Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 08, 2002, Page 3A, Image 3

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    * ASUO*ftinded groups must
append the “0” logo when
printing new publications,
including letterheads,
advertisement fliers, posters
and T-shirts.
* Purchase orders for
printing new materials will not
be signed unless groups have
added the logo to their new
* Groups and departments
may use any old materials or
publications; the rule only
affects new materials.
« Strategic Communications
Associate Vice President
continued from page 1A
whole transition if you will — as an
opportunity to reevaluate (their)
own marks,” he said at the meeting.
“This is just a good thing to do in
terms of design.”
The meeting was one of three logo
meetings this week intended to in
form ASUO-funded University de
partments, student groups and con
tract nonprofit groups about the
new standards. However, no groups
showed up for the department meet
ing, and roughly 20 people came for
the student programs meeting.
Representatives attending the
student group meeting were mostly
concerned with policy specifics.
ASUO Accounting Coordinator
Jennifer Creighton-Neiwert clarified
at the Wednesday meeting that the
policy, which will officially take ef
fect Jan. 1, requires student groups
to append the logo on their publica
tions before ASUO controllers will
sign a purchase order to print them.
“You’re going to be able to use
your old things that you have in
your office, such as old senate letter
head and things like that, until
they’re out,” she told the groups.
Beltran explained the policy will
apply to publications groups send
off-campus or use on-campus, such
as letterheads, T-shirts or advertise
ments promoting the group.
“In the past, student groups have
asked to use University marks on
their publications, and (we’ve) re
sisted allowing them to do that,”
he said Wednesday. “With this
new mark and the new standard,
we’re making it more available for
student groups.”
Some groups were unhappy with
the new policy and wanted the
choice to use an alternative logo,
like the interlocking “UO” seal.
But Beltran said a single logo was
necessary to maintain consistency
and avoid confusion.
“What we’re trying to do is estab
lish a single mark,” he said Wednes
day. “As director of publications, I
wouldn’t necessarily want to have
to deal with two different kinds
of stationery.”
"In the past, student
groups have asked
to use University
marks on their
With this new mark
and the new
standard\ we're
making it more
available for
student groups."
George Beltran
director of publications
Contract nonprofit groups —
such as ASUO Legal Services and
the Emerald — also met with offi
cials Tuesday to discuss the policy.
Battson told the groups the level
of compliance with the policy would
hinge on how integral the University
is to the nonprofit. Groups getting
free EMU space, for instance, more
likely would be required to comply
than a group not reliant on the Uni
versity’s existence, such as Lane
Transit District.
Specifics on contract nonprofit
compliance will be decided when
each group’s contract comes up
for renewal.
Contact the senior news reporter
at janmontry@dailyemerald.com.
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