Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 07, 2002, Page 4, Image 4

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UO seeks new administrator
■Campus officials are
searching the country for
the University’s first-ever vice
president of student affairs
By Leon Tovey
Oregon Daily Emerald
Despite facing $8 million worth
of fallout from Oregon’s $846 mil
lion budget shortfall, the University
is proceeding with plans to create a
new administrative position: vice
president for student affairs.
The new vice president will over
see departments ranging from the
University Health Center to the Office
of Financial Aid. According to Karen
Sprague, chairwoman of the search
committee, the new position will
“represent the long-term best inter
ests of students at the highest levels
of the University administration.”
Associate Vice President for Stu
dent Affairs Anne Leavitt said creat
ing the new position will give her a
new boss.
“It’s essentially about uniting two
reporting lines,” Leavitt said.
Currently Leavitt oversees the
Health Center, the Counseling and
Testing Center, the Office of Student
Life, the EMU and University Hous
ing. Her work with the nonacademic
side of student life often brings her
into close contact with Associate Vice
President for Enrollment Services
Jim Buch, who oversees the Office of
Financial Aid, the Office of the Regis
trar, the Career Center and the Office
of Admissions.
Under the current system, Leavitt
reports to Vice President for Admin
istration Dan Williams, and Buch re
ports to Provost John Moseley, but the
establishment of the new position
will allow Leavitt and Buch to coop
erate more and report to one person.
A national search to fill the posi
tion began in January, and accord
ing to Cindy Liu, a senior associate
with Gary Kaplan and Associates,
the Pasedena-based firm conduct
ing the search, the results should be
presented by the committee’s next
meeting on Monday.
Sprague said Oregon’s recent
budget woes haven’t affected the
plan to hire someone. She pointed
out that a university is more than
students and professors — there are
numerous other programs on cam
pus that make the college experi
ence. The job of the new vice presi
dent will be to help coordinate
many of those programs, a daunting
task that requires strong leadership
and team work skills.
“The position will require someone
who can see the big picture,” she said.
Sprague said the exact cost of hir
ing someone with such vision has not
been yet determined, but it will prob
ably be more than $100,000 per year.
But ASUO President Nilda
Brooklyn, who sits on the search
committee, said the issue of ex
pense was not a consideration for
the committee.
“It’s an important question to
ask,” she said. “But it was made
clear at the very first meeting that
this position was going through.”
More important than Brooklyn’s
perspective, she said, is student in
put on the process. Committee
members met with students in the
Multicultural Center on Feb. 28 to
discuss what qualities the commit
tee should look for when filling the
position. The committee will hold
another meeting in the Multicultur
al Center at 3 p.m. Friday.
E-mail higher education editor Leon Tovey
at leontovey@dailyemerald.com.
Senate brief
Senate allocates surplus funds
By a vote of 11-6, the ASUO Stu
dent Senate approved a special re
quest Wednesday night for $3,000
from surplus funds to pay airfare
expenses for seven University stu
dents attending a conference in
Chicago next week.
ASUO Women’s Center Diversity
Coordinator Darlene Espinoza Dadras
is organizing the group attending the
conference, which focuses on ending
violence against women of color.
Senate President Peter Watts
spoke against the transfer because
he said the Senate had already set a
precedent of not paying conference
travel expenses for non-ASUO rec
ognized groups, even if they are
sponsored by an ASUO program.
In other special requests, the
Senate voted to give $3,000 of sur
plus money to MEChA to cover ex
penses for the group’s upcoming
event. The Senate approved a trans
fer of $300 of surplus funds to Stu
dents of the Indian Subcontinent to
help pay programming costs for the
group’s culture night.
In old business, the Senate re
called the EMU budget because of a
miscalculation in the amount of
money needed to keep the EMU
building reserves funded at the lev
el mandated by state law. Senators
passed the amendment to the budg
et by a vote of 9-6.
In new business, the Senate voted
12-2 to pass a resolution recognizing
American Sign Language as a foreign
language that should fulfill the Uni
versity second language requirement.
Before adjournment, Sen. Katie
Howard recited a poem announcing
her resignation at the end of this term.
— Kara Cogswell
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Oregon Daily Emerald
P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published
daily Monday through Friday during the school
year and Tuesday and Thursday during the
summer by the Oregon Daily Emerald
Publishing Co. Inc., at the University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon .The Emerald operates
independently of the University with offices in
Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The
Emerald is private property. The unlawful
removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law.
NEWSROOM — (541)346-5511
Editor in chief: Jessica Blanchard
Managing editor: Jeremy Lang
Student Activities: Kara Cogswell, editor. Diane
Huber, Danielle Gillespie, Robin Weber, reporters.
Community: John Liebhardt, editor. Brook
Reinhard, Marty Toohey, reporters.
Higher Education: LeonTovey, editor.
Eric Martin, Katie Ellis, reporters.
Commentary: Julie Lauderbaugh, editor
Jacquelyn Lewis, assistant editor. Tara
Debenham, Rebecca Newell, Jeff Oliver,
Pat Payne, Aaron Rorick, columnists.
Features/Pulse: Lisa Toth, editor. Jennifer West,
Pulse reporter.
Sports: Adam Jude, editor. Jeff Smith, assistant
editor. Chris Cabot, Hank Hager, Peter Hockaday,
Freelance: Katie Mayer, editor.
Copy: Jessica Richelderfer, Michael J. Kleckner,
copy chiefs. Clayton Cone, Jessica Davison,
Kathleen Ehli, Lauren Tracy, LizWerhane,
Online: Marilyn Rice, editor. Helena Irwandi,
Design: Russell Weller, editor. A. Scott Abts,
Heather Gee-Pape, Nick Olmstead, designers.
Steve Baggs, Peter Utsey, illustrators.
Photo: Thomas Patterson, editor. Adam Amato,
Jonathan House, Adam Jones, photographers.
ADVERTISING — (541)346-3712
Becky Merchant, director.
Lisa Wood, sales manager.
Michelle Chan, Jill Hazelbaker, Michael Kirk,
Trevor Kuhn, Lindsay McNamara, Mickey Miles,
Hillary Shultz, Sherry Telford, Chad Verly,
Jeremy Williams, sales representatives. Valisa
Nelson, Van Nguyen, Erin O’Connell, assistants.
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Staples, assistants.
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