Letters to the editor Sign up today to vote Empowerment — you must seek it because it will not seek you. To day’s college students hold within their grasp a phenomenal power — the power to vote. As a student, I know too many other students who choose to for go empowerment by not register ing to vote. Many college students are neglecting to participate in our democracy. However, of those stu dents registered to vote, more than 80 percent did vote on election day. As you can see, once college students empower themselves through voting, they will hold a substantial ability to instigate po litical initiatives that affect higher education. Including tremendous voter reg istration efforts by the Oregon Stu dent Association at college cam puses all over Oregon — including the University — last year, students must continue their efforts to be come active members of our society by registering to vote. It is not enough just to register to vote, but all students who care about the political issues that affect our daily lives should actually vote. Currently, in Oregon during the Special Legislative Sessions, deci sions pertaining to higher educa tion are being made. It is imperative that legislators realize the voting power of college students and rec ognize the needs and priorities of higher education. Until college students put forth the effort to show their concern for decisions that could have tremen dous effects on higher education, legislators will continue to feel lit tle obligation to listen to college students on other important issues. Register to vote today! Michael Sherman sophomore political science Rorick’s commentary spreads hate I am responding to Aaron Ror ick’s “Taxing a pound of flesh” commentary (ODE, March 12). I thought that maybe somewhere hidden in his article was an opin ion about the tobacco and alcohol taxes. However, I found it very of fensive that Rorick used the rest of his article to express hateful thoughts against a group of people Today’s crossword solution (/&£ (may Don’t Let It Run! Turn It Off! EVERY DROP COUNTS He'P Conserve U° Sponsored by the UO Environmental Issues Committee in our society who are struggling with weight issues. I think that it is problematic that Rorick uses health issues to point a finger at and target a group of peo ple to tell them that they are wrong and that they are sinners. Further more, if Rorick wants to make a valid statement about taxes, he is intersecting church/religious issues with government and tax issues. I guess I just don't understand how one person can be so hateful and at the same time proud of his hurtful statements against a group of people who are already strug gling. Eugenics is not the answer. We can't just kill off people in this world that we don't feel are as good as us. It might be more productive to spread awareness and accept ance rather than hate. Kristina Young senior anthropology and women’s studies Founders didn’t mention Christianity Although Tara Carleton, like many conservative op-ed writers of late, would like to assert that this country was founded by Christians for Christians, this is not the case (“Welcome to the land of forgotten purpose,” ODE, March 11). If we re sist the tradition and temptation of rewriting history to suit our person al beliefs and inspect history objec tively, this becomes clear. One of the primary concepts of our nation is that state and religion are kept separate. Carleton's com ment that our nation was founded on the Christian faith is simply not true, in even the widest sense. In the founding documents of our country, there’s no mention of Christ, Jesus or Christianity — if one examines them objectively, the absence of Christianity is clear. The closest thing to it would be the Declaration of Independence mentioning “Nature's God,” and a “creator,” but this is vague enough to fit any religion. Scott Britt was accused by Car leton of being un-American for crit icizing the president. His actions weren’t un-American, rather the epitome of what our country stands for, the First Amendment. It’s truly un-American, not only in the racist conflicts it earns sup port for, but also in the way we ca sually ignore all that our predeces sors fought and died for: To secure a land in which church and state are separate, in which freedom of religion is more than just a catch phrase, and in which liberty truly is a basic right for all. William Moglia senior German and international studies ‘Druggies’ don’t deserve financial aid Would you want your represen tative fighting to repeal a section of a law that prohibits convicted drug gies from receiving student finan cial aid tax money? I'm aware that some students use the financial aid specifically to purchase drugs to deal on campus. Representative DeFazio co-spon sored Barney Frank's bill, HR 786, which would repeal a section of the Higher Education Act allowing convicted druggies to once again re ceive financial assistance. There are many deserving people. Why should tax money support druggies and dealers to go to college? Druggies, in pursuing the repeal of this section of the law, claim that over 43,000 students have been de nied assistance (or delayed) this year alone. Some people deserve help; some don't. It's that simple. Although I came to respect Repre sentative DeFazio because of his in tegrity, he's now lost it. John E. English Springfield Twinkies or cigarettes — which is more dangerous? Aaron Rorick’s March 12 com mentary on taxing junk food rather than cigarettes as a way to generate state tax dollars is an exercise in comparing apples and oranges (“Taxing a pound of flesh,” ODE). Yes, a diet heavy in junk foods (es pecially when combined with inac tivity) can lead to obesity and dis eases associated with it. Yet smoking cigarettes is still the number-one cause of preventable premature death in the United States. To calculate whether obesity or smoking is a “lesser health evil” as justification for indulging in one or the other is just silly. Perhaps a light hearted reading of his commentary as a tongue-in cheek piece would be fine and laughable — unless, of course, you are overweight, in which case it is quite insulting. Annie Dochnahl health educator University Health Center NEW SPRING COURSE An Exciting experiential course taught through Planning, Public Policy and Management (PPPM). Offered spring term 2002 (4 credits) April 12-13,26-27, May 10-11 4-9 p.m. Fridays; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays Participants must complete all sessions Course is taught by: Annie Bentz, Director, UO Conflict Resolution Services; Maradel Gale, Professor PPPM; Karen Lundblad, Mediator Love to opt the scoop? w w w . d a i I y e m e r a com IN THE FISHBOWL Every Friday night in April the EMU Fishbowl will be jumpin' with live DJ's spinning your favorite dance tunes. AND IT’S FREE 10pm-2am