t Classifieds: Room 300, Erb Memorial Union PO. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: classads@dailyemerald.com Online Edition: www.dailyemerald.com To place an ad, call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 30-year the sis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE **Give Me Five!** Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at 346-4343 and we’ll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! Student/Private Party Ads Only • No Refunds PAC 10 tournament tickets; lower level, great price! Call now, 1-866 426-3846. DVD’s: buy, sell, trade, rent Emerald City Comics 770 E. 13th • 345-2568 130 CARS/TRUCKS/CYCLES ‘85 Corolla, 5-speed, sunroof, good tires, excellent condition, 133,000 miles. $1900 offer. 344-0486. SUV 76 Plym 4WD "Work Horse" NEW brakes & rotors. $1500 OBO 689-8007. ‘92 Honda Accord LX, five speed, power locks/windows. AC. CD, 97K miles, $6900. 683-8645. '88 Jetta. 132K mi., 4 -door Runs fine, $18Q0/obo (541)345-1391 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Want to buy HP-48GX. Call 520-7116. 190 OPPORTUNITIES COMPUTER/ MAILORDER $500-7500 mo. PT/FT Free info, 800-984-9258 yestodreams.com BU'/FK U£yyA££ The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. 190 OPPORTUNITIES Full selection of pre-employment de tox products. Higher Source. 135 E. 13th St. Open late every day. 342 6135. 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Interested in an International Career? Work with student exchange pro grams. The Office of International Programs is seeking an enthusiastic, motivated and dependable new stu dent team member for the position of Exchange Programs Office Assis tant. Availability through 2002-03 preferred. Please apply in 330 Ore gon Hall. Include your spring term class schedule and resume. Dead line: 3/15/2002. Work-study & tech fee only. 205 HELP WANTED Applications are being accepted for possible positions in the Extended Care Program at O’Hara Catholic School. Extended care is a before and after-school program of super vised childcare, Kindergarten through Grade 8. For more info, con tact John White at 485-5291 x106 or email at jwhite@oharaschool.org. Applications may be picked up at O'Hara Catholic School, 715 W. 18th Ave. Eugene. CAMP COUNSELORS have the summer of a lifetime & get paid for it! Overnight camps in Pocono Mtns of PA need couns to teach & assist in all activity areas! Apply on-line at www.pineforestcamp.com. Student Computer Support Provide PC computer support to fac ulty, staff and students in Education al and Community Supports Pro gram, College of Education. Tasks include: new computer installation, software installation, and subse quent user training and trouble shooting. Minimum qualifications: Associ ates degree in Computer Science or background in Computer Science plus 2 years of prior computer sup port experience. Applicant must be able to work 15 hours a week (max 20 hours/week). Priority given to ap plicants with at least 1 year until graduation. Salary: $10.00-$13.00/hr based on qualifications and experience. Submit cover letter and resume/vita to: Priscilla Phillips, Educational and Community Supports, 1235 Univer sity of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 1235. Hand deliver: 1761 Alder Street, Room 103, Phone 346-2460. Employment will be available year round. AA/EO/ADA institution com mitted to cultural diversity. Horoscope by Linda C. Black TOOAY'S BIRTHDAY (March 5) Should you in vest all of your time and talent at work, or spend it on projects at home? That’s one of the big dilemmas you're facing this year. The answer? Everything in moderation. A risky proposition probably won't pay off. A gentle romance could. A difficult household task is a pain, but im mensely satisfying when complete. