Bth annual h.o.p.e.s. sign arts confer ergizing potential university keynote speakers angel a danadjieva Seattle's freeway park de.s»g.ner Sunday night special event john Schaeffer founder of real goods stefan behni sch belmiseh, behriisch and partner, Stuttgart michael moorc presented by the cultural forum $10 fee for more information (. all (5-11)54(5-4575 presented by the ecological design center registration fee: $35 student: $25 professional: $75 www. uorego n. ed u / ~ed c 344-7288 521 Market St., Eugene Smrtp^Brains .com TRI NGLE SCREEN PRINTING EMBROIDERY 942-8730 484-1927 GOLF 9 HOLES $10 Students Only. Must show ID. (Monday - Friday) fBOOK YOUR SUMMER IN OREGON ... 'NT 2002 SUMMER SESSION GROUP-SATISFYING AND ELECTIVE COURSES, SHORT COURSES, SEMINARS, AND WORKSHOPS BEGIN THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER, Summer session begins June 24. Duck Call starts May 6. The UO Summer Session Catalog with Schedule of Classes is available in early April. You can speed your way toward graduation by taking required courses during summer. 2002 SUMMER SCHEDULE First four-week session: June 24-July 19 Second four-week session: July 22-August 16 Eight week session: June 24-August 16 Eleven week session: June 24-September 6 333 Oregon Hall. 1279 University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403-1279 Telephone (541) 346-3475 Check our website UNIVERSITY of OREGON SUMMER SESSION mniiniHiYiiiH! Let us know about it. Call the ODE at (541) .346-5511. Last-minute tax help Today is the tax filing deadline. Tax forms and extension requests must be postmarked with today’s date to avoid penalties. For assistance with federal tax forms: ■ To download federal tax forms or get more information, go to ■ Call the IRS customer service line at 1 -800-829-1040 forfederal tax help. ■ Call the I RS TeleTax line at 1 -800 829-4477 for info on more than 100 tax topics. For help with Oregon tax forms: ■ To download Oregon forms or get more information, visit ■ The Oregon Department of Revenue has a Web site for students ■ Call 1-800-356-4222 to hear recorded tax information or to check on the status of a 2001 refund. Taxes continued from page 1 office, library or IRS office, but for those who have waited until the last minute, federal forjris and in structions are available to down load from the Internet at, and Oregon income tax forms and instructions are available at Oregon residents who have taxable incomes of $50,000 or less can file Form 40S for state taxes. Out-of-state students should use. Form 40N for any revenue earned in the state of Oregon. Dianne Thielman, co-owner of lo cal tax preparation service McClure Associates, said students who are not claimed as dependents by their parents and who file independently must file federal tax forms if they earned $7,450 or more. In Oregon, anyone who earned over $4,450 must file, Thielman said. If their parents claim them as de pendents for tax purposes, students should file a tax return if their gross earned income is more than $1,800, Thielman said. Students who can’t file their taxes by the deadline tonight should file Form 4868, which provides a four month extension for federal aid state taxes. Fomi 4868 cai be filed in paper form, electronically by phone or over the Internet, or by estimating taxes due aid paying part or all of that bill electronically with a credit card. Oregon Department of Revenue and IRS employees will help last minute tax filers at seven Oregon post offices today. Employees will provide forms aid instructions and will answer questions regarding fil ing a return or an extension. “We know there are many people who need our help, and we’re glad to assist them in getting their re turns filed on time," revenue de partment worker Jill Bonney-Hill said in a press statement April 8. Post offices across Oregon have ex tended hours and services to help meet the tax-time crunch. Eugene’s Main Post-Office, at 520 Willamette St., will offer taxpayer assistance from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., but not dur ing the workday. Window service, where students can have mail weighed and buy postage and en velopes, will remain open until 9 p.m. Mail collections will be avail able until midnight. Another option is the Gateway Post Office, at 3148 Gateway St., which will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today. The last mail collection there will be at midnight. Call 341-3649 for more information. With such a rush to meet the deadline, plan on seeing a large last-minute turnout. “I’m not looking forward to it,” Schricker said. ■ E-mail’reporter Brad Schmidt at