Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 26, 2002, Page 4, Image 4

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    i—V.I.P. Taxi
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Must Be Available Thru Dec. 24th
continued from page 3
Christmas season. The effect
should be obvious.
It seems as though Tesh was
born with a synthesizer in his
hand — he proves it on the tender
love ballad “It Wouldn’t Be Christ
mas Without You.” Tesh said the
tune was written specifically for
his wife Connie Selleca. But the
song’s universal themes ensure
that couples around the world will
appreciate each other a little
more this December.
However, the highlight of this
album has to be “Awesome God,”
where Tesh lets us all know that
our God is, indeed, awesome.
“Christmas Worship” ultimate
ly emerges as still more proof of
the talent Tesh first unleashed
upon the public on Entertainment
Tonight. It is a fitting addition his
growing catalog, which includes
three gold albums and promises to
become synonymous with Christ
mas for generations to come.
Contact the senior Pulse reporter
Ask Nat
continued from page 3
Dear Nat: People have always
said I’m a nice guy and a great
person. I try not to be arrogant
about anything, and I treat
women with respect — but
women only think of me as the
“good friend” or the “big brother.”
It’s not that I don’t like friends, but
I’m getting kind of tired of this and
would like to find a girlfriend.
Please help me out.
—Lookingfor Love
Dear Looking: The question
you’ve posed is one of the great
mysteries of the world, probably be
cause no perfect solution exists.
There is no perfect strategy to guar
antee you will meet the person of
your dreams the next time you go
out. Love is something that happens
all by itself, without the aid of
scheming. A relationship that has
been mapped out and forced is a
recipe for failure indeed.
I get the impression that you’re
looking for a relationship built to
last, which most people in college
have not yet found. Those who brag
about all their experiences with ro
mance have most likely filled their
time with meaningless hookups and
unnatural, short-term relationships.
My advice to you is to first work
on your confidence. While you’re
single, use your free time to indulge
in activities that bring you happi
ness and let you grow as a person.
When others see you looking upbeat
and comfortable with yourself, it at
tracts them from miles away.
Second, do what it takes to meet
as many women as possible. You
cannot control who you will meet or
if she will be girlfriend material, but
you can increase your chances of
meeting Ms. Right by getting to
know tons of different girls.
If 1 could summon a fairy to fly
down and bring you the perfect girl
friend, I would. But for now, I’ll be
believing that a great girl is waiting
for you in the future. Good luck.
Contact the columnist at
Her views do not necessarily represent
those of the Emerald. Send questions
to advice@dailyemerald.com.
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The Oregon Daily Emerald is always looking for young
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