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging ARIES (March 21-April 19) - Today is a 7 - Make an investment in something for yourself. Put money down on that cruise, or new bike, or new car. If you don't have that much to spend, how about dinner out? TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Today is a 6 - If in doubt, don't. If your intuition is trying to tell you something, listen. If you feel the urge to step aside and let the rats race right on by, do that. It's wise not to play in the traffic. GEMINI (May 21 -June 21) - Today is a 6 - In stead of snapping at an irritating person, prac tice your deep-breathing exercises. The irritat ing person may be right. CANCER (June 22-July 22) - Today is a 7 - Better pack a lunch. There may not be time to go out. Put travel plans on hold, too. Simplify your schedule as much as you can. If something goes wrong, you'll need time to fix it. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today is a 7 - If your love life is encountering difficulty, maybe you need more time to talk. Pencil that into your schedule for Sunday. Meanwhile, listen. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept. 22) - Today is a 6 - Out with the old. in with the new. You re in the mood to seriously clean house. Don't toss out some thing your mate wants to keep, or there'll be trouble. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22) - Today is a 7 - New complications arise, blasting your schedule to bits. Send out messages to let people know if something you promised will be late. New infor mation may convince you that a change is re quired. Stay flexible. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Today is a 6 - Don't pour money down a rat hole. Keep close tabs on the job to determine if you're getting good value on your investment. You can get a fair deal, but you probably won't get a great one. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - Today is a 7 You used to put up with all sorts of irritations, but not anymore. You want things to go your way. and you re willing to pitch a fit. That will work better on Friday. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Today is a 7 - You don’t have to reveal everything you know. That includes all the tricks you tried that didn't work. Let people think you always do it right the first time. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - Today is a 7 - Some people admire you for your lofty creden tials, or because you re so smart. Others give you a run for your money. Which are your true friends? The ones who make you laugh. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - Today is a 6 - Do your best to provide what's needed - once you can figure out what that is. Respect authority. They'll love that, and one of them might even start making more sense. 205 HELP WANTED Apply Now! UO Bookstore accepting applications for spring book rush employment. Application and ques tionnaire available in the Bookstore Administrative office at 895 E. 13th Ave. Application deadline Sun. 3-10. 500 Summer Jobs / 50 Camps / You Choose! NY, PA, New England. In structors Needed: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Base ball, Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Life guards, WSI, Water-skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accom panist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood shop, Nature, Nurses. Arlene Streisand,1-800-443-6428. www.summercampemployment.com Part-time weekend mill work avail at Eagle Veneer in Junction City, please apply in person at 16th & Greenwood. M-F 7am-5pm. Earn what you're worth! Large inter national company needs distributors for home business. 1-888-233-4951. www.jrmoneynow.com Now accepting applications for peer health education interns through the UO Health Center. This small semi nar class accepts 12 new students/ term. If interested go to http://healthed.uoregon.edu and fill out the application or call Ramah Leith 346-0562. Possible River Guide Positions Our spring break guide school serves as a great first step towards summer employment. Destination Wilderness. 