Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 2002, Page 4, Image 4

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News briefs
Memorial to be held
Sunday for professor
A memorial for Walter T. Martin,
professor emeritus in sociology,
will be held Sunday from 1 to 4
p.m. in the Gerlinger Lounge.
In 1947, Martin joined the Uni
versity sociology department,
which he chaired from 1957 to
1968. His research interests includ
ed demography and human ecolo
gy. He retired in 1980 and was ac
tive in the emeritus association,
serving as president for one term.
Martin died March 13 of heart
failure. He was 84.
England’s Eugene Memorial
Chapel is in charge of the arrange
— Serena Markstrom
Change in football schedule
decision sent to committee
After a heated discussion of
whether regular season football
games should be held during Dead
Week and Finals Week, the Univer
sity Senate decided in a 17 to 8 vote
to refer the decision to the Intercol
legiate Athletic Committee and to
the Athletics Task Force.
University art history Professor
Richard Sundt proposed a resolu
tion during Wednesday’s Senate
meeting that would have asked
athletic schedulers to keep games
out of Dead Week and Finals
Week. But senators voiced mixed
feelings about the resolution’s
possible effectiveness and pur
pose. Sundt said the resolution
promotes the idea that faculty
control the University’s academic
agenda rather than athletics as
suming control over academic af
“More and more, athletics is in
truding in academics,” Sundt said.
Some senators voiced concern
over why the resolution only re
ferred to football, and others ques
tioned whether the resolution was
trying to help athletes or students.
“I was initially a big supporter
of the resolution,” ASUO Student
Senate Rep. Eric Bailey said. “
But I’m not sure who we are try
ing to accommodate with this
English Professor James Earl said
he supported the referral because it
allowed for further discussion on
the relationship between athletics
and academics, which he said is
frequently a complex issue.
“This is a major national issue,
and discussion is very valuable,”
Earl said. “I think not voting on
the resolution now and referring it
to the IAC and Athletics Task
Force will make further discus
sion possible.”
— Katie Ellis
Senate ponders to share or
not to share... office space
In a brief ASUO Student Senate
meeting Wednesday, senators dis
cussed moving the Senate office
from its current location in Room
319 of the EMU to the ASUO Exec
utive office, located in Suite 4 on
the ground floor of the EMU.
The Senate and Executive have
been sharing office supplies this
year and Sen. Peter Watts said he
believes the joining of the two of
fices would be a more effective
use of space.
Sen. Eric Bailey said he is un
sure if the Senate should be
moved into the executive office
because it could increase tension
between the two branches of gov
ernment in the future.
“It could be tense for a really
right-wing Senate to share the same
space with a highly left-wing exec
utive,” he said.
Sen. Mary Elizabeth Madden
said the two branches have shared
the same office space in the past
without conflict, and having the
groups together could force them to
interact with one another.
In other business, the Senate
voted unanimously to transfer
$3,651 from surplus for the Inter
national Student Association’s In
ternational Night, which will be
held Sunday. The International
Student Association also had two
transfers within their budget of
$40 from their conference line
item to International Night and
$675 transferred from their office
management line item to Interna
tional Night.
The senate voted unanimously
to transfer $600 from the Japanese
Student Organization’s food hold
ing account into their food ac
count for the group’s upcoming
Sushi Night.
The Women’s Center previously
submitted a request to the Senate
for their upcoming Lesbopalooza
event but failed to attend the meet
ing Wednesday.
— Danielle Gillespie
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Oregon Daily Emerald
P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published
daily Monday through Friday during the school
year and Tuesday and Thursday during the
summer by the Oregon Daily Emerald
Publishing Co. Inc., at the University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon.The Emerald operates
independently of the University with offices in
Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The
Emerald is private property. The unlawful
removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law.
NEWSROOM — (541^346-5511
Editor in chief: Jessica Blanchard
Managing editor Jeremy Lang
Student Activities: Kara Cogswell, editor. Danielle
Gillespie, Robin Weber, reporters.
Community: Darren Freeman, editor. Brook
Reinhard, reporter
Higher Education: Serena Markstrom, editor.
Eric Martin, Katie Ellis, reporters.
Commentary: Julie Lauderbaugh, editor.
Jacquelyn Lewis, assistant editor. Christopher
Hirth, Jeff Oliver, Pat Payne, Aaron Rorick, Jacob
TenPas, columnists.
Features/Pulse: John Liebhardt, editor. Lisa Toth,
Features reporter. Alix Kerl, Jennifer West, Pulse
Sports: Adam Jude, editor. Chris Cabot, Hank
Hager, Peter Hockaday, reporters.
Freelance: Katie Mayer, editor.
Copy: Jessica Richelderfer, Michael J. Kleckner,
copy chiefs. Jessica Davison, Annie Dreger,
Kathleen Ehli, Matt Lehrman, Lauren Tracy,
Online: Marilyn Rice, editor. Helena Irwandi,
Design: Russell Weller, editor. A. Scott Abts,
Heather Gee-Pape, NickOlmstead, designers.
Steve Baggs, Peter Utsey, illustrators.
Photo: Thomas Patterson, editor. Adam Amato,
Jonathan House, Adam Jones, photographers.
ADVERTISING — f54l) 346-3712
Becky Merchant, director.
Lisa Wood, sales manager.
Michelle Chan, Jill Hazelbaker, Michael Kirk,
Trevor Kuhn, Lindsay McNamara, Mickey Miles,
Hillary Shultz, Sherry Telford, Chad Verly,
Jeremy Williams, sales representatives. Valisa
Nelson, Van Nguyen, Erin O’Connell, assistants.
CLASSIFIEDS — (541)346-4343
TrinaShanaman,manager. '
Erin Cooney, Katy Hagert, Amy Richman, Laura
Staples, assistants.
BUSINESS — f54ll 346-5512
Judy Riedl, general manager.
Kathy Carbone, business supervisor.
Sarah Goracke, receptionist
John Long, Mike Chen, George Choi, Dinari Lee,
Jeff Neely, Laura Pfeiffer, distribution.
PRODUCTION — fS4lt 346-4381
Michele Ross, manager.
Tara Sloan, coordinator.
Emily Cooke, Matt Graff, Andy Holland, Heather
Jenkins, Marissa.Jones, designers.