Senate brief Student Senate approves three special requests The ASUO Student Senate met a day early this week for its meeting, granting three special requests, hear ing committee updates and making short announcements. The senate tabled the approval of meeting minutes for the last two meetings so errors could be corrected. Programs Finance Committee members announced that program budgets of more than $7,OCX) are due this Friday. The Student Bar Association re quested #500 from the surplus to help fund an event being coordinat ed with the Native American Law Students Association. The event — which will be held at the law school — will host the Navajo Supreme Court to hear a case. Although the SBA members al ready raised #4,394 for the event on their own, they acquired a deficit of #569 after learning they would also have to pay airfare for attorneys who will argue the case. SBA members said the event will promote diversity in education and show that the law school is “serious about different types of law.” A motion was made to transfer the entire deficit of #569, but it was amended later when Sen. Levi Strom said the senate should be con sistent in granting only what the group requested, which was #500. Senators agreed, and the amend ed motion was approved 14 to 1. The International Student Associa tion members requested #30 be re leased from their food holding account to fund their coffee hour. ISA members requested twice as much this week be cause they did not hold one last week as it was the Thanksgiving holiday. Senators said they would investigate whether they could automatically transfer the money every week, as the ISA holds the same event weekly. Senators approved the motion 14 to 1. The Women’s Center requested #676 be transferred from surplus to their leadership account to fix an accounting problem. The center’s money budgeted to pay student co ordinators was rolled over into sur plus because of late paperwork, and they needed a transfer to correct the mistake. Senators approved the motion 14 to 1. —JanMontry Jobs continued from page 1 are paid $8.50 per hour and load and unload packages weighing any where from 25 to 70 pounds on to trucks. Driver assistants aid the drivers in delivering packages and are paid $7 per hour, and they may work up to 10 hours per day. 015415 i : i I LEARN TO PLAY BRIDGE! FREE! Modem Bridge the Easy Way! Games Run 10 Weeks All Lessons are Free! Book $10.00 Play in a game your first day! EASYBRIPGE IS HERE! WED.,JAN. 8th, 2003 &15 -9 PM Eugene Garden Club 1645 High St. Eugene 541-729-1282 Participate in Bridge Week in North America, January 6-12, 2003 Students may also want to stop by the Career Center and check out the job postings. “Some of our regular employers, especially retailers, hire a few more students during the winter break or add more hours to their regular schedules,” Ferris said. Contact the reporter CHEATFOOD COOB PRICES OPEN LATE ourmet Cafe Food Deli Sandwiches Salads & Wraps Awesome Desserts Over a Dozen Seers Fly ing pogs Cafe C Peli IZ49 Alder • 344 -I960 Ham—Midnight The University of Oregon invites you to a second Open House & Workshop UO East Campus Area Development Policy Draft TODAY (Dec. 4) EMU Concourse Open House 4:00-6:30 P.M. Thurs.. Dec. 5,2002 Agate Hall Auditorium (1787 Agate St) Open House 4:00-6:30 P.M. Community Workshop 6:30-9:00 P.M. Help us plan for future needs in the UO East Campus area. Drop in at one of the open houses and/or attend the workshop to give us your input. For information, call University Planning: 346-5562. Gifts and cards just around the corner. Cookbooks and Calendars Best Sellers and UO Faculty Authors Magazines, Newspapers and Paperbacks Artist’s Supplies, Sketch Pads & Notebooks Espresso, Tea and Snacks UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE • 13th & Kincaid North Campus 579 E. Broadway 686-1166 South Campus 2870 E. Willamette 686-1600 STUDENT ID SPECIALS • Show Your Student ID • Order by Number X-LARGE 1-TOPPING The Big New Yorker MEDIUM 3-TOPPING Pan, Thin ’N Crispy or Hand Tossed STICKS N WINGS 10 Breadsticks, 10 Wings X-LARGE 3-TOPPING The Big New Yorker 2 MEDIUM 1-TOPPINGS Pan, Thin ’N Crispy or Hand Tossed STICKS N WINGS 10 Breadsticks, 20 Wings _S099 _S899 _$899 91099 91099 91Q99 2 FREE Cans of Soda with Any Above Order! Delivery charges may apply going overseas? catch the Oregon daily emerald on the world wide web: