Spring brings deluge of excellent new releases So many new aiDums coming out, so little time, so little money. This past winter was a bit of a dry spell in terms of new music, but every time the pickings get slim, one can rest as sured that good stuff is on its way. This time around is no different, as a veritable avalanche of excel lent listening material is coming out. The sheer amount of things to buy have put me into a bit of shock, and I’m seriously consider ing donating some plasma in order to purchase it all. This week sees the release of the new album by the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, “Plastic Fang.” The first collection of new material from JSBX since 1998’s “Acme” is a blistering return to rock ’n’ roll after a couple albums worth of ex perimentation with electronics and hip-hop beats. I’m listening to “Plastic Fang” right now, and I’m afraid that the computer’s speakers are going to break apart from the sheer amount of rock. An old yet reliable veteran of the music biz, Neil Young, also released an album this week. “Are You Passionate?” marks yet another stylistic U-turn from the mercurial Young, as the CD sounds like an old Stax/Volt soul record, albeit a record with jagged electric guitar solos and a wobbly, frail lead singer. Nearly every song on “Are You Passionate?” is top-notch, with the notable exception of “Let’s Pulse brief Book signing focuses on relationship problems Divorce and separation have be come common methods for couples to deal with relationship problems. But a new self-help book may give couples another tool to help keep their relationship healthy. Authors Cristi and Tony Cubito will participate in a book signing ■yniYiHflii Community Center lor the Perionniiy Arts ■ Friday ■ Granola Funk Express Hip-Hop-Rock-Funk $7 advance, $8 door, 9:00 pm 012664; ■ Saturday ■ Front Row Joe, MGIThe Visionary, Perfect Attendance Christian Rock and Rap $5 door, 8:oo pm ■ Tuesday ■ Glenn Tilbrook from Squeeze Singer-Songwriter $20 advance, $22 door, 8:00 pm ■ Wednesday ■ Firewater, BioLazy, Gun Street Girls Rock $8 advance, $9 door, 8:00 pm All Welcome • 687-2746 Koll, a song detailing the actions of the heroic Sept. 11 passengers of Flight 93. “Let’s Roll” is up there with Paul McCartney’s God awful “Freedom,” vying for the top prize in the first annual “Please Don’t Write Songs About bept. 11 con test. “Let’s Roll” aside, however, “Are You Passion ate?” is a pret ty terrific little album. Next week, aggressive lis teners will en Dcwe Depper In Stereo joy the release of “Attak,” which is the new album by grumpy Ger man industrial mavens KMFDM. Now, KMFDM made a big deal a couple years ago about the fact that they were breaking up and even released an album called “Adios.” I have no idea what that whole situation was about, but I man aged to get my hands on a copy of “Attak” last month, and let me tell you — it’s awesome. KMFDM is back with a vengeance, creat ing sheets of unpleasant noise like “Attak/Reload” and “Urban Monkey Warfare.” In fact, “At tak” is way, way better than “Adios,” and it’s a worthy addi tion to the KMFDM canon. Here’s hoping that the guys don’t break up again anytime soon. And in two weeks, even more good stuff will be hitting the shelves. Most people probably haven’t heard of Alfie, but they should really check it out. Alfie is one of those bands to which the “Radiohead-ish” cliche would ap ply, but they are really much better than that. Their last album, “If You Hap py With You Need Do Nothing” was a muted, gorgeous affair, with little acoustic ditties backed with atmospheric walls of key boards and other such gizmos. Their new album is called “World in Your Ear,” and if it’s half as good as their last then it will be worth owning, for sure. Most folks probably know Cor nershop as being the band respon sible for “Brimful of Asha,” which happened to be a great song the first five or so times that one heard it, but unfortunately it was played into the ground. I know people who still exhibit seizure-like symptoms whenever “Brimful of Asha” comes on the radio. This is unfortunate, because Cor nershop is in fact a really good band that has solid albums. Their latest release is called “Handcream for a Generation,” and from what I’ve heard, it’s a hard-rocking, hip-hop ping cornucopia of styles. Which is no surprise, really, considering that one could describe all of their past releases in a similar manner. for their recently released self-help guide, “Couple’s Journey,” at 7 p.m. today at the University Bookstore. Cristi Cubito said this book ad dresses common problems that arise for couples. She said one of the most common problems stems from poor communication between couples. “When couples try to work through issues and are not commu nicating as well as they should be, they are distancing themselves,” she said. She said a fear of being hurt causes people to distance themselves from their partner. The book operates as not only a self-help guide, but it also con tains a journal for couples to record their progress using the Cu bitos’ techniques. Cristi Cubito said the book applies to everyone — even single people. “Everybody’s in a relationship” of some kind, she said. “We’re here to learn and grow with one another. ” —fen West 013845 Hiring for the The ASUO Women's Center is a community of women dedicated to creating tiie best educational and working environment for the women at the University of Oregon. From public relations and event planning to visual design and newsletter editing, we offer a variety of opportunities for you to gain valuable skills while creating positive change in your community. We are currently seeking 9 Coordinators and 4 Office Assistants for the 2002-2003 academic year. Coordinator positions receive $100 monthly stipend- Office Assistants are paid $7.50/hour (workstudy only). Open Coordinator positions are; • Diversity • Education & Outreach • Events • Women in Transition • Public Relations • Sexual Assault Prevention & Education • Visual Design • Siren Editor-in-Chief • LGBT Issues Applications and job descriptions for all positions are available in the Women's Center, Suite 3, EMU. The Women’s Center is an AA/EOE/ ADA employer. Accepting applications until positions filled. Application review begins at 10 AM on April 30, 2002. I’ll be the first person to say that liking the Pet Shop Boys is dorky. But damn it, they’re catchy! And I’m really excited for “Release,” their first album since 1999’s “Nightlife!” According to reports, “Release” is the disco-rific duo’s attempt at rock ’n’ roll, complete with real, live and loud guitars and drums. I don’t know how I feel about this — my gut tells me that it will be a complete disaster — but yet I hold out hope. And finally, Weezer will drop “Maladroit” on May 14. Discern ing listeners may have already heard the excellent single, “Dope Nose,” on the radio. Self-pro duced by Weezer (like their terrif ic “Pinkerton”), “Maladroit” is the first Weezer album to include more than 10 songs, and it arrives almost exactly one year after 2001’s “Green Album” (which was released May 15). Now that’s efficiency. E-mail columnist Dave Depper at davedepper@dailyemerald.com. His opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Emerald. THI1 WEEK AT JOHN HENRY 1 FRIDAY 9 BUCKS SHORT WITH mm ey #i 1 AND SPECIAL GUESTS 01S775 ATURDAY « 11" THE DANCED DIZZY ELMER SWITCHBLADE HEARTS Py mm FAMILY, EAST 11’" (St! Enjoy the spring sun & your favorite cocktail on J neighbors' comfortable patio jr I S HE BA N GT & com pa ny female mpersonators every Friday §> 10pm DJ & dancing @*(jplnighf Hit the floor wiijt nei< DJ dance parties — musk & d Tuesday - Saturday $ 1417 Villard — 2 blocks east of cam] Call for today's specials! 54*338.0334