800-423-8868 www.wildernesstrips.com Intern/Volunteer with homeless and runaway youth. Training will be pro vided. Call Sarah B @ 686-4310. SUMMER JOBS Female and male counselors need ed for top summer camp in Maine. Top Salary, room, board, laundry, clothing and travel provided. Must love children and have skill in one or more of the following activities: arch ery, arts (ceramics, stained glass, jewelry), basketball, canoeing, kayaking, rowing (crew), dance (tap, pointe, jazz), field hockey, golf, gym nastics (instructors), figure skating, ice hockey, horseback riding/English hunt seat, lacrosse, digital photogra phy, videographer, piano accompan ist, pioneering/camp craft, ropes (challenge course) 25 stations, sail ing, soccer, softball, tennis, theatre (technicians, set design, costumer), volleyball, water-skiing (slalom, trick, barefoot, jumping) W.S.I./swim in structors, windsurfing, also opportu nities for nurses, HTML/web design and secretaries. Camp Vega for Girls! Come see us at www.campve ga.com or E-mail us at camp_.vega@yahoo.com or call us for more information at 1-800-993 VEGA. We will on your campus for information and to accept applica tions from 10am-3pm, on March 18th, ERB Memorial Union, Rogue room. No appointment necessary. Be a Wealthy Professional Student! Biotechnology company looking for Independent distributors. $1000s monthly RESIDUAL income possi ble working part-time. Call 541-484 2257 and STOP thinking about find ing a job after graduation! Painters wanted for summer employment in Salem. Earn $5K-$7K No exp necessary. For ' info or application call 503-316-4767 or email khaynes @ address.com 210 HOUSES FOR RENT 3 roommates wanted, 4 bdrm, 2 baths, 1 bdrm in seperated part of house is occupied. Lg. fenced yard w/patio & lockable storage bldg, dw, W/D, hardwood floors, 5 blocks from UP. $975/mo. 888-245-3492. 4 bedroom house. 1725 Mill St. $1200/mo. Pets ? Mallard Properties. 465-3825 215 APARTMENTS (FURNISHED Nice one bedroom for rent. Close to campus. Start April $450/mo. 434-6137 CAMPUS TWINS! 735 E. 14TH ONE BEDROOM private bath/share kitchen with one other unit. $350 month-to-month or Ask about lease bonus! Von Klein Property Mgmt., LLC 1301 Ferry St. #2 • 485-7776 AVAILABLE NOW BLACKSTONE MANOR 2 bedroom, $625 1728 Alder Call Nick at 687-0684 FL1NTRIDGE 2 bedroom, $595 500 E. 18th dishwasher Call 485-0060 ALDERWOOD MANOR 1 bedroom, $495 1860-1884 Alder Call Carl at 686-0743 for more information call 485-7776 or 485-4029 Von Klein Property Mgmt., LLC 1301 Ferry St. #2 • 485-7776 2 bdrm apt., 3rd floor, 1 mo. free rent, fully furnished. $385/mo. Avail able now. 685-0129. New 1 bdrms furnished apts., Close to campus, $525 510-0277 Ducks Village has spaces available. Call today! 485-7200. UNIVERSITY COMMONS APARTMENTS Now Leasing! Bus route to campus. Call now! 541-338-4000 www.capstone-dev.com LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 1 bd. 1630 Ferry St. $465. Avail. April 1st. No pets! Call 741-0320. 60’ to campus. Two bedrooms utils. Parking-garbage incl. 1414 Alder St. Call 345-6788. Charming 1 bdrm apartment. Avail, beginning of April. $410/mo includes garage and water. Cat ok. Courtyard. 1 blk from UO. Call 513-1992. *yHcY\tur Scholars Program . lor students < onsidering dm total level studies Paid summer researc h Tomorrow! Tuition waivers 6l30 n.m. Connections with r faculty mentors Informational Meeting Wednesday, March 6, 6:30p.m. 125 Grayson Meet current scholars and the Program Coordinator. Applications available at the meeting. For more' information contac t At S, (>» PI C , ?>4C» T220. Brand new 1 bedroom. 750 sq. ft. 1933 Garden Ave. Mallard Properties. 465-3825. SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM, 850 sq. ft., laundry hookups, covered park ing, free cable, low energy cost & “super-good-cents" constructed - $595.00 w/lease. Centennial & Kins row. 342-5735. *★★★*★★★★**★■*•*****★*** www.dailyemerald.com NEAR MAC COURT Very nice small 1 bedroom apart ment in triplex. Cat ok. $475 +fee/ deposit. 579-1568 days, 683-1610 eves/weekends. Campus Apts. Very nice 1 bdrm. Laundry, parking. $435. Call 343 8545. Two bedroom • $585 On campus. Call 344-2657. Talray Holdings 1965 Patterson The Greenwood Apartments Do you like NEW? New cabinets, counters, appliances, floor coverings, lighting, plumbing fixtures and windows! Just a few spacious units left in this quite com plex. 1 & 2 bedrooms, $575/$695 Call 683-2271 to view today. 1149 Ferry The Firtree Apartments Very close to campus! Only a few 1 and 2 bedrooms left! Completely remodeled, fully applianced, laundry, covered parking available. Now renting for fall term- $525/$595. Call 684-0515. 1/2 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS 1 & 2 Bedrooms, Starting at $475 Quiet & Clean 344-4619 • 485-7878 10 Blocks to Campus. 1 bdrm. $495. 2 bdrm $545. Extremley large, clean, quiet bldg. Small pet ok. 2045 Willamette 344-6614. 2 bdrm, close to campus. $595. Call Stewardship Properties. 343-6000 South Gate 2 & 4 bdrm townhouse. Excellent Move-In Special/Free Rent! W/D. Call Willis 344-6540. 225 QUADS CUTE LITTLE QUAD. 2 weeks free! $275. 430 E. 15th. All utilities paid. Call on-site manager 915-3354. 225 QUADS Quads close to campus. $275 all utilities included. Call Stewardship 343-6000. Large furnished sunny room for female. Cute house, quiet, near UO. $325 includes utils. 686-3415. Experience living! Available room in 6 bdrm house. Garden space, pri vate entrance, 15 min. bike to cam pus. Come interview us. $325 +utils. 465 Almaden.431-7091. 245 ROOMMATES WANTED Roommate needed to share apt. and expenses. $300/mo. +1/2 utils. Small deposit 338-8295 leave mes sage Share 4 bdrm apt. 1 block to cam pus. W/D, Internet. $295/mo. + utilit ies. 484-7213 ROOMMATE WANTED. Cute house in South Eugene. Close to shopping, bus to campus. $255/mo + utils. Call Dan 686-5001. Roommate Wanted. $305 + utilities. Female preferred. Call 345-7639. 260 ANNOUNCEMENTS Fraternities • Sororities Clubs • Student Groups Earn $1,000-$2,000 with the easy Campusfundraiser.com three hour fundraising event. Does not involve credit card applications. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call to day! Contact Campusfundraiser.com at (888) 923-3238, or visit www.campusfundraiser.com 285 SERVICES Pregnant? Free counseling. Call Dr. Diann L. Wilson. 683-9097. 24-hour support for survivors & their friends. Sexual Assault Support Services, 343-SASS. Pregnant? Or maybe? New medical clinic, confidential, free 1st Way 687-8651 firstwayl @juno,com Worried about term papers? UofO M.A. English teacher can help! writetthisway2002 ® yahoo.com Abortion Services to 21 weeks. Free pregnancy tests. All Women's Health Services. 633 E. 11th, 342-5940 Crossword Check the pages in the Emerald for today’s crossword solutions. ACROSS 1 Drunk-tank letters 4 Eight bits 8 Military guard 14 Period 15 Lou or Willis 16 Comic Herman 17 Ignited 18 Feedbag filler 19 Specialized vocabularies 20 Gourmet 22 Great landmass 23 Synagogue scrolls 24 Graveyard 28 Abnormal fluid build-up 29 Blunder 30 Variety show 31 Pyramid builder 34 Lift one's voice 35 Cambridge. MA sch. 38 Accumulates 40 Journey part 41 Cruising 43 Arranges by type 45 Shuts tightly 47 Not well 48 Useful 52 Formal ritual 54 Invigorating 55 Air Force unit 56 Source of groundless fear 57 Slow movers 60 Krakow native 61 Nabokov novel 62 Molasses candy 63 Fast-food choice 64 Sloe_fizz 65 Certify 66 Prayer ender 67 Lineman DOWN 1 Expunge 2 Telescope support 3 Battlefield of irony vs folly 4 Hubbub 5 Full calendars 6 Head of France 7 Sullivan and 8 Burst of activity 9 More uncanny 10 Invalidates 11 A pair 12 Soak flax 13 Affirmative 21 Tent site 22 Spray dispenser 24 Insensitively 25 Wicked 26 Cryptic character 27 Safecracker 29 Obliterating 32 Docs' org 33 “I Saw_Again Last Night” 35 Fern ’s counterpart 36 Words of understanding 37 Eye drop 39 Caviar source 42 Migrating herring 44 Wild attempt 46 Says cheese 49 Glacial epoch 50 Opening bars 51 Trip to the bank, eg 53 Beginning 54 Protuberance 56 Floating barrier 57 RR depot 58 Slangy contradiction 59 Toward the stern 60 School grp. 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