Trips, Gear & Resources Cooperative Trips Spring is here! The rivers are running and the trails are clear of snow. It’s time to pull out your kayak, tune-up your mountain bike, and dust off your hiking boots because it’s time for adventure! There will be dozens of cooperative trips posted on the OP trip board this season. Our philosophical format is summed up with these words: egalitarian, experiential, low-cost, noncompetitive, self propelled, cooperative, environmentally sound, participant initiated, and open ended. Nothing is more rewarding than learning experientially among friendly peers and creating your own outdoor adventure. Rather than offer a series of trip packages, the OP encourages and helps participants create, launch and fulfill their own adventure dreams. If you don’t see the trip for you posted on the board, post a trip sheet yourself. The trip board is a wilderness ride board; some one puts up a trip idea and off it goes! Elements of OP trips Trips must be open. All trip sheets must be posted on the trip board and be open to any qualified participant to sign up. All trips must be posted a reasonable time before the trip departs. When a trip sheet is posted, at least half the spaces must be open to anyone able to participate. These guidelines insure that everyone that is qualified to participate is welcome on all trips posted on our board. Cost Sharing. All group expenses are shared equally and fully by all participants in a group. Because trips share only actual expenses, trips can be incredibly inexpensive. Decision sharing. Everyone is encouraged to give input in a con sensus decision. Everyone participates in shaping and owning de cisions. Decisions are often better and more creative when every one brainstorms together rather than a single “leader ” making all the decisions. Work sharing. Each trip requires a fair amount of group work be fore, during, and after the trip. Every participant is expected to pitch in and help the group effort. UO Outdoor Program Mail Card Please put me on your newsletter mail list Name: _,_ Date: Dorm Box#_ Or off-campus address... Address/ PO Box:_ City:_ Zip:_ n This address is: “Change of Address” I permanent, or valid until / / lam: Student Non-Student Business/Organization ’m already on the mail list L j Equipment Facility In order to facilitate cooperative trips, the Outdoor Program purchases and maintains a variety of recreation equipment which is available only for OP trips. For details on this equipment call our trip facility at 346 4371. The trip facility is located at the comer of 18th and University. On November 5, 1995, UO students Frank Allard and Michael Casey failed to return to camp after a summit at tempt on North Sister on a private out ing. The Allard and Casey Memorial Library was created by the UO Out door Program and the ASUO in re sponse to this tragic accident. This Li brary makes a variety of wilderness safety gear and resources available for any UO student or Outdoor Program Co-op member for wilderness outings. There is no charge for any of the gear, although any cell phone use must be reimbursed. Users are also responsible for any loss or damage. Cell phones, VHF radios, GPS units, Avalanche transceivers, snow shovels, and more are available for use; call or drop by the office to reserve equipment. Resource Center Whether initiating a trip or planning one on your own, the Outdoor Program serves as Eugene’s backcountry information center with li braries, boards, maps, videos, equipment rental information and lots more to assist with trip planning and preparation. Our resource room houses the trip board where adventures are posted, groups are formed, and dreams come true! We also host clinics, workshops, and slide shows on everything from Sea Kayaking in Baja to Environmental Action Projects, to Avalanche Safety Clinics. If we don’t have the answer to your outdoor question, we know how to find it. Come by and visit us; you’ll be amazed at the array of cool outdoor information we have. OP Contact Information OP Web Page Address: http.V/outdoorprogram. uoregon. edu <0< AIM TO PLEASE OP Events & Trips E-mail List: The Outdoor Program has a popular e-mail list of those that would like to receive notice of the current week’s upcoming on-campus events and trips. Fill in the submission form on our web page and we’ll give you advanced notice of events and trips of the week. Phone Numbers: Event, trip and general OP Information: OP Trip Facility - Ed Fredette & Steve Carper: Coordinator - Dan Geiger: Assistant Coordinator - Suzanne Hanlon: Address: UO Outdoor Program, UO, Room 37 EMU, Eugene, OR 97403 346-4365 346-4371 346-0636 346-3730