Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 2002, Page 8, Image 8

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p love to get the scoop?
d a i I y e m e r a
Adam Amato Emerald
Trampoline and aerial maneuvers teacher Lani Loken-Dahle, far right, uses teaching assistant Ryan Salerno to demonstrate a front drop to
her aerial maneuvers class. There are currently 20 trampoline sections to choose from at the University.
JUNE 24-AUGUST16,2002
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continued from page 6
With such a family tradition in
the area, Loken-Dahle couldn’t
help but take after her father.
“I don’t remember life withopt a
trampoline,” she said.
Loken-Dahle is also a skier,
snowboarder, wake boarder and
skater. This term she will be teach
ing eight physical education class
es: six trampoline classes, one aer
ial maneuvers class, and a
springboard diving class.
“Things like orientation tours
and word of mouth are two of
the biggest reasons the program
has become so popular,” Loken
Dahle said.
“I was just looking through the
course catalog and I saw it,” said
freshman Matt Gregory. Gregory
took his first trampoline class this
term, and he said he liked it so
much, he’s taking it again next term.
As far as why he thinks others
take the class, he shrugged and
said, “I guess it’s just fun to jump
on a trampoline.”
Gregory has been snowboarding
for five years, and his favorite part
of class is the last 15 minutes,
when the students are allowed to
bring snowboards and skis onto
the trampolines.
“My snowboarding has gotten a
lot better this year, and that’s be
cause of the tricks I’ve learned in
this class,” he said.
One thing students may have
noticed during the warm, dry
months of spring term this past
year was a class jumping on a
cluster of large trampolines on the
lawn between Prince Lucieri
Campbell Hall and the University
Museum of Art.
“Last year was the first year we
were able to do that,” Loken-Dahle
said, “and it was glorious.”
In previous years, the students
had been able to have class on the
lawn outside Gerlinger, and Lo
ken-Dahle said if the weather is
agreeable again this year, the tram
polines will be allowed outside
PLC again.
To sum up everything the tram
poline program stands for today,
Loken-Dahle said, “It’s a caring,
supportive, social environment
with a lot of positive energy, and
the most wonderful thing is it’s a
combination of really good exer
cise and a lot of fun.”
Caron Alarab is a freelance
reporter for the Oregon Daily Emerald.