Adam Jones Emerald A sign reading ‘Please Touch’ accompanies this stand that attracts the curious to play with its rainbow strands. Adam Jones Emerald A plethora of street performers and musicians line the walks of the market. Some have been known to offer lessons to those willing to stay and learn. Market continued from page 1 “They are interested and are looking, but they aren’t willing to dish out any money,” said Klang, who has sold at Eugene’s Saturday Market and Portland’s Saturday Market for the past four years. “More sun would help my prod ucts — they sparkle. ” To ensure uniqueness and origi nality, vendors at the market must fol low a fundamental rule that all prod ucts be sold by either the person who made them or by a family member. “The market has a certain amount of turnover,” Mini said. “A lot of vendors make their living here. The competition keeps things from becoming stagnant.” The first Eugene Saturday Market opened May 9, 1970. Founded by Lotte Streisinger, her market vision was created from plazas she saw in Central America and Europe. Saturday Market is a non-profit organization. Market staff estimates that more than $2.5 million worth of local handcrafts and food items are sold annually during market events. Saturday Market, located at Eighth Avenue and Oak Street, is open every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., April through November. Brad Schmidt is a freelance reporter for the Emerald. Nonday April 8th — Music Day EMU Amphitheater * 10:30am — Parade * 11 am - 3pm - Live music: Japanese Student Organization, African Student Association and the Brazilian band - Edson Oliveira/Sun Bossa Duo. Tuesday April 9th — Art Day EMU Fir Room * 11 am - 3pm — Art Exhibitions from around the world presented by international students and groups; « « Refreshments provided. Threading Our Cultures Wednesday April 1 Oth — Dance Day EMU Amphitheater * 11 am - 3pm -- Performances: Pacific islands dub, Hawaii Club, Students of the Indian Subcontinent, * . # Thursday April 11th — Storytelling day EMU International Resource Center *3 - 4pm -- "Let's Talk about Africa" presented by the African Student Association. *5 - 7pm — Storytelling by students from various parts of the world and the European Student Association; Refreshments provided. *7 - 8pm - Guest Speaker. Fashion Day EMU International Resource Center * I - 2pm — "Internationalizing Your Campus Life" by the Office of International Programs. *4 - 6pm — Special Dress-Up Coffee Hour and the Closing Ceremony. vmnwe Jiuueni myocidiion, 1 ango, Salsa and Egyptian folk dance* All events are free. Rain site for Amphitheater would be EMU fir Room. Brought to you hy the International Student Association. For more information, please contact us at 346*4387.