Today's crossword solution News brief GLOSS sponsors language panel GLOSS, the linguistics graduate student organization, is sponsoring a discussion panel called “Oppressed Languages Around the World Today” as a part of the Fall 2002 Linguistics Colloquium Series. The discussion panel will take place today at 7 p.m. in the EMU Walnut Room. The panel will explore topics re lating to language oppression, in cluding how widespread language oppression can be and how it can affect communities. American Indian, Ghicano, deaf and interna tional perspectives on language oppression will be explored at the discussion. Students, staff, faculty and mem bers of the Department of Linguistics are encouraged to attend the panel and participate in the discussion. —Jennifer Bear 2 Bedroom Apartments in Spencer View and Westmoreland and Houses in East Campus are now available! If you are a UO student AND The parent/guardian of a child OR A graduate student OR At least 21 years old You are invited to apply! Call 346-4277 Log on to or Stop by the University Housing office (Walton Complex on the corner of 15th and Agate) UNIVERSITY OF OREGON An EO/AA/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity Crime watch Theft and Recoveries Monday, Nov, 4, 8:22 a.iti.: Department of Public Safety received a report of a woman breaking into Millrace Studio. Thursday, Nov. 7,12:30 a.nt.i Property found at Columbia Hall. Friday, Nov. 8,12:11 p.m,: Bike reported stolen from Bean Complex. Friday, Nov. 8,4:52 p.m.: Bike tires reported stolen from Carson Hall. Disorderly Conduct Tuesday, Nov. 5,4:19 a.m.: DPS received a report of someone hollering at Kincaid Street and 13th Avenue. Thursday, Nov. 7,8:37 | p.m.: DPS received a report of j two subjects fighting in front of the Knight Library. j Friday, Nov. 8,12:24 a.m.: DPS received a report of subjects playing bongo drums and hollering at Agate Street. Alcohol Tuesday, Nov. 5,11; 59 a.m.: DPS received a report of four subjects with alcohol at 13th Avenue. Wednesday, Nov. 6,11:48 p.m,: DPS received a report of an intoxicated, belligerent subject at H.P, Barnhart. Other Thursday, Nov, 7,10:05 p.m.: DPS received a report of a subject urinating in waterfall near Cascade Hail. Friday, Nov. 8,12:36 a.m.: DPS received a report of subject urinating in public at Earl. Logo continued from page 1 bulletin boards around campus. Even with this requirement, West ern Oregon officials do not require groups to put the official logo on the posters. “It’s not anything that anybody has felt should be a requirement for student programs and activities,” said Jim Adams, public relations di rector for Western Oregon. Eastern Oregon University, Southern Oregon University and the Oregon Institute of Technology only require student groups to ap pend logos on publications going off campus. Eastern Oregon graphic design er Kevin Smith said student group publications distributed off-cam pus must carry the official logo, while publications that stay on campus do not. Despite the open on-campus policy, Smith estimat ed that 95 percent of publications carry the logo anyway. “We try not to dictate policy to them too much,” he said. Southern Oregon public relations coordinator Christina Dunlap said they encourage student groups to use the logo on their publications, but the policy is not enforced for student groups. “We don’t punish them if they don’t carry the logo,” she said. “We don’t have any kind of thing in place that forces them to use the logo.” Contact the senior news reporter at -x** * t « s % j ? ?v ^ ^ c ouf1 TTickef to Shenzhen Internship Program Spend a year teaching English conversation in the top-rated public school system of Shenzhen - China’s economic miracle, a vibrant, modern city of four million adjacent to Hong Kong. Begin with three weeks of training in Chinese language and in English teaching, with classroom practice, at Beijing University in August. Then, teach 15 classes per week at a Shenzhen junior senior high school September 2003 - June 15, 2004. Optionally continue your study of Mandarin Chinese with college-credit courses and earn credits in an ESL practicum in Shenzhen. WHAT YOU RECEIVE • Round-trip ticket • Free housing at Beijing University and train travel from Beijing to Shenzhen Free faculty housing and some meals. Shenzhen apartments have air-conditioning, telephone, and TV. Married couples can be accommodated. Stipend RMB 3,500 per month (approx. $425) plus RMB 4,000 bonus in June Paid 3-week vacation at Chinese New Year in January/February YOUR NEXT STEP For more information, email or phone: Prof. William O’Donnell, University of Memphis E-mail: Phone: 901 678-4584 office 901 857-2930 cell Or visit our website: ■PHOTO! SPECIALS NOVEMBER 11-17 $3.00 OFF PHOTO CD Only $5.99 35 mm C-4I color print film only. Must order prints at time of processing. Allow 2-3 working days for Photo CD. Print cost additional. FUJICOLOR