Robinson Theatre UO Ticket 0ffice-346-4363i Nouember 8- 23Hult Center- 687-5000 015162 2 OR 5 DAY RENTALS! SUNDAY-THURSDAY • Big DVD selection! • Free Popcorn! • Reservations accepted! • CLOSE BY at 19th and Agate PREMIERE VIDEO • 342-4972 CORNER OF 19TH & AGATE While supplies last MCDONALD THEATRE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE A BEIMEFIT FOR HIGH SCHOOL SKI TEAMS STRING B A N D THE FILM II FILM THREE: THE FRONT LINE’ TONIGHT ■ THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7 ■ FREE THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 PEL THE FUNKY HOMOSAPIEN 1)41/11) fiPICMAN flllINTPT PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS LIFESAVAS UMVIU UnldiYIHIl yUlNICI TUESDAY NOVEMBER 19 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23 KELLER WILLIAMS SAUK LOVE ORCHESTRA THURSDAY DECEMBER 12 TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 Tickets at all Fastixx outlets (800) 992-TIXX Service charges may apply WILD DUCK MUSIC HALL HOT CLUB OF COWTOWN THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7 SHELLEY JAMES H ■ S I C fe 0 I SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9 WAYNE HORVITZ I.R.A.T.E. & ZONY MASH i\iw royal THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7 ftPROZACK 9STAPLE ALL ACES- MONDAY NOVEMBER 11 YONDER MOUNTAIN STRING BAND WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 TYMPANIC FRIDAV NOVEMRFR 15 Advance tickets for all shows available at ▼ ▼▼ ◄ At <3Id ^ ^ Cc be experience tkc s\zz]\t)ft atfhcx^kcrc At Bugerte’x ^ rvusxt n^kt clutl A A AAAAAAA ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ •414*1747 LAAAAAAA4 fALTA LeilONf: BEGINNERS: Wednesdays, 7pm ADVANCED/ INTERMEDIATE: Thursday, 8pm BEGINNERS: Fridays, 9pm and Saturdays, 9pm 80’s Night: Tuesday Senate brief ASUO senate increases stipend model The ASUO Student Senate met Wednesday to hear special requests, make announcements and increase the stipend model. Senator Kate Kranzush an nounced the Athletic Department Fi nance Committee elected her as chairwoman. Kranzush also an nounced the ADFC will start negotia tions with Assistant Athletic Director Steve McBride next week. The Students of the Indian Subcon tinent requested $675 from their food holding account for their Diwali cele bration. The event will take place Sat urday at 7 p.m. Senators approved the special request 12-1. A member of the Jewish Student Union came before the senate because of a misunderstanding with releasing money from their food holding ac count. An ASUO controller signed a purchase order for them to use food funds for their Jewish Culture Night Nov. 7, but the senate had not released the funds. The controller attended the meeting to explain the error. After the explanation, senators ap proved a JSU request of $600 from their food holding account to correct the mistake. Senator Joe Streckert presented a proposed senate resolution that would let the senate take a stance against a new policy requiring stu dent groups to use the ‘O’ logo on their publications. The resolution language states the senate will reaffirm its commitment to abide with and enforce the policy, but “not endorse the mandated use of the University Signature or the Oregon ‘O’ by fee-funded groups.” Streckert said the new policy under mines ideological agendas for students groups such as the Oregon Commenta tor and the University’s United Stu dents Against Sweatshops chapter. The resolution was tabled until the Senate Rules Committee can review it. ASUO Vice President Ben Buzbee announced the ASUO Executive is preparing for a Jan. 28 special elec tion as part of their get-out-the-vote efforts. Buzbee asked the senate to help in the new campaign. The Senate also voted 13-2 in fa vor of increasing each category and range of the stipend model $25 for the 2003-04 fiscal year. The Pro grams Finance Committee is cur rently discussing the stipend model. — JanMontry Grievance continued from page 1 plained to the applicants there was a strong possibility they would be asked to participate in another interview with the rest of the committee.” As a result of the ASUO viola tion, ASUO University Affairs Coordinator Tracy Vanderzanden will form a new hiring committee, along with ASUO Multicultural Advocate Eduardo Morales, Ray, Pilliod and Elliott. Pilliod will appoint one of the applicants by Nov. 11, based on the committee’s recommenda tion. The new appointment will then be considered for confirma tion by the senate on Nov. 13. Robin Weber is a freelance writer for the Emerald. Museum continued from page 1 nationwide acclaim. Additions include the Northwest and Regional Gallery and the Changing Exhibition Gallery, where curators can present travel ing shows. Museum Associate Director and Curator Larry Fong has selected pieces from the San Francisco Mu seum of Modern Art, the Detroit Institute of Arts and the Seattle Art Museum. Fong said future exhibits will present a piece from abstract painter Richard Diebenkorn’s “Ocean Park” series, Ed Ruscha’s “Vanish,” and a Jacob Lawrence print called “The Migrants Cast Their Ballots.” There will also be a European Gallery, which will feature the Russ ian Gallery and Curriculum Gallery, where students taking art classes can view pieces that a professor has chosen specifically for that class. Museum Director of Development Christie McDonald said the muse um has been behind the times for years in terms of the extent of the collection, and added that space has been limited. “I’m so excited about this new building,” she said. Contact the reporter at Diwali continued from page 1 attendance wearing traditional Indi an clothing. Decorating with lights is also im portant to Diwali. In India, Narayan said people would light traditional clay lamps with cotton wicks and place them all over the house. Fire works are another important aspect of the Diwali festival. However, Narayan said that the celebration on Saturday won’t be able to follow ex actly Indian tradition because of fire safety rules. SIS President Gibran AzamAli said the group won’t be able to have lamps or fireworks at the celebration, but it is planning to decorate with stringed lights and tea light candles encased in decorated glass candle holders. About 150 to 200 people are ex pected to attend Saturday’s event, AzamAli said. He added that be cause Diwali is a festival and not a stringent religious holiday, SIS en courages people who don’t belong to the Hindu faith to attend the cele bration, he added. “We’re giving the people in the community a chance to come to gether and celebrate,” AzamAli said. 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