* t-shirt-'"" member, y°u ,eryhomeg^ high demand aS students h< \VWW-g°' uoregon UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS ^ 'FRIDAY# iNOVJ$22\ SHOW BEGINSAT, 8:OOPM. ® QUESTION 'AMD ’ANSWER, WITH MS/CHO FOLLOWS [HULTlCENTER 'SILVA [CONCERT HALL FQ^TCKeTSCALLOHVISIT THE MILT CENTER (682-5000) OR THE EMU TICKET OFFICE (346-4383). going overseas? catch the Oregon daily emerald On the world wide web: www.dailyemerald.com Online exclusive Pulse reviews The addictive agony of smooth, rich guitars and indulgently dismal lyrics — this is a new CD by Cober... Dicky Mo’S punk and funk sound, heard on their CD “bedwetter,” comes to The Cheerful Tortoise on Friday night... Read these stories at www.dailyeiiierald.com... Goto"Spedal Editions" and then''ONUNE EXCLUSIVES" ijiiimi.iinu.n,in.., m,i mi. .. vnmT stttttuaatisttisButismm Entertainment Calendar Friday, Nov. 15 8 p.m. — Bonfire Madigan (su perstar punk-art cello), Agate Hall, 1787 Agate St., 346 4373, $8 students, $10 general public. 8 p.m. — Eugene Poetry Slam, Round Three (poetry competi tion featuring guest musician Steve Moskli), Foolscap Books, 780 Blair Blvd., 681-9212, $3 $5 sliding scale. Sign-up be gins at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 17 2 p.m,—“Chicago" (theater), Robinson Theatre, Villard Hall, 1109 Old Campus Lane, 434 3118, $ 15 each or $28 fortwo. This performance is a benefit for the American Cancer Society. 3:30 p.m. — Dr. Stan’s Science Circus (entertaining demon strations), South Eugene High School, 400 E. 19th Ave., 681 - 9662, $4 K-l 2, $5 adults, $15 for one family, children under 5 free, $6 each at the door, Tuesday, Nov. 19 7 p.m. —“Butterflies of Cas cadia” (author discussion and book-signing), Knight Library Browsing Room, 1501 Kincaid Street, 346-4331, free. Wednesday, Nov. 20 7:30 p.m. — Fire Restoration Benefit for Ester Burian (auc tion, raffle, and jazz and blues jam), Quacker’s Last Stop, 2105 W. 7th Ave., 485-5925, no cover. Read more The full week of entertainment events is available on the web at www.dailyenierald.com China continued from page 1 “The artifacts are different from more famous images you see from the Cultural Revolution,” Larson said. “The images created an aes thetic of how you should live your life during the Cultural Revolution.” Larson will show the film “In the Heat of the Sun”and lead a discus sion afterwards. She said the movie depicts the Cultural Revolution from the perspective of teenagers living through it. The viewing will take place on Friday at 7 p.m. in the Hult Center’s Studio One. A major focus of the show is edu cation. The UO Museum of Art put on workshops that trained high school educators on teaching the Cultural Revolution. Katie Sproles, who works for the museum, said that 10 high school students have been trained and are giving tours of the exhibit throughout the month. “Education is a very large part of our mission,” Sproles said. “This is an opportunity for the museum to interact with the public while the building is closed.” A lecture and slide presentation titled “Fading Images: My Life as a ‘Reeducated Youth’ in My Sketchbooks” will take place Nov. 24 in Studio One of the Hult Cen ter at 2 p.m. Gu Xiong, a profes sor of fine arts from the Universi ty of British Columbia, will give the presentation. Both the slide presentation and movie showing are free and open to the public. “The exhibit is a wonderful way to learn about a different country and different time period,” Sproles said. “It’s the first show of its kind in the J United States, and so we’re lucky to have it in Eugene.” Contact the Pulse reporter at helenschumacher@dailyemerald.com. MCDONALD THEATRE w w w . cdonaldtheatr A BENEFIT FOR HIGH SCHOOL SKI TEAMS QH. THE FUNKY HOMOSAPIEN THE FILM 'SKI FILM THREE: THE FRONT LINE’ people under the stairs lifesavas THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14: TUESDAY NOVEMBER 19 DAVID GR1SMAN QUINTET BLUES TRAVELER SATURDAY ROVEMBER 23 MONDAY DECEMBER 2 miidiivjiil m MWi i ill I'l’l I'jiimM THURSDAY DECEMBER 12 TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 Tickets at all Fastixx outlets (800) 992-TIXX Service charges may apply WH O DUCK MUSIC HALL TYMPANIC FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15 SYRIUS JONES LEFT HAND SMOKE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16 TAKING BACK SUNDAY STRRTinB LIRE SUNDAY NOVEMBER 17 PAUL DELAY BAND FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22 CALI E NT E SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23 sista momcA SUNDAY NOVEMBER 24 Advance tickets for all shows available at www.w1ldduckbtewery.cont