Spring Career Fair Government Agencies EMU Ballroom B41 Oregon Audits Division Oregon Department of Human Services B45 Oregon Police Corps B46 Oregon State Police B51 Portland Fire Bureau United States Marine Corps B49 US Army Recruiting US Naval Criminal Investigative Service The secretary of state is the constitutional auditor of public accounts. The secretary is responsible for evaluating the financial condition and operations of state agencies and municipal corporations determining whether operations are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and determining if programs could be operated more efficiently or economically. DHS is about people. We help Oregonians be independent, healthy and safe. We provide treatment services to people whose lives are damaged by alcohol and drugs. We serve seniors, people with disabilities and people with mental illness. We are committed to ongoing innovation in the delivery of services and we are committed to recruiting, developing and retaining dedicated employees. For a complete explanation of state employee benefit, visit our website at http://personnel.hr.state.or.us. The Oregon Police Corps is a scholarship and training program offering scholarships of up to $30,000 to students pursuing a four-year degree. Following graduation, participants attend a law enforcement training academy and complete 4 years of paid servicers a police officer with a police or sheriffs office in Oregon. State law enforcement agency. Enforcing traffic, criminal, fish/wildlife laws and protecting natural resources. Portland Fire and Rescue has been serving the citizens of Portland since 1883, and we are now the largest provider of pre-hospital medical care in the State of Oregon. We are dedicated to creating a safer community for Portland residents through emergency response, comprehensive fire and life safety education, and prevention. For more than 225 years, there has always been a need for those who set themselves apart and excel...there has been a need for marines...and for men and women with the honor, courage, and commitment to lead them. It is a challenge to earn the title of officer of marines, placing you in an elite group with a proud heritage. The Army offers training in over 200 jobs with exceptional education benefits like the student loan repayment program and the Army College Fund. The Army also has a great medical and dental package. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service is a worldwide Federal Law Enforcement organization staffed by civilian special agents whose primary mission is to protect jand serve the Navy and Marine Corps by providing a variety of law enforcement and J counterintelligence services. Job Descriptions State Auditor 1 (and interns) is the first level of a three-level series an employee will assist in the planning, data gathering, and analytical tasks associated with audits, or assist in the completion of a segment of an audit. Salary range: $2,619 - 3,652 per month. Trooper - Full-time positions, Cadet - seasonal positions Firefighter positions and various support positions Naval Aviator/Fighter Pilot, Naval Flight Officer, Lawyers, Officer Candidate School (summer interns for ten or six weeks). Special Agents B68 Americorps B78 Boys and Girls Club of Portland Metropolitan Area B54 Boys and Girls Club of Salem, Marion and Polk Counties 1_ B70 Camp Fire Boys & Girls, Wilani Council B69 Oregon Nannies B75 i Pacific Northwest Newspaper A B76 Peace Corps B72 ! Pine Forest Camp B71 Smart Book & Reading Program B67 Teach for America B53 YMCA Camp Silver Creek and Camp Greider Non-Profit Organizations . AmeriCorps currently has 50,000 members serving in education, the environment, disaster relief and other unmet human needs. In return for 1 year of service, AmeriCorps provides $4,725 for college, a living allowance, and healthcare benefits. Boys and Girls Clubs of Portland provides affordable after-school and summer programs for youth ages 6-18. Programs include: athletics, education and career development, health and life skills, computer technology and arts. Our mission is to keep kids productively engaged during non-school hours and help them achieve their full potential. The Boys & Girls Club Mission is to inspire and enable all youth grades 1-12, especially youth from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens through development of a positive self image and self-reliance. Camp Wilani, owned and operated by Camp Fire USA-Wilani Council, is nestled in the wooded hills outside Veneta, Oregon 17 miles from Eugene. Camp is open for K 12 and offers explorations of ecology, nature studies,outdoor skills, horseback riding, archery, dramatics, singing,swimming, canoeing and paddle boating. Specialty workshops are offered in drama, teen challenges, stone building projects and more! Oregon Nannies is a professional childcare placement agency. We specialize in placing nannies on the East Coast in full time, salaried positions. Nannies earn competitive salaries with full room and board paid. Responsibilities may include but are not limited to maintaining the health and welfare of the children, homework, household errands, light housekeeping, scheduling activities, creating activities, and providing a loving, nurturing environment. The Pacific Newspaper Advertising Executives Association is an association of daily newspaper advertising directors and managers from Oregon, Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Montana and the province of British Columbia. Nearly 70 daily newspapers are represented by PNNAEA. Membership also includes affiliate members who provide products or services to papers in the Northwest region. Currently there are nearly 20 affiliate members. The Peace Corps is a U.S. Government Agency founded in 1961 with the mission of promoting world peace. Peace Corps Volunteers contribute to the social, economic, and human development of interested countries; promote a better understanding of Americans among the people served; and strengthen Americans' understanding of the world's peoples. Volunteers help change and improve the human condition at the grass-roots level - making a real difference in real people's lives. Pine Forest Camp: A fun-filled, full-season camp for boys and girls. Pine Forest is the original and oldest of the 3 camps founded by Hughie Black; an early professional basketball star, honored in the National Basketball Hall of Fame. Two heated swimming pools, 13 tennis courts, indoor roller hockey and a modem dining room compliment the all-around program of activities that has something for every interest. The facilities are terrific, but the real key to the campus unique success and longevity is an enthusiastic, experienced, top-notch staff and friendly, active campers. SMART is an early intervention literacy program. We are looking for coordinators to manage SMART in two local elementary schools. Most openings are VISTA positions, a 12 month commitment to community service in the US. We have a few openings for hourly employees. SMART is a statewide program providing community members to help children in K-3 grades increase their literacy skills by reading books together. The children receive 2 books each month to start their own libraries. Teach For America is the national corps of outstanding and diverse recent college graduates who commit two years to teach in under-resourced urban and rural public schools. Over the past 11 years, nearly 6,000 talented and dedicated individuals have joined Teach For America to level the playing field for students in low-income areas and to help build a movement to advance educational opportunity. After the two year commitment, our alumni remain advocates for equity in education through a variety of careers, some remaining in education, others continuing their studies at top-notch graduate schools, and still others working in a wide variety of fields including business, medicine, law, public policy, and journalism. The Salem Family YMCA offers both day and resident camp programs for youth grades 1-11. Both Camp Silver Creek and Camp Greider offer traditional well rounded programs and activities. We also offer Family camp and some horse camps as well. YMCA Camp Silver Creek is in the heart of Silver Falls State Park. Camp Greider is located at the West Salem 4-H Conference Center. National Service Volunteer with benefits. Summer Camp Counselor - Plan, organize, and implement daily, weekly and monthly age appropriate activities for club members. Create and provide opportunities for fun and teach constructive use of leisure time. Cultural Arts Coordinator, Program Support Staff Cabin Counselor, Min. Age: 18. Counselors live with a cabin of 6-8 campers, providing leadership and guidance. Camp Wilani is looking for individuals who have enthusiasm, a sense of humor, patience, and most of all, like kids! The ideal counselor is a good role model for youth, able to work well with a group, able to accept supervision and guidance. Experience with children or camping preferred. Advertising Representative, Advertising Graphic Artist Two-year volunteer assignment overseas in the areas of Agriculture, Environment, Community Development, Health, Business, Information Technology, or Primary, Secondary and University Education, and HIV/AIDS Awareness. Arts and crafts, nature, water front, kitchen, athletics, and more. SMART coordinators recruit, schedule, train and coach adult volunteers to read with children on a weekly basis in selected elementary schools. We are looking for organized self-starters with good communication skills who enjoy working with both children and adults. Elementary and Secondary School Teacher. We welcome applications from all majors; no education coursework or teaching experience is necessary to apply. Corps members receive a full-time salary and benefits through the district in which they are teaching. Through our affiliation with AmeriCorps, corps members also receive loan deferral during the two-year commitment and an education award of $4,725 for each of the two years to repay loans or for future educational expenses. If you believe this country should be a place where all children have an equal chance for success, we hope you will apply. Visit our Web site at www.teachforamerica.org for more information. Cabin Counselors, Unit Directors, Lifeguards, Horse staff, Arts and Crafts, Sports