Adam Amato Emerald Chris Christoffersen is one of two Oregon starters who won’t be back next season. Men’s continued from page 9 Crosswhite end their stints as red shirts next season. And further down the road, the Ducks will have the athleticism of Jordan Kent, a senior at Churchill High School and the coach’s son, who has stated he will run track next season before joining the basket ball team in 2003-04. But before looking too far for ward, the Oregon team members will simply bask in the glow of all the accomplishments from this “Idon’tthinkl have ever, ever, been around a team like this before.” Ernie Kent head coach men’s basketball historic season. And perhaps the most historic accomplishment, according to the Ducks, is the sense that a true team was forged at McArthur Court dur ing the 2001-02 season. “I don’t think I have ever, ever been around a team like this be fore, where young people are just completely submitted to winning and coming together as a team and playing with such a tremendous amount of heart and courage,” Kent said. “We’ll be down for a lit tle bit, but we need to stop and sit back, reflect and celebrate some of the things we have gotten done this year.” So that’s where they’ll begin. E-mail sports reporter Peter Hockaday at Hockaday continued from page 9 Go back to Wisconsin. After most of the media pests have cleared out, after all the questions, Luke Rid nour sits against a locker, head bowed. Freddie Jones sits lodged into a corner, the back of his head pressed hard against the cold metal and a blank expression on his face. The always-upbeat Chris Christof fersen answers questions in a low monotone. Luke Jackson is barely audible when he speaks, despite the near-silence in the room. It is this mentality that will get the Ducks back to this position in the future. The idea that no matter how far they go, it won’t be far enough until a National Champi onship banner hangs in the Mac Court rafters to accompany the 1939 championship. Ernie Kent said the Ducks got so close to the Final Four they could practically taste it. Maybe that taste will turn into a full-blown appetite for winning that will put Oregon into the national picture in the same way the football team is now consistently dominating the national scene. When the Ducks lost that game at Minnesota on Dec. 10, their disap pointment turned into resolve and they promptly went 22-6 over their next 28 games. Now, disappointment must turn to resolve again if Oregon is to make it back to the Elite Eight and beyond. E-mail sports reporter Peter Hockaday at Underjr3(i5... Summer Session is t*ie Per^ect time to catch-up or get a ^ * jump start for fall W $ term.Take a full year's *l. r sequence or explore ff1' something new. And for P nonresidents take note: f' Everybody pays instate fees during Summer Session! R Precolle^e JtwJents... I I Many academic and |hy athletic activities are Wf available for students from K-12. "Countdown to W College" with OSU ¥ Precollege Programs and make your journey to college a memorable one! Olwnts... f Broaden your mmff experience, meet ^|jf our faculty and keep your program moving forward with OSU this summer. Uje(on