a report of suspicious subject banging against a window at Cerlinger Annex and grabbing the complainant. Monday, Nov. 25,3:06 p.m.: DPS received a report of a female subject appearing dazed and confused crossing the street at Agate Street and East 13th Avenue. Monday, Nov. 25, 5:26 p.m.: DPS received a report of subject laying on the ground kissing and licking the cement near the EMU. Tuesday, Nov. 26,4:43 p.m.: DPS received a report of suspicious subject selling magazines at Walton. Phone continued from page 1 it has anything to do with an Oregon resident,” she said. Margosian said her office uses fines and collection agencies to pun ish violators. “Sometimes getting to their mon ey can bring a company to the table quicker than throwing them in jail,” she said. Justin Griddle, GEO of Affinity Marketing, a telemarketing firm based in Eugene, said the No Call list can be programmed into the compa ny’s computerized dialing system, which makes it easy for the compa ny to comply with the law. Griddle said he’d like the oppor tunity to talk to people who don’t want to be called, but understands that some people don’t waijt to be bothered. “We respect people’s privacy,” he said. Telemarketers may lose money because of the law, but it’s not worth risking a fine by violating it, he said. “It is a potential lost sale,” he said. “It’s also a potential for a headache.” Contact the senior news reporter at a proud member of Unique Eugene