Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 2002, Page 7, Image 7

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    Library levy
continued from page 1
climate when it discussed the cost
of new services and the effect on
taxpayers. The committee wanted
the levy renewal structured so it is
affordable for taxpayers. As a result,
the committee set a maximum levy
amount so the cost to the average
taxpayer household would average
$80 per year.
The original library levy, which
raised $2,190,000 per year for four
years, passed with 64 percent of the
vote in 1998. It expires on June 30,
2003. The Mayor’s Library Improve
ment Committee, established in Oc
tober 1997 under the authorization
of the council, proposed a tax levy
as part of a development plan to im
prove library services and facilities.
Mayor Jim Torrev reactivated the
library committee in October 2001.
The committee was assigned to re
view progress toward its original
recommendations, and members
ound it necessary to increase fund
ing to continue to provide services.
Jim Johnson, former Eugene city
manager, said the new library will be a
tremendous asset to the community.
“I can’t wait to see them cut the
ribbon,” Johnson said. “I don’t think
the citizens of Eugene fully under
stand what they are getting. ”
The renewal levy, which will
raise $4,900,000 per year —nearly
twice the amount of the original
levy — will include four full years
of ongoing operating costs for all the
added services.
“Some of the costs were underes
timated when the committee pro
posed the levy,” Bennett said. “For
example, the demand for library
services at the time of the initial levy
was significantly underestimated,
and staff has been added.
“I can’t assume anything, but
based on the history it should do
very well,” she said. “The library
and city have done exactly as prom
ised. ... It’s been a successful story
so far, and I think it will continue.”
E-mail reporter Katie Ellis
at katieellis@dailyemerald.com.
continued from page 1
tales and fables, using the children
as main characters. Martin also in
vented some stories of his own.
One story that has also reached
Martin’s five grandchildren is that
of the “Traveling Inner Tube.” The
family was on a road trip when the
inner tube, which was tethered to
the top of the car, escaped.
Instead of leaving the sad image
of the tube lying dusty and aban
doned on some road, Martin wove
an ongoing tale involving this inner
tube’s journeys and adventures.
“It picked itself up and struggled
to get home,” David Martin said.
Dudley Poston Jr. is a sociology
professor at Texas A&M and a for
mer student of Martin’s.
"Walter Martin is the person re
sponsible for where I am today,”
Poston said. “Walt saw something
in me that none of my other
professors did."
In a letter presented by Johnson,
Martin’s former student Jack Gibbs
wrote that he believed Martin would
be embarrassed by the compliments.
“I’m confident he would say
something like ‘cease the exaggera
tions and just say goodbye.’”
“That is what I do,” Johnson said,
through the crowd’s laughter. “That
is what we do.”
He lifted his hand high and
waved goodbye to Walter Martin.
The family requests memorial
contributions be sent to Mount Pis
gah Arboretum, 33735 Seavey Loop
Road, Eugene, Ore., 97405.
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