Jonathan House Emerald For produce to be certified ‘organic’ in Oregon, no prohibited fertilizers or herbicides may be used in soil or on plants during their growth and processing. In addition to Oregon Tilth’s certification, the USDA is responsible for accrediting organic food nationally. Certified organic deemed ‘better’ than conventional ■ Himuuyii urydinu iuuus can cost more, they provide a suitable option to those looking to eat chemical free By Caron Alarab for the Emerald Lactose-free herbed cheese with eggs from vegetarian hens on sprouted wheat tortillas, raw carrot juice and vanilla soy milk on rice puffs — maybe not the typical breakfast of champions, but a veri fiable option for those who prefer food devoid of hormones and pes ticides. Each of these products is certified and labeled as “organic.” From red wine to pretzel nuggets, it seems almost any prod uct has an organic counterpart on the market today. However, for those who are not already hip to the health store scene, it may be difficult to determine just what the word “organic” means or how cer tain products become “certified” while others do not. Oregon Tilth Inc., a nonprofit re search and education organization based in Salem, has been certifying organic farmers, processors, retail ers and handlers throughout Ore gon, the United States and interna tionally since 1974. According to Oregon’s Revisited Statutes of 1995, posted on the OTI Web site, “organic” means a vari ety of things. When it comes to agriculture, no prohibited fertiliz ers may be used in soils and green house conditions, and chemicals including herbicides and growth regulators are prohibited during growing and processing. As for any “organically grown,” or raised, animals, no prohibited drugs or antibiotics may be intro duced to the animals, feed and pastures must be in accordance with national standards and no prohibited hormones or insecti cides may be added to feed. The Web site also states that in order to receive the Oregon Tilth Certified Organic label, "verifiable third party inspections and legally binding affidavits" must accompa ny the fulfillment of these stan dards. In the case of packaging, all ingredients must ne included on the label and only certain terms may be used, such as “organic,” “organically grown,” or “certified organic,” as opposed to “wild” or “biologically grown.” Executive Director of Oregon Tilth Inc. Peter Gonzalves said the United States Department of Agri culture is responsible for accredit ing certifiers and comes in annual ly to enforce the National Organic Program, just fully implemented in October. The program is a result of a series of adjustments made to na tional rules and regulations in re gards to organically certified prod “Price is becoming much less of an issue. We’ve found organic food isn’t always more expensive. In some cases, it’s even cheaper. George Brown owner and co-founder, The Kiva ucts across the United States, Gonzalves said. Because of this program, USDA regulates proper certification and prosecutes companies and vendors that put out misleading advertise ments and labels that use “organ ic” or other terms when not prop erly certified, Gonzalves said. This level of certification, however, doesn’t always come at a low cost, which may be the reason some producers and farmers either risk liability through invalid labeling or choose not to farm organically at all, he said. The Oregon Farm Bureau, also based in Salem, is the state’s largest nonpartisan, nonprofit general agri cultural organization, composed of about 22,000 Oregon families and professional staff. According to the OFB Web site, the organization strives to find “positive solutions to challenges facing today’s family farmers and ranchers.” Jean Wilkinson is the associate director of governmental affairs and assistant general counsel tor OFB. Part owner in a family wheat and cattle operation east of the Cascades, Wilkinson said she has no real preference for organic foods, and only some of the OFB members are organic farmers. “(Organic foods) are generally more expensive, and I am confi dent our foods are safe,” she said. “From a farmer’s perspective, cer tification may be an added cost that ultimately makes the industry less desirable — but this is a poli cy issue that needs to be sorted out between farmers and consumers.” A key player in the relationship between farmers and consumers is the vendor. George Brown is the owner and co-founder of The Kiva, a local health store and bookstore in Eugene that was es tablished almost 32 years ago. Lo cated at 125 W. 11th Ave., the store provides a wide variety of foods and beverages, close to a third of which are certified organ ic. Brown has an optimistic out look on the future of organic pro duce and products because of how competitive the market has gotten over the years, he said. “Price is becoming much less of an issue,” Brown said. “We’ve found organic food isn't always more expensive. In some cases, it’s even cheaper.” However, he also sees the cus tomers who don’t find a problem with the occasionally high prices of organic products. "Some people are willing to pay more,” he said. Gonzalves described two main things he considers in buying or ganic products as an employee of Oregon Tilth. “It’s the same thing I hear from others: ‘Conventional food is edi ble and organic food is better.’ However, I also support Oregon’s organic farmers through buying their products,” Gonzalves said. “So it’s a bit of each.” For more information regarding certification of organic products and the full definition of “organ ic,” visit Caron Alarab is a freelance reporter for the Oregon Daily Emerald. going overseas? catch the Oregon daily emerald on the world wide web: he most eclectic, exciting, entertaining restaurant in town! Twenty-two food booths serving international foods made fresh on site, local handcrafts, live music, Dana s and the best people watching in town! Local Crafts • Great Food • Live Entertainment Every Saturday « 10 am - 5 pm • Rain or Shine • 8th & Oak WET WEDNESDAY Beef or ChicKeis #.,) m BURRITO $ '' k C0i(E the taq Campus Location - 510 E. 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