News Recent studies show that college binge drinking may be on the rise. Page 4 Sports The men’s tennis team’s hopes for a win were dashed this weekend. Pages Tuesday, April 9,2002 Since 1 900 University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon Volume 103, Issue 125 Itisvery important to honorthe memory of those who were killed... June Sedarbaum Harris Oregon Hillel student life coordinator m Ti The six candles lighted on Monday each represent 1 million people who died in the Holocaust. For more coverage, turn to page 4. ime to REMEMBER ■ The Jewish community on campus began its annual ritual of reading the names of Holocaust victims Monday evening By Danielle Gillespie Oregon Daily Emerald pproximately 6 million people died in the A Holocaust, too many names to call out even in a 24-hour period. But on Tuesday evening in the EMU Amphitheater, the Jewish Student Union will have attempt ed to announce as many of those names as possible. To honor Yom HaShoah, or the Holocaust Memorial, which is a worldwide Celebration for those who died in the Holocaust, JSU has been holding a ceremony reading the names of those who passed since the group formed at the University in the 1970s. The Holo caust Memorial marks the first day of the Shoah Remembrance Week, Shoah be ing the Hebrew word for Holocaust. “Other universities and student groups have their own way of cele brating the Holocaust Memorial, but this is how we choose to do it," JSU Co-Director David Kent said. Turn to Remembrance, page 3 Photo by Thomas Patterson Emerald Student arraigned, doesn’t enter plea ■A grand jury has to decide whether to indict the University student on multiple counts of burglary and theft by April 15 By Jeremy Lang Oregon Daily Emerald University student Benjamin Ray mond Kelley, 25, appeared before a brief arraignment hearing Monday, where a judge set an April 15 dead line for a grand jury to decide whether to indict him. Kelley, wearing a green county jail jumpsuit and brown sandals, said he planned to hire his own attorney for his future legal proceedings. He did not enter a plea at the hear ing. Kelley was ar rested Friday on three counts of first-degree bur glary, three counts of first degree theft, one count of second degree theft and one count of unlaw ful possession of a destructive device. He allegedly stole between $2,500 and $3,000 in women’s underwear, bathing suits and other personal me mentos from three rooms in H.P. Barnhart residence hall, where he also lives. The first-degree burglary and theft charges are felonies. Kelley reportedly became extreme ly intoxicated late Thursday night and was taken to Sacred Heart Med ical Center. He returned to the residence hall early Friday and allegedly stole cloth ing and other items from three rooms, in some cases while the female resi dents were sleeping inside. Kelley was arrested Friday morning and spent the weekend in jail waiting arraignment. Eugene Police Department spokes woman Pam Alejandre said that, after interviewing a number of Barnhart residents, EPD believes the case is an isolated incident. She said no evi dence shows any connection between Kelley and the campus assaults or masturbation incidents outside other residence halls. West said anyone with information regarding these or other incidents should call DPS at 346-5444 or EPD at 682-5121. Other information is avail able on a special DPS hotline at 346 5692, which will be updated as addi tional information becomes available. E-mail managing editor Jeremy Lang at