Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 2002, Page 4, Image 4

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    Alien theorist offers proof of government coverup
■ Dr. Steven Greer will present
evidence that extraterrestrial life
exists and the government
covered up the information
By Brad Schmidt
Oregon Daily Emerald
The government has secretly
known about and studied extrater
restrials and their spacecraft since
the 1940s, according to Dr. Steven
Greer, who heads an organization
pushing for the public disclosure of
the government’s relationship with
aliens from outer space.
Tonight, Greer will speak about
his findings, which he believes
show that extraterrestrial life exists,
from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Eugene
Hilton Conference Center. The cost
is $5 at the door.
Greer, who founded The Disclo
sure Project, has more than just the
ory, however, having compiled the
testimony of more than 400 govern
ment officials. According to the
Web site run by Greer’s organiza
tion — www.disclosureproject.org
— he has concluded that his re
search “establishes beyond any
doubt the reality of extraterrestrial
life forms, UFOs or extraterrestrial
vehicles, and advanced energy and
propulsion technologies resulting
from the study of these vehicles.”
Dr. Ted Loder, a professor of earth
sciences at the University of New
Hampshire who has been involved
in the project for five years, called
the research “absolutely first-rate.”
Asserting that the U.S. govern
ment has withheld information
about extraterrestrials, Loder said
he hoped that students will attend
tonight’s event.
“The student generation is the
next generation, if you will,” Loder
said. “For the past 50 years, its been
kept under wraps. They might as
well start knowing about it now.”
The organization hopes that if it
brings enough attention to the sub
ject, Congress will address the gov
ernment’s knowledge of extraterres
trial life in open hearings.
The Disclosure Project, a non
profit research group founded in
1993, believes that government
agencies aware of extraterrestrial life
are operating outside of congres
sional view and that former U.S.
presidents have purposely been de
ceived and denied access. The Dis
closure Project believes “the defini
tive solution to the world’s energy,
pollution and poverty problems ex
ists within compartmentalized proj
ects that need planned disclosure
and relevant legislation.”
Througjh his interviews with gov
ernment officials, Greer has com
piled more than 120 hours of testi
mony, which has been whittled
down to 18 hours. Notable testimo
ny comes from Brigadier General
Stephen Lovekin of the Army Na
tional Guard Reserves and astro
naut Gordon Cooper.
Greer, a former emergency room
physician, spoke in Portland on
Wednesday night and will be in
Ashland on Friday.
Reed Murray, a retired natural
food businessman who works for
The Disclosure Project, said Greer
“recognizes that the world is head
ed for a train wreck, and he thinks
he can do something to stop it.”
Murray, 52, said the notion of ex
traterrestrial life first came to him
about 30 years ago.
“It’s not that I believe in UFOs.
It’s a reality to me,” Murray said.
“Human beings are herd animals,
and authorities are trying to make
people believe the unreal.
“When the truth is revealed, it
will completely change the way the
world works.”
Robin Bernardi, owner of a small
local publishing company, said
she’s been working to spread the
awareness of the event.
“If there’s nothing out there,
then let’s talk about it,” Bernardi
said. “It would be arrogant to
think we’re alone.”
E-mail reporter Brad Schmidt
at bradschmidt@dailyemerald.com.
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News brief
Israel sends experts
to discuss U.N. mission
JERUSALEM (KRT) — Confront
ed by a new controversy, the Israeli
government hurriedly dispatched
legal experts Wednesday night to
the United Nations to discuss the
mandate and composition of a U.N.
fact-finding mission to the Jenin
refugee camp.
The panel will investigate allega
tions that troops massacred Palestini
ans in the camp during Israel’s mili
tary campaign against terrorists in the
West Bank. Despite Israeli com
plaints, U.N. investigators are sched
uled to arrive Saturday in Jenin.
Meanwhile, the standoff contin
ued at the Church of the Nativity
in Bethlehem. Israeli troops shot
two Palestinians inside the com
pound Wednesday, and one of
them died.
Early Thursday morning, Israeli
tanks rolled into the West Bank city
of Hebron, firing in all directions,
Palestinian witnesses said. It was un
clear if the move signaled a full-scale
invasion of the city.
The dispute over the Jenin fact
finding mission comes as President
Bush meets Saudi Crown Prince
Abdullah on Thursday to discuss
ways of reviving peace talks and
ending 19 months of Israeli-Pales
tinian violence.
Abdullah will urge Bush to pres
sure Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon into withdrawing his
forces from Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat’s Ramallah com
pound and the city of Bethlehem
and to express Israel’s willingness
to negotiate with the Palestinians
on the basis of land for peace, a
senior adviser to the crown prince
said Wednesday.
“Our view is Sharon has to be re
strained. Israel has to pull back its
forces,” Adel al-Jubeir, Abdullah’s
top foreign policy adviser, told
Knight Ridder Newspapers.
— By Martin Merzer, Warren P.
Strobeland James Kuhnhenn
m i
Oregon Daily Emerald